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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

26th District Crime Report:11.12 - 11.18

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
November 12, 2014- November 18, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1300 10th (11/12)
  • There were Three (3) robbery-point of gun during this time :  900 5th (11/12), 1600 4th (11/14), 700 E Girard (11/16)
  • There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 900 Marshall (11/12), 2500 Aramingo (11/16), 1800 Albert (11/16)
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 1300 Frankford (11/14), 2000 Martha (11/15), 900 4th (11/16)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 
  • There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 1500 Orkney (11/12), 2500 Tulip (11/13), 1900 Hagert (11/13)
  • There were Thirty-two (32) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Trenton (11/12), 900 Delaware (11/12), 2100 York (11/12), 2500 Emerald (11/12), 2400 Frankford (11/12), 2400 Memphis (11/12), 1500 Palmer (11/12), 100 W Girard (11/13), 2600 York (11/13), 2500 Gaul (11/14), 2600 Trenton (11/14), 1500 Frankford (11/14), 2100 Norris (11/15), 2600 Tulip (11/15), 1800 Howard (11/15), 2300 Firth (11/15), 2200 Memphis (11/15), 2500 Edgemont (11/15), 900 Front (11/16), 100 Ellen (11/16), 2600 Janney (11/16), 2100 Firth (11/16), 1000 Front (11/16), 2600 Edgemont (11/16), 2600 Belgrade (11/16) x 2, 1800 Hope (11/16), 2500 Aramingo (11/16), 2000 Trenton (11/16), 2400 Tulip (11/17), 2600 Cumberland (11/17), 2400 Gaul (11/17), 2300 Gordon (11/17)
  • There were Four (4) stolen vehicles during this time : 1800 Howard (11/13), 300 W Cambridge (11/15), 2500 Sergeant (11/16), 2400 Gaul (11/16)
  • There were Three (3) thefts during this period : 2400 Kensington (11/12), 2400 Cumberland (11/14), 2500 Tulip (11/15)

What Do You Wantfor South Kensington?

South Kensington Community Partners

On Thursday, November 13th, the SKCP team joined a group of local and national organizations in celebrating the opening of the Philadelphia branch of Teach for America in the Oxford Mills Building (on Front & Oxford Streets). We used this wonderful opportunity for connection with neighbors and locals who work in our neighborhood to ask one question to the crowd; what do you want for South Kensington? Here are just a few of the answers we received:

Clockwise from top left: 
Ross Cameron of SKCP, Margaret McLaughlin of PHENND,
Manisha Modi of The Kimmel CenterVincent Cobb, Charles Adams,
and Kait Johnstone of Teach for America, and Dave Gloss of Here's My Chance

26th District Crime Report:11.5 - 11.11

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
November 5, 2014- November 11, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 2600 Kensington (11/8)
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time :  
  • There were Four (4) robberies other weapon during this time : 500 W Girard (11/5), 1900 Front (11/5), 2500 Kensington (11/6), 2600 Aramingo (11/10)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 
  • There were Six (6) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 Boston (11/5), 1800 Mutter (11/5), 2100 Lehigh (11/6), 2300 Mercer (11/7), 600 Oxford (11/9), 1300 10th (11/10)
  • There were Thirty (30) theft from autos during this period: 2500 Norris (11/5), 2000 Amber (11/5) x 2, 1200 Berks (11/6), 300 E Thompson (11/6), 400 Miller (11/6), 2100 Sergeant (11/6), 1100 Earl (11/6), 2400 Amber (11/6), 2000 AMBER (11/6), 100 W Montgomery (11/6), 1700 Franklin (11/6), 800 Livingston (11/7), 1200 Marlborough (11/7), 1800 Sepviva (11/7), 1600 Montgomery (11/7), 1600 Hewson (11/7), 2000 Arizona (11/8) x 2, 1500 2nd (11/8), 1400 Lawrence (11/8), 2600 Amber (11/8), 900 Front (11/9) x 2, 2000 Amber (11/9), 1000 Hancock (11/10), 2500 Emery (11/10), 900 New Market (11/10), 900 C B Moore (11/10), 2300 Aramingo (11/10)
  • There were Six (6) stolen vehicles during this time : 2200 Susquehanna (11/5), 2700 E Lehigh (11/6), 2600 Cedar (11/7), 2000 Boston (11/7), 2400 Coral (11/7), 2600 Coral (11/8)
  • There were Seven (7) thefts during this period : 2000 Cumberland (11/5), 1800 Sergeant (11/5), 2300 Sepviva (11/5), 900 5th (11/8), 1000 Delaware (11/8), 2100 Cumberland (11/8), 900 Marlborough (11/10)

