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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

26th District Crime Report:8.13 - 8.19

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

August 13, 2014- August 19, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 2400 Sergeant (8/13)
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1200 7th (8/15), 100 Ellen (8/18)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 200 E Thompson (8/18)
  • There were Five (5) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2500 Edgemont (8/14), 1200 2nd (8/16), 1300 10th (8/17), 1800 Mutter (8/17), 1200 7th (8/19)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 1500 5th (8/13), 2400 Emerald (8/19
  • There were Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2100 Hazzard (8/13), 1900 6th (8/13), 2500 Amber (815), 2600 Harold (815), 100 W Thompson (817), 2600 Coral (817), 2400 Frankford (818)
  • There was Fourteen (14) theft from autos during this period: 2500 Lehigh (8/13), 1300 Susquehanna (8/14), 1000 Leopard (8./14), 1000 Delaware (8/14), 300 Cambridge (8/15), 500 W Girard (8/15), 400 Master (8/16), 2000 Fletcher (8/16), 900 Frankford (8/17), 2000 Arizona (8/17), 1000 Leopard (8/17), 2400 Cedar (8/19), 1800 Howard (8/19), 800 Belgrade (8/19)
  • There was Seven (7) stolen vehicles during this time : 2300 York (8/14), 200 Richmond (8/15), 2600 Edgemont (8/15), 300 Master (8/16), 1000 Germantown (8/16), 1400 4th (8/18), 2000 Trenton (8/19)
  • There was Nine (9) thefts during this period : 900 Frankford (8/13), 2600 York (8/13), 2100 Huntingdon (8/14), 1800 Howard (8/14), 2600 Emery (8/14), 2600 York (8/14), 900 2nd (8/14), 1200 Front (8/15), 2300 Tucker (8/19)

26th District Crime Report:8.6 - 8.12

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

August 6, 2014- August 12, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1800 Harold (8/7)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 200 E Allen (8/9)
  • There was Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 180 W Girard (8/6)
  • There were Four (4) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2100 E Dauphin (8/8), 2400 Sepviva (8/11) x 2, 800 Almond (8/11)
  • There was Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period:
  • There was Eight (8) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 Boston (8/6), 2000 Hazzard (8/6), 800 Almond (8/7), 1600 Front (8/8), 2400 Sergeant (8/9), 2400 Tulip (8/10), 1000 Front (8/11), 2100 Hazzard (8/12)
  • There was Seven (7) theft from autos during this period: 2200 Richmond (8/8), 2600 Mercer (8/9), 1200 Hancock (8/10), 1300 Front (8/11), 2200 Gaul (8/11), 2000 Trenton (8/11), 2400 Jasper (8/12)
  • There was Three (3) stolen vehicles during this time : 500 W Thompson (8/7), 2600 Sepviva (8/8), 100 Oxford (8/12)
  • There was Seven (7) thefts during this period : 2600 Frankford (8/6), 2500 Cumberland (8/7), 1300 Delaware (8/7), 1200 Columbia (8/8), 1300 Beach (8/8), 2600 Cedar (8/12), 2300 Frankford (8/12)

Neighbors in Action:The Resource Exchange


When giant works of art, dramatic theatre productions, or Hollywood movies whisk through Philadelphia, they leave a lot of stuff behind. They leave great memories and good ideas; they also leave behind fabric, feathers, yarn, tables, lamps, art, and a million of other odds and ends

And as anyone who has ever gone to a furniture, craft, or art store knows -- those things they leave behind can cost a lot. The Resource Exchange, on 1701 N 2nd St in South Kensington, gathers up those beautiful leftovers, sorts them, picks just the best, and arranges them in a cheerful and artful way at their store. It's the perfect spot for folks sprucing up their home, doing a craft, starting a construction project, or creating art -- and who don't want to spend a fortune to do it.

Far from being a disorganized thrift store, the Resource Exchange is carefully curated so that as you roam the aisles, there are little pops of inspiration. In one corner, a stack of photos and a stack of frames suggests a wall of decoration you could make; in the next room, a collection of red paint calls to you; over on the far wall, you can buy fabric at a fraction of the usual cost in patterns that you can rarely find.

Visit for selfish purposes only -- the Resource Exchange is a pleasure to peruse and a real asset to have in the neighborhood. But you can also feel good about any purchase you make. In a single year, the nonprofit Resource Exchange saves 630 tons of waste from ending up in the landfills -- through a mixture of reuse and recycle.

For when you visit: The Resource Exchange is at 1701 N 2nd St and is open 10 am - 6 pm Wednesday through Saturday and 12 - 4 pm on Sunday. 

