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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: Storm Drain Marking Program

Mark your calendar to Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

Storm Drain Marker for Delaware small.png

Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.