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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Fall Cleanup 2014:The Neighborhood TeamsWho Love to Clean!

South Kensington Community Partners

Some of you may have heard about our cleanup on Saturday, October 18th. If you weren't able to come, we're sorry you had to miss all the fun! This cleanup was one of our most successful ever and not to mention a blast!

The morning started off at ReAnimator on 310 Master St. with free ReAnimator Coffee and Federal Donuts for everyone who participated in the event! What an awesome way to start a day of hard work! Everybody got into their teams and gathered tools for their own routes. Then they set off, with nothing more than their maps and their tools!

All our teams got right to work, setting off around our neighborhood and picking up leaves, trash, weeds, and other litter. They worked together and as individuals in their teams, and got a lot done! Below is just one corner trash pickup site out of six!

Though everybody put in so much effort, the cleanup wasn't all work! The mood was lighthearted and fun as everybody was showing off their "I love cleanups" faces!

After all that great work, we settled in Hart Park for a relaxing barbeque, with sandwiches provided by the brand new First Street Steaks!

All-in-all, the cleanup was a great success! We had 48 participants and collected a whopping 77 bags of trash!! It was a fun and rewarding experience, and we as a team are so happy to have shared it with our neighbors! We hope you will come back again and join us next time, or join us for the first time! If you're interested in starting your own cleanup, or helping SKCP out with another volunteer opportunity, please contact us!

Looking forward to next time,
The SKCP Team