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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: PWD

SKCP Annual Fundraiser

South Kensington Community Partners

We’re just over half way to our goal of $6,000! Thank you to all of our neighbors and supporters for your generous donations. Here’s more highlights from 2021:

American Street Corridor and Beyond: Greening Our Streets

The North American Street Corridor is the central spine of our neighborhood and of those to the North. Along with our neighbors, SKCP has a long history on American Street, advocating for modernized land-use, celebrating communities that have persisted alongside the vacancy and blight for decades, and envisioning a future that respects and includes opportunities for everyone. SKCP believes that the street can serve as both a vibrant mixed use corridor, creating economic activity and a space for physical and social connection.

We also recognize the Corridor’s potential to become one of the greenest, most ecologically beneficial streets in Philadelphia, collecting stormwater, providing tree canopy, and yielding tangible health benefits for the surrounding community.

This Fall, after years of planning and construction, the American Street Improvement Project celebrated its official opening. In preparation, SKCP’s Green team, working with Apiary Studios, and with support from American Street stakeholders Crane Arts, Solar States, and Klein Company, installed specially designed landscaping in the non-porous bump outs along one block of the corridor as a demonstration of continued improvements.

In consultation with PWD, Streets Department and other City agencies, SKCP’s Clean and Green team is excited to continue this work with stakeholders to ensure that improvements will continue and be maintained, creating cohesively designed streetscape and tree canopy, while, critically important to us, providing local jobs and green skills training at the same time.

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small, hardworking staff and crew, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood. Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design

(P.S. Own a business in the neighborhood? If you contribute $100 or more, we’ll give you a special shoutout in our weekly newsletter.)

Support your neighborhood!!

South Kensington Community Partners

In 2021, SKCP was awarded a Soak It Up Adoption (SIUA) grant from the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD). The grant enables SKCP's Clean & Green crew to provide weekly maintenance and reporting on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) - aka rain gardens and tree trenches - along the 1300 block of North American Street, and to engage our community around ways they can help keep pollution out of local waterways.

In October, shortly after becoming the newest SIUA community partner, we helped celebrate 10 years of PWD's Green City, Clean Waters program at PWD's anniversary event on North American Street showcasing more than four dozen stormwater infrastructure tools along the corridor. We capped the week off with a Storm Drain Marking tour, led by Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche.

In 2022, SKCP looks forward to continued partnership with PWD and engaging neighbors in further education, Rain Check workshops, Storm Drain Marking and more!

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small staff, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood.

Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter!

Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.

A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter! @homesweethomePHL

Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.

Mark your calendar to Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

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Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

Water Bill Assistance & LIHEAP Grants

South Kensington Community Partners

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Can't Pay Your Water Bill? Shutoffs On Hold During Pandemic Response
We are extending assistance efforts for customers behind on water bills: if you can't pay your bill due to economic impacts from COVID-19,you will not face shutoff through July 10, 2020.

The Water Department hotline is open for emergencies, but call wait times may be longer due to safety measures that impact staffing: (215) 685-6300
Customers may also contact @PhillyH2O or @PhilaRevenue on social media. Email for water issues,
or for bill issues. 
Additional updates will be provided here: PWD COVID-19 Site 

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Low-income customers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have a past-due bill may be eligible for up to $800 through LIHEAP’s (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) Recovery Crisis Program.

Visit for details.

The LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program is open to renters and homeowners through August 31, 2020, or until funds run out, and do not have to be repaid.


Customers can also print and mail application to: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

1348 W. Sedgley Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132-2498
Download an Application – English / Spanish

Philadelphia Water Department Extends COVID-19 Shutoff Freeze Through June 1

South Kensington Community Partners

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Customers unable to pay will not lose water services through June 1, 2020. This is a 16-day extension of the original postponement period, which prevented delinquent accounts from being shut off through May 15. All late fees are also being waived.
Customers who cannot pay their bill should apply for help using the application found here: Apply for Water Bill Help.

Even if you haven't qualified for help in the past, the City’s Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) provides discounted water bills based on income. Customers can also apply for a Special Hardship discount. Special Hardship qualification is decided on a case-by-case basis and may help customers who cannot pay a water bill due to loss of employment, hospitalization, and other situations.

Note: Customers should be aware of longer processing times for customer assistance applications due to limited resources for Water Revenue Bureau staff working remotely.

Get the Latest Updates at the PWD COVID-19 Website

City of Philadelphia Resources & Information Available

South Kensington Community Partners

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Find free meals for students while schools are closed. March 14, 2020
Sarah Reyes Office of Children and Families, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Office of the Mayor

To ensure that students can still have nutritious meals while all schools are closed, the School District of Philadelphia, several charter schools, and the Philadelphia Housing Authority are coordinating with the City’s Office of Children and Families to provide grab-and-go meals for children and youth throughout the city.
Beginning Monday, March 23, families can pick up meals at 80 locations listed here.. Please note the new schedule and locations.
Meals are available from 9 a.m. to noon only. All children and youth are eligible, and no ID is required.

What’s open, closed, or canceled at Parks & Rec sites
Darren Fava, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation

Here’s the latest update from Philadelphia Parks & Recreation about what’s open to the public, and what’s not.

These actions are part of the City’s effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in Philadelphia.

Please note that the information applies through at least Friday, March 27. A precise end date has not been determined. Note that the meal distribution at Recs has been cancelled.

More details click here.

Utilities and Housing

  • PECO suspends shut-offs and late fees till May 1, click here.

  • PWD is suspending water service shut offs and restoring water service through May 15th, click here.

  • Public Utilities Commission (PUC): PUC Prohibits Utility Terminations, Consistent with Governor’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency Related to Covid19, click here.

  • Foreclosure and Evictions suspended for 60 days, click here.

  • PHA suspending evictions

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Pennsylvania Workers Affected by COVID-19 May be Eligible for Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Benefits. 03/16/2020

Harrisburg, PA – Workers in Pennsylvania who are impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for Unemployment and Workers' Compensation benefits, Secretary of Labor & Industry (L&I) Jerry Oleksiak announced today.
Unemployment compensation claims should be submitted online for faster processing

More details here.

Using sick leave in Philadelphia, March 9, 2020
Sarah Reyes Board of Health, Department of Public Health, Mayor’s Office of Labor

Right to Sick Leave: Employers with 10 or more employees are required to provide paid sick leave, and employers with nine or fewer employees must allow unpaid leave. Infographics in English for workers and employers, and Spanish for workers and employers.
Click here to download the infographics in English and Spanish as PDF

More details click here.

Unemployment benefits in Pa. during the coronavirus pandemic: How to apply and who is eligible
Juliana Feliciano Reyes, Philadelphia Inquirer

If you’re one of the workers who has been affected by the pandemic — say, your employer had to shut down because of Mayor Kenney’s Monday order or you’re in self-quarantine and can’t work — there’s a good chance you’re eligible for unemployment benefits from the state.

More details here.

What you need to know about filing for unemployment in PA right now
Layla A. Jones, BillyPenn

You might be able to get benefits even if you’re not yet laid off. If you’re out of a job because of coronavirus-related business closures, you could get unemployment or worker’s comp pay. Apply for benefits immediately if you’re in that situation, Philly and Pennsylvania officials say. In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the state has changed requirements so more people will qualify for benefits. Details here.