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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: Annual fundraising

Support your neighborhood!!

South Kensington Community Partners

In 2021, SKCP was awarded a Soak It Up Adoption (SIUA) grant from the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD). The grant enables SKCP's Clean & Green crew to provide weekly maintenance and reporting on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) - aka rain gardens and tree trenches - along the 1300 block of North American Street, and to engage our community around ways they can help keep pollution out of local waterways.

In October, shortly after becoming the newest SIUA community partner, we helped celebrate 10 years of PWD's Green City, Clean Waters program at PWD's anniversary event on North American Street showcasing more than four dozen stormwater infrastructure tools along the corridor. We capped the week off with a Storm Drain Marking tour, led by Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche.

In 2022, SKCP looks forward to continued partnership with PWD and engaging neighbors in further education, Rain Check workshops, Storm Drain Marking and more!

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small staff, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood.

Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter!

Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.

A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter! @homesweethomePHL

Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.
During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.
We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount here.

SKCP Annual Fundraising

South Kensington Community Partners

Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.

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During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.

We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount.