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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: SKCP annual fundraising

SKCP Annual Fundraising, Thank You!

South Kensington Community Partners

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community! Not only did you help us meet our annual fundraiser goal of $6,000, you also went above and beyond to raise an additional $2,500. We’re excited to put these funds to work creating a cleaner, greener, and more connected South Kensington for all residents.

If the stories and accomplishments we shared last month have motivated you to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at You can also find out more about SKCP’s neighbor-led committees by visiting our website.

With gratitude,

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design
Wag the Dog
The El Bar

SKCP Annual Fundraiser

South Kensington Community Partners

We’re just over half way to our goal of $6,000! Thank you to all of our neighbors and supporters for your generous donations. Here’s more highlights from 2021:

American Street Corridor and Beyond: Greening Our Streets

The North American Street Corridor is the central spine of our neighborhood and of those to the North. Along with our neighbors, SKCP has a long history on American Street, advocating for modernized land-use, celebrating communities that have persisted alongside the vacancy and blight for decades, and envisioning a future that respects and includes opportunities for everyone. SKCP believes that the street can serve as both a vibrant mixed use corridor, creating economic activity and a space for physical and social connection.

We also recognize the Corridor’s potential to become one of the greenest, most ecologically beneficial streets in Philadelphia, collecting stormwater, providing tree canopy, and yielding tangible health benefits for the surrounding community.

This Fall, after years of planning and construction, the American Street Improvement Project celebrated its official opening. In preparation, SKCP’s Green team, working with Apiary Studios, and with support from American Street stakeholders Crane Arts, Solar States, and Klein Company, installed specially designed landscaping in the non-porous bump outs along one block of the corridor as a demonstration of continued improvements.

In consultation with PWD, Streets Department and other City agencies, SKCP’s Clean and Green team is excited to continue this work with stakeholders to ensure that improvements will continue and be maintained, creating cohesively designed streetscape and tree canopy, while, critically important to us, providing local jobs and green skills training at the same time.

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small, hardworking staff and crew, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood. Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design

(P.S. Own a business in the neighborhood? If you contribute $100 or more, we’ll give you a special shoutout in our weekly newsletter.)

SKCP Annual Fundraising

South Kensington Community Partners

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Philadelphia LandCare program is nationally recognized as a model for supporting communities and transforming vacant land.

SKCP is proud to be a Community LandCare partner since 2013 and a Philadelphia LandCare contractor since 2017. Our team maintains and reports on vacant land in eastern North Philadelphia, visiting the sites twice monthly from early Spring, during the dog days of Summer, and through the Fall, removing litter, mowing grass, and reporting conditions. In recent years, the work has gotten more challenging, as short dumping has persisted if not increased (especially with all the new construction sites in some areas).

The LandCare program helps make our communities cleaner, safer, and healthier. As important, it provides place based employment opportunities, something that has always been important to our neighbors and the communities we serve.

In 2021, our team cared for more than 750,000 s/f of land, added regular private pay clients (Thank You!), and helped plant and care for neighborhood trees. While cleaning and mowing have wrapped for 2021, the offseason work continues, researching and identifying which parcels can benefit from LandCare, reporting nuisance properties, training/hiring crew and planning for an even better 2022.

Much appreciation to 2021's LandCare crew Shawn, Luis, Ramon, Gary, Jamaal, Shaheed, and Daquaan!

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small, hardworking staff and crew, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood. Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate

(P.S. Own a business in the neighborhood? If you contribute $100 or more, we’ll give you a special shoutout in our weekly newsletter.)