26th District Crime Report:7.30 - 8.5


26th District Crime ReportJuly 30, 2014- August 5, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3 (8/1)

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 1300 Eyre (7/30)
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time:
  • There were Four (4) robberies other weapon during this time: 300 Master (7/30), 1800 Front (8/1), 100 E Lehigh (8/3), 2200 Cedar (8/4)
  • There were Four (4) Aggravated Assaults with a gun during this time: 1600 Marshall (7/30) X 3, 1500 5th
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 200 E Girard (8/1), 300 W Berks (8/4), 2600 Memphis (8/4)
  • There were Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2400 Frankford (7/30) X 2, 1200 Colona (7/30), 100 W Norris (8/1), 2500 Tulip (8/3), 2700 Albert (8/3), 1500 Marshall (8/5)
  • There were Four (4) Theft from Autos during this period: 100 E Lehigh (7/30), 1200 Fletcher (8/2), 2700 Huntingdon (8/3), 2600 Kensington (8/4)
  • There were Six (6) Thefts during this time : 2600 Kensington (8/2), 2400 Kensington (8/2), 2400 Kensington (8/4) X 2, 200 Gordon (8/4), 1500 5th
  • There were Six (6) Stolen Vehicle during this period : 2400 Sepviva (7/30), 1300 Frankford (7/30), 2400 Almond (8/1), 100 Wildey (8/3), 2600 York (8/4), 2300 Coral (8/5)(8/4)

Oops! I forgot my lunch! Or,Why I Go to Buzz CafeNearly Every Day


This is not a business showcase. This is not meant to be free advertising for anyone, or anyone here at SKCP favoring any one coffee shop over another. This is just me, Ross, telling a story: a story about lunch.

This is Buzz Cafe. Some of you may know it, but it's easy to miss where it is; tucked away on the sleepy little corner of Howard & Berks Streets. While I was building our 2014-15 Business Directory, I stumbled upon this place and got some lunch here. That, my friends, was a wise decision.

Now, I don't consider myself to be a food expert. But I am a coffee nerd, and I have a taste for the finer things in life--as long as they can be purchased for less than $10.


Not only does Buzz have delicious food (get the chili, which is more meat than anything else, or the chicken asiago panini which has an aoli that will blow your mind) they have great, fresh, well-made coffee.


Aside from these obvious bonuses, Buzz has a great vibe. There are always people in an informal lunch meeting, plenty of light and open seating, and sometimes the owners' kids running around cheerfully. They even have upstairs seating that's better suited to larger parties or when you require quiet.


At the end of the day, as much as I know I should bring my lunch to work and save a few dollars, I always end up leaving it in the fridge somehow. That's the reason why, if you find yourself trekking more than a few blocks for coffee or lunch, you need to check out Buzz. It's delicious, affordable, and it's close!

Happy eating,

26th District Crime Report:7.16 - 7.22


26th District Crime Report July 16, 2014- July 22, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 2100 Cumberland (7/18)
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time:
  • There were Seven (7) robberies other weapon during this time: 100 Girard (7/16), 100 w Berks (7/16), 1800 Letterly (7/20), 1800 Hazzard (7/20), 2600 Kensington (7/21), 1000 Delaware (7/21), 700 W Berks (7/21)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assaults with a gun during this time: 1700 4th (7/17), 1800 Sepviva (7/21)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2500 York (7/17), 2000 Hagert (7/17)
  • There were Nine (9) residential burglaries during this period : 1100 American (7/16), 100 Girard (7/16), 2400 Memphis (7/16), 200 Thompson (7/16), 2300 Emerald (7/17), 2400 Coral (7/17), 1500 5th (7/19), 1600 Germantown (7/19), 900 Hancock (7/21)
  • There were Seventeen (17) Theft from Autos during this period: 1300 Susquehanna (7/16), 900 Randolph (7/16), 1200 Fletcher (7/16), 1400 Howard (7/16), 1800 Hope (7/18), 2500 Edgemont (7/18), 1300 Crease (7/20), 400 Miller (7/20), 2100 Susquehanna (7/20), 900 Marlborough (7/20), 1100 Dunton (7/21), 1700 Frankford (7/21), 100 Wildey (7/21), 100 E Wildey (7/21), 1200 Lawrence (7/21), 100 E Allen (7/21), 2500 Aramingo (7/21), 100 Laurel (7/21)
  • There were Ten (10) Thefts during this time : 100 W Palmer (7/16), 100 Laurel (7/17), 2600 Salmon (7/17), 900 2nd (7/19), 1500 Randolph (7/20), 2400 Letterly (7/21), 2600 Emery (7/21), 1800 Huntngdon (7/22), 1000 Germantown (7/22), 1900 Sergeant (7/22)
  • There were Ten (10) Stolen Vehicle during this period : 900 New Market (7/16), 1000 Lawrence (7/16), 2400 Trenton (7/18), 1100 Frankford (7/18), 700 W Thompson (7/18), 1100 American (7/18), 2600 York (7/19), 1000 Delaware (7/19), 2600 Ritter (7/20), 100 W Thompson (7/22)

