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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: fundraising

SKCP Annual Fundraising, Thank You!

South Kensington Community Partners

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community! Not only did you help us meet our annual fundraiser goal of $6,000, you also went above and beyond to raise an additional $2,500. We’re excited to put these funds to work creating a cleaner, greener, and more connected South Kensington for all residents.

If the stories and accomplishments we shared last month have motivated you to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at You can also find out more about SKCP’s neighbor-led committees by visiting our website.

With gratitude,

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design
Wag the Dog
The El Bar


South Kensington Community Partners

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Thanks to you,
we've met our Annual Fundraiser goal!

We are so inspired by and thankful for your generosity, especially during these times that have made SKCP's work in the community even more critical. Your contributions will have great impact in our efforts to continue to serve our neighbors and expand our programs, and we will continue to highlight the "patches" of work we do as an organization through December 31st. That said, it's not too late to donate if you'd like to support these efforts as a part of the 2020 Annual Fundraiser!

Click here to DONATE


South Kensington Community Partners

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Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.
During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.
We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount here.

SKCP Annual Fundraising

South Kensington Community Partners

Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.

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During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.

We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount.

$eedMoney fundraising campaign for La Esquina.

South Kensington Community Partners

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Here is the link to the page, which you can look at but won't be live till Sunday: (This campaign will start on Nov 15 2020 at 12:00 PM EST and will end on Dec 15 2020 at 12:00 PM EST)

The Tues and Thurs Open Garden will return, at 3pm, for composters, children needing a break from school, others needing a break from _____, food gatherers and passersby. There are collards and kale, plus microgreens like spinach, arugula, cilantro, lettuce. Herbs include dill, marjoram, thyme, oregano. Still open 10-noon on Saturdays, weather permitting.

“Just in time for Thanksgiving”
438 Jefferson Street
*** SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21, 10am till 2pm ***
Call: 215-221-2995 or Email:
”Don’t wait till too late!”

FB: La Esquina Community Garden
La Esquina's parent non-profit is Olde and South Kensington Green Space,

Fund Thanksgiving Turkeys for Neighbors in Need

South Kensington Community Partners


Thanks to the generous spirit of the community, the AACDC and SKCP were able to exceed our fundraising goal of last week!

This means we will be able to provide turkeys as a part of the weekly food distribution to families who are struggling through these times.

Thank you to each of you who donated. Continued appreciation to the Share Food Program and to Lost Bread Co. And thanks to Ellie for organizing the GoFundMe effort!

Fund Thanksgiving Turkeys for Neighbors in Need.

South Kensington Community Partners


Over the past few months, the Arab-American Development Corps (AACDC) and the South Kensington Community Partners, (SKCP) have been distributing free food parcels to families in need at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Philadelphia. Every Saturday we serve healthy food for 250 families in our community and due to the hardships caused by COVID-19, we will be continuing to provide food assistance to these families over the months ahead.
As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to ensure every family has a special Thanksgiving meal. We want to provide a Thanksgiving turkey to every family but our funding is tight and we do not have the additional resources to provide the turkeys.

We need YOUR help! How you can help, clickhere.