SKCP & Philly 311 in Action:More Positive Changes in SK!

South Kensington Community Partners

A friendly South Kensington neighbor caught some great teamwork between SKCP and Philly 311 last week! Check out the crazy before & after progress that happened when two forces of positive change in the neighborhood get together.

The first location, before cleanup:


And the same exact place after 311 cleanup and painting!


Hard at work, again, the 311 team pulls off some impressive work on the other side of the neighborhood, too!


From awful to awesome in no time.


A huge thanks to our neighbor for documenting these cleanups, and to Philly 311 for working their magic in our part of town!

Don't forget, if you see a dirty lot, illegal dumping, or have other questions and/or concerns about the state of a lot or street near you, let us know! We will help connect you to 311 and make sure that they help you as quickly as possible. If you're on the go and don't have time to make the call, you can use the Philly 311 Mobile App!

Don't be afraid to pick up that phone and help keep South Kensington sparkly!

-The SKCP Team

26th District Crime Report:10.22 - 10.28

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

October 22, 2014- October 28, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time:
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time :  
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 100 E Lehigh (10/28)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time :
  • There were Four  (4) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 1300 Perth (10/25), 2200 Sergeant (10/25) x 2, 1900 Mutter (10/28)
  • There were Nine (9) residential burglaries during this period : 2000 Huntingdon (10/22), 2600 Memphis (10/23), 2400 Coral (10/23), 1200 7th (10/25), 2400 Harold (10/25), 1100 American (10/27), 900 Penn (10/27), 2600 Memphis (10/27), 2600 Lehigh (10/28)
  • There were Twenty-eight (28) theft from autos during this period: 1100 Howard (10/22), 1900 7th (10/22), 2500 Cumberland (10/22), 2100 Cumberland (10/22), 2300 Tucker (10/22), 100 E Huntingdon (10/22), 2500 Cumberland (10/22), 500 W Girard (10/23), 500 Poplar (10/23), 2000 Huntingdon (10/23), 200 W Jefferson (10/24), 2400 Hazzard (10/24), 1900 Sergeant (10/24), 2500 Aramingo (10/24), 2400 Memphis (10/25), 2000 Dauphin (10/25), 900 6th (10/25), 2400 Emerald (10/25), 1100 Front (10/25), 2200 Amber (10/25), 2600 Belgrade (10/26), 2200 York (10/26), 1600 5th (10/26), 900 2nd (10/27), 1000 Hancock (10/27), 1500 Earl (10/27), 2400 Letterly (10/28), 2200 York (10/28)
  • There were Six (6) stolen vehicles during this time : 1900 7th (10/22), 2600 Miller (10/22), 2600 Bst (10/22), 1800 Tulip (10/23), 2000 Cumberland (10/24), 2100 Dauphin (10/27)
  • There were Four (4) thefts during this period : 2200 Richmond (10/22), 500 E Girard (10/24), 1800 Frankford (10/25), 2300 Lehigh (10/27)

Fall Cleanup 2014:The Neighborhood TeamsWho Love to Clean!

South Kensington Community Partners

Some of you may have heard about our cleanup on Saturday, October 18th. If you weren't able to come, we're sorry you had to miss all the fun! This cleanup was one of our most successful ever and not to mention a blast!

The morning started off at ReAnimator on 310 Master St. with free ReAnimator Coffee and Federal Donuts for everyone who participated in the event! What an awesome way to start a day of hard work! Everybody got into their teams and gathered tools for their own routes. Then they set off, with nothing more than their maps and their tools!

All our teams got right to work, setting off around our neighborhood and picking up leaves, trash, weeds, and other litter. They worked together and as individuals in their teams, and got a lot done! Below is just one corner trash pickup site out of six!

Though everybody put in so much effort, the cleanup wasn't all work! The mood was lighthearted and fun as everybody was showing off their "I love cleanups" faces!

After all that great work, we settled in Hart Park for a relaxing barbeque, with sandwiches provided by the brand new First Street Steaks!

All-in-all, the cleanup was a great success! We had 48 participants and collected a whopping 77 bags of trash!! It was a fun and rewarding experience, and we as a team are so happy to have shared it with our neighbors! We hope you will come back again and join us next time, or join us for the first time! If you're interested in starting your own cleanup, or helping SKCP out with another volunteer opportunity, please contact us!

Looking forward to next time,
The SKCP Team

26th District Crime Report:10.15 - 10.21

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

October 15, 2014- October 21, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time :  2400 Huntingdon (10/15), 1200 Leopard (10/15)
  • There were Four (4) robberies other weapon during this time : 1600 Front (10/15), 100 W Girard (10/16), 2000 Front (10/17), 2500 Aramingo (10/19)
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2300 Aramingo (10/19), 1900 Sergeant (10/21), 900 Girard (10/21)
  • There was  (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 1960 2nd (10/18)
  • There were Twelve (12) residential burglaries during this period : 2400 Sepviva (10/17), 2600 Memphis (10/17), 2000 Cumberland (10/18), 2200 Hazzard (10/19), 200 Wildey (10/19), 2600 Memphis (10/20), 2300 Harold (10/20), 2300 Mercer (10/20), 900 New Market (10/20), 2600 Belgrade (10/20), 100 W Montgomery (10/21), 100 E Wildey (10/21)
  • There were Seventeen (17) theft from autos during this period: 2600 York (10/15), 2600 Salmon (10/15), 2400 Hagert (10/16), 2100 York (10/16), 1900 Cumberland (10/17), 2400 Sepviva (10/17), 1000 Columbia (10/17), 2200 Frankford (10/17), 1000 Delaware (10/17), 1800 Howard (10/18), 2100 Cumberland (10/18), 1300 6th (10/20), 200 E Lehigh (10/20), 1300 4th (10/21), 900 Front (10/21), 2000 Arizona (10/21)
  • There were Three (2) stolen vehicles during this time : 900 3rd (10/18), 1500 Frankford (10/19)
  • There were Three (3) thefts during this period : 1900 York (10/18), 900 Percy (10/18), 1900 Richmond (10/20)

26th District Crime Report:10.8 - 10.14

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

October 8, 2014- October 14, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 2400 Kensington (10/13)
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time :  
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time :
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2000 Huntingdon (10/12), 1300 Orianna (10/12)
  • There were  (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 700 Gaul (10/12)
  • There were Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2200 Frankford (10/8), 2600 Harold (10/9), 800 W Oxford (10/9), 2600 Emerald (10/11), 2100 Firth (10/13), 2300 Lehigh (10/13)2600 Memphis (10/13)
  • There were Ten (10) theft from autos during this period: 2200 Emerald (10/8), 2400 Jasper (10/8), 100 W Montgomery (10/9), 2500 Memphis (10/9), 2600 Amber (10/9), 2500 Boston (10/9), 1100 4th (10/11), 1500 Lawrence (10/11), 900 6th (10/13), 2000 Lehigh (10/13)
  • There were Three (3) stolen vehicles during this time : 1200 2nd (10/8), 1700 2nd (10/8), 1000 Germantown (10/9)
  • There were Nine (9) thefts during this period : 2400 Kensington (10/8), 1100 Shackamaxon (10/8), 1900 Front (10/8), 2500 Potter (10/9), 900 Berks (10/10), 200 Richmond (10/11), 1000 Hancock (10/12), 1000 Palmer (10/13), 2200 Frankford (10/13)