26th District Crime Report:7.9 - 7.15


26th District Crime ReportJuly 9, 2014- July 15, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There were Three (3) robbery-point of gun during this time: 100 Girard (7/11), 2500 Collins (7/11), 500 Master (7/13)
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time:
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assaults with a gun during this time:
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 100 E Lehigh (7/11)
  • There were Five (5) residential burglaries during this period : 1900 6thHuntingdon (7/11), 1200 Marlborough (7/11), 2000 York (7/13), 1100 American (7/15)
  • There were Ten (10) Theft from Autos during this period: 2400 Almond (7/9), 1800 Sergeant (7/10), 2600 Harold (7/11), 100 Berks (7/12), 1000 Leopard (7/12), 1000 Lawrence (7/13), 2500 Collins (7/13), 900 Front (7/13), 2300 Huntingdon (7/14), 2600 Frankford (7/14)
  • There were Six (6) Thefts during this time : 2500 Aramingo (7/10), 100 W Girard (7/10), 300 E Thompson (7/10), 2500 Kensington (7/10), 1600 Hancock (711), 1100 American (715)
  • There were Eight (8) Stolen Vehicle during this period : 1700 5th11), 2600 Miller (7/12), 1900 7th2600 Frankford (7/14)(7/13), 1300 Orianna x 2 (7/14), 1700 Frrankford (7/14), 2600 Frankford (7/14)

Showcase:Beans & Brews!



South Kensington has an incredible number of businesses and neighborhood resources, ranging from a trapeze school, to fantastic local restaurants that have been here for decades, to factories and art studios. Old school and new, SK has one of the most diverse group of small business in all of Philadelphia, and our coffee scene is no exception.

There are a ton of beautiful and delicious spots to get a great brew in the neighborhood, with more on the way. Ranging from the trendy to the traditional, there’s something here for every coffee drinker:

    • El Cafeito. 1700 N 3rd St. A favorite spot for sandwiches, meals, baked goods, and coffee, everything at El Cafeito has a Cuban kick. Run by a longtime local, this cafe has traditional feeling with creative flair.
    • Buzz Cafe. 1800 N Howard St. A dependable option for phenomenal coffee and even-more-phenomenal baked goods, handmade by the owner.
    • Reanimator. 310 Master St. Although it’s not quite open yet, Reanimator is opening their second location. Also a roasting and training center, this cafe will be a peaceful spot that works with the industrial history of the building.
    • Gryphon Coffee. 100 W. Oxford St. Another artisan roaster with a focus on doing right by its neighborhood, Gryphon is the newest addition to Oxford Mills.
    • Dew Inn. 501 W Girard. If you’re looking for a hot, bottomless cup of joe in the perfect diner, this is your place. The waitresses couldn’t be nicer and you’re transported to a small town where everyone knows everyone’s name. Breakfasts are simple and tasty and there are meals for every budget.

Whether you're looking for a morning pick me up, an afternoon lunch spot or an evening book nook, the neighborhood's got a spot for you--even if you didn't know it was there!

26th District Crime Report:7.2 - 7.8


Here at SKCP we like to keep the neighbors we serve informed about the status of their community, and about local news and events. Starting today, we will be publishing the 26th Police District's crime reports here, and making them available for neighbors to see.

26th District Crime Report July 2, 2014- July 8, 2014

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 700 Oxford (7/8)
  • There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time: 2000 E Lehigh (7/4), 1000 Delaware (7/7), 2100 Dauphin (7/7)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assaults with a gun during this time: 2200 Tulip (7/6)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 400 Master (7/3)
  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 2100 Sergeant (7/5)
  • There were Eleven (11) Theft from Autos during this period: 1300 Lawrence, 1800 American (7/2), 2000 Susquehanna (7/3), 1000 Front (7/5), 100 Ellen (7/5), 2200 Blair (7/6), 1100 Earl (7/6), 100 E Oxford (7/6), 2200 Lehigh (7/6), 900 Bodine (7/7), 1900 2nd (7/8)
  • There were Eleven (11) Thefts during this time : 2400 Kensington (7/2), 100 W Girard (7/3), 2000 Coral (7/3), 1700 5th American (7/6), 2400 Gaul (7/6), 2300 Tucker (7/7), 2600 Almond (7/8), 100 E Lehigh  (7/4), 2400 Aramingo (7/4), 2600 Frankford (7/5), 900 (7/8)
  • There were Six (6) Stolen Vehicle during this period : 1900 Front (7/2), 2500 Emerald (7/2), 2400 Aramingo (7/3), 2500 Tulip (7/5), 1900 Hancock (7/6), 1100 Lawrence (7/7)