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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

Vacant Land


About Vacant Land

South Kensington, like many other neighborhoods in Philadelphia, has a good deal of vacant and empty lots interspersed with occupied homes and healthy lots. At SKCP we believe and support the findings that the diligent care, revitalization, and re-purposing of vacant lots as green space is essential to neighborhood healthy and safety, and can significantly increase the quality of life and economic prosperity of our community. Through several different programs, we take pride in keeping our neighborhood clean and beautiful!

The Community LandCare Program

In February 2013, SKCP was selected to participate in the City of Philadelphia's Community LandCare Program through the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS). Since that time SKCP has added a large number of lots to our CLC contract, and each season the list grows larger!

The Community LandCare system works in three steps:

  1. SKCP selects new lots based on a variety of factors, including: current condition, accessibility, ownership and visibility. Priority is given to nuisance lots and those about which we have received a large volume of complaints by neighbors.

  2. Local folks form our Community Land Care Team. Once a lot is selected, they remove all trash and debris, grade the land, lay down sod or seed, plant trees along the street-facing side, and finally build a low wooden fence that marks it as a cared for property but does not restrict accessibility.

  3. SKCP's Community LandCare Team continues to maintain the lot, clearing it of debris, mowing grass, and pruning trees and brush. Lots are maintained every two weeks during work seasons.

Cleanups & Greening Efforts

In addition to our greening programs, one of the ways SKCP helps the neighborhood care for its vacant lots is by organizing neighborhood-wide cleanups, and supporting neighbors' individual or group efforts to clean their blocks of trash and debris.

If you're interested in helping out at these events, or would like to organize a cleanup of your own, please contact us!