26th District Crime Report:10.1 – 10.7

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

October 1, 2014- October 7, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time:
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 100 W Berks (10/2)
  • There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 2200 Boston (10/1), 2500 Jasper (10/4), 2500 Kensington (10/6)
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2600 Kensington (10/1), 1600 2nd (10/7) x 2
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period:
  • There were Ten (10) residential burglaries during this period : 800 W Girard (10/3), 900 Front (10/3), 1300 Marlborough (10/5), 2600 Emerald (10/5), 2000 Boston (10/6) x 2, 400 Flora (10/6), 900 Randolph (10/6), 2300 Hazzard (10/7), 2100 Letterly (10/7)
  • There were Twelve (12) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Jasper (10/2), 2700 Cumberland (10/2), 2500 Dakota (10/3), 2000 Trenton (10/3), 100 W Berks (10/4), 1800 Blair (10/4),1800 Tulip (10/4), 100 Norris (10/5), 1600 Berks (10/6), 400 Moyer (10/6), 100 Norris (10/7), 1800 Waterloo (10/7)
  • There were Five (5) stolen vehicles during this time : 1900 5th (10/1), 1000 Montgomery (10/2), 1500 Beach (10/3), 2400 York (10/4), 100 Pollard (10/4)
  • There were Eight (8) thefts during this period : 900 Jefferson (10/1), 1900 Front (10/3), 1900 5th (10/3), 2600 Sepviva (10/4), 1300 Front (10/6), 100 E Cumberland (10/7), 700
  • Belgrade (10/7), 2500 Memphis (10/7)

26th District Crime Report:9.24 – 9.30

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

September 24, 2014- September 30, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time:
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1000 Delaware (9/24)
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time :
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 1600 6th (9/24)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period:
  • There were Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2500 Tulip (9/23), 2000 Dauphin (9/25), 2000 Hazzard (9/25), 2000 Hazzard (9/27), 2600 Huntingdon (9/29), 1700 6th (9/29), 2200 Oakdale (9/29)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 1000 American (9/24), 1200 Orkney (9/24), 2300 Coral (9/24), 1100 Orianna (9/25) x 2, 1700 7th (9/26), 200 W Girard (9/27), 2100 Sergeant (9/28), 2000 Trenton (9/28)
  • There were Six (6) stolen vehicles during this time : 2300 Harold (9/25), 1800 Mascher (9/25), 300 Belgrade (9/25), 900 5th(9/28), 2000 Cumberland (9/28), 2000 Lehigh (9/29)
  • There were Eleven (11) thefts during this period : 1900 Front (9/24), 1200 4th (9/25), 2300 Frankford (9/26), 1800 Frankford (9/26), 2600 Kensington (9/27), 2400 Harold (9/28), 2400 Hagert (9/28), 1000 3rd (9/28), 2100 Albert (9/29), 1800 Mutter (9/29), 700 Master (9/29)

SKCP & Philly 311 in Action: Palethorp Before & After

South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP & Philly 311 In Action: Palethorp Before & After!

A neighbor gave us a call recently, fairly upset about the unsafe and unsanitary conditions near her home. We took the information and were sure to make 311 our first stop. Philly 311 allows service requests  to be submitted directly to the  local government, where it is quickly routed to the correct administrator in the appropriate department. This means your service requests will be responded to quickly and efficiently.

The lot on the 1300 block of Palethorp before SKCP & Philly 311 intervention

The lot on the 1300 block of Palethorp before SKCP & Philly 311 intervention

SKCP experienced quick and efficient service recently for the 1300 block of Palethorp St, where two lots were neglected and overgrown causing issues for the neighboring properties. Uncared-for land leads to high weeds, trash and otherwise unsanitary environments that can lead to unsafe conditions, pest infestations, and illegal dumping.

With in a few weeks of filing a ticket with Philly 311, city workers came out and fully cleared the land, leaving a clean safe open lot. A great example of the use of Philly 311!

The same lot, cleaned and cleared of weeds!

The same lot, cleaned and cleared of weeds!

Part of SKCP’s mission is to be the neighborhood help desk, if there are issues or questions you need help do not hesitate to email, call or stop in a see us.

-The SKCP Team

26th District Crime Report:9.17 – 9.23

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

September 17, 2014- September 23, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were One (1) rape reported during this time: 2000 Huntingdon (9/23)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2300 Amber (9/17)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 500 E Thompson (9/17), 1900 Front (9/22)
  • There were Four (4) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 600 W Norris (9/18), 100 E Lehigh (9/19), 1900 9th (9/22), 100 W Girard (9/23)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 2400 Frankford (9/23)
  • There were Eight (8) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 Jasper (9/17), 1100 Susquehanna (9/17), 2100 Firth (9/17), 1500 7th (9/18), 100 W Poplar (9/19), 2500 Tulip (9/20), 600 C B Moore (9/20), 2000 Fletcher (9/21)
  • There were Ten (10) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Emerald (9/17), 2300 Gordon (9/18), 2600 Kensington (9/18), 2100 Arizona (9/19), 1900 Oakdale (9/19), 1900 Mascher (9/20), 1000 Columbia (9/21), 900 2nd (9/21), 2300 Frankford (9/22), 2600 B St. (9/22)
  • There were Eleven (11) stolen vehicles during this time : 2200 Amber (9/18), 2400 Lehigh (9/18), 1800 6th (9/18), 300 W Girard (9/18), 1000 2nd (9/20), 2200 Lawrence (9/20), 2300 Cumberland (9/21), 800 Moyer (9/21), 1800 Huntingdon (9/21), 1500 Frankford (9/22), 2600 Braddock (9/22),
  • There were Ten (10) thefts during this period : 1500 Bodine (9/18), 2600 Lehigh (9/18), 100 W Girard (9/18), 2600 Kensington (9/18), 1200 Frankford (9/20), 1000 Earl (9/21), 700 7th (9/22), 1200 Leopard (9/22), 2300 Huntingdon (9/22), 900 8TH (9/23)


South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

September 10, 2014- September 16, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were One (1) rape reported during this time: 1900 8th (9/15)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 600 W Girard (9/10),
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 2600 Livingston (9/16)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2600 Kensington (9/10), 1800 Waterloo (9/12)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period:
  • There were Eleven (11) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 Emerald (9/10), 2400 Emerald (9/10), 2600 Salmon (9/10), 2200 Sergeant (9/10), 2600 Sepviva (9/11), 2400 Kensington (9/12), 1700 Marshall (9/12). 900 4th (9/13), 1200 Day (9/16), 2200 Blair (9/16), 1200 E Colona (9/16)
  • There were Eleven (11) theft from autos during this period: 1400 Front (9/10), 1300 Front (9/12), 100 Turner (9/13), 1800 Hope (9/14), 2100 Hagert (9/15), 2500 Firth (9/15), 1200 2nd (9/15), 1600 9th (9/15), 1600 Philip (9/16), 2600 Kensington (9/16), 2000 Trenton (9/16)
  • There were Seven (7) stolen vehicles during this time : 2500 Cedar (9/10), 2300 Hazzard (9/10), 1300 Montgomery (9/11), 200 E Lehigh (9/13), 2500 Cedar (9/16), 1000 Montgomery (9/16), 2100 Firth (9/16)
  • There were Three (3) thefts during this period : 900 Poplar (9/10), 1100 Frankford (9/13), 2300 Emerald (9/16)


South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

September 3, 2014- September 9, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time:
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1100 Leopard (9/8)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 100 W Girard (9/4), 1800 Front (9/9)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time :
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 600 W Girard (9/4)
  • There were Six (6) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 Gaul (9/3), 2500 Sergeant (9/5), 1900 Albert (9/5), 1600 8th (9/8), 400 E Flora (9/8), 2500 Cumberland (9/9)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 1700 Blair (9/5), 200 Oxford (9/5), 2200 American (9/5), 1400 Marlborough (9/6), 2500 Aramingo (9/6), 1000 Hancock (9/7), 2400 Amber (9/7), 1300 Front (9/8), 2500 Aramingo (9/8), 2500 Jasper (9/9)
  • There was One (1) stolen vehicles during this time : 1100 Susquehanna (9/6)
  • There were Six (6) thefts during this period : 2600 Thompson (9/3), 1200 Hope (9/5), 1900 7th (9/5), 1000 Hancock (9/6), 900 Marshall (9/8), 400 E Wildey (9/9)

26th District Crime Report:8.27 - 9.2

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

August 27, 2014- September 2, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1800 E Boston (9/1)
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1700 Delaware (8/27), 1400 5th (9/1)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 1100 Susquehanna (8/27)
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2600 Webb (8/30), 2100 Dauphin (8/31) X 2
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 1900 Darien (9/1), 1900 9th (9/2)
  • There were Five (5) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Aramingo (8/27), 100 W Norris (8/28), 2300 Hazzard (8/28), 1100 4th (8/29), 1200 Columbia (9/1)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 1100 Marlborough (8/28), 2100 Hazzard (8/29), 900 Front (8/29), 1000 Lawrence (8/29), 400 Moyer (8/29), 200 W Girard (8/29), 1000 Delaware (8/30), 1800 York (9/1), 500 E Thompson (9/1)
  • There were Eight (8) stolen vehicles during this time : 900 W Norris (8/27), 900 5th (8/27), 1800 Leithgow (8/29), 2300 Firth (8/29), 900 3rd (8/30), 2400 Aramingo (8/30), 200 Turner (8/31), 2000 Trenton (9/1)
  • There were Six (6) thefts during this period : 100 W Girard (8/27), 1900 5th (8/27), 200 Berks (8/27), 1800 Frankford (8/29), 1300 Palethorpe (8/29), 2000 Richmond (8/30)

26th District Crime Report8.20 - 8.26

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

August 20, 2014- August 26, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 2400 Cedar (8/23)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2300 Front (8/22)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 500 Berks (8/24), 500 Master (8/25)
  • There were Five (5) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 600 master (8/20), 1700 Marshall (8/21), 1100 Crease (8/23), 700 W Jefferson (8/24), 2500 Oakdale (8/24)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 2100 Sergeant (8/25)
  • There were Seventeen (17) residential burglaries during this period : 2500 Albert (8/20), 1700 Hancock (8/21), 2000 Susquehanna (8/21) X 3, 2000 Amber (8/21), 2400 Cumberland (8/22), 2000 Arizona (8/22), 2100 Oakdale (8/23), 1200 Leopard (8/23), 900 Penn (8/23), 2400 Cumberland (8/24), 2400 Letterly (8/24), 2600 Belgrade (8/25), 200 Cambridge (8/25), 2100 Lehigh (8/26)
  •  There were Twenty five (25) theft from autos during this period: 2100 Albert (8/20), 1700 Howard (8/20), 400 Master (8/21), 2100 E Norris (8/21), 1800 Hazzard (8/21), 100 W Jefferson (8/22), 100 E Allen (8/22), 1300 Lawrence (8/22), 1300 Columbia (8/22), 200 W Berks (8/22), 200 Poplar (8/23), 1100 Delaware (8/23), 900 New Market (8/23), 1700 Memphis (8/23), 100 Berks (8/23), 1900 Cumberland (8/23), 1000 Bodine (8/24), 1100 Lawrence (8/24), 1100 Germantown (8/24), 2400 Hagert (8/24), 900 Orianna (8/25), 100 Laurel (8/25), 1200 Front (8/25), 2300 Mercer (8/25), 900 American (8/26)
  • There was Nine (9) stolen vehicles during this time : 2500 Sepviva (8/20),1000 Marlborough (8/20), 2000 Trenton (8/21), 2500 A St (8/21), 1300 Columbia (8/23), 2100 Hazzard (8/24), 1700 Frankford (8/26),2500 Gaul (8/26)
  • There was Nine (9) thefts during this period : 1900 Front (8/20), 2600 Albert (8/20), 600 Thompson (8/22), 2500 Water (8/22), 1300 Berks (8/23), 100 Thompson (8/23), 1800 Front (8/24), 2300 Frankford (8/25), 1200 Leithgow (8/26)