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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Neighbors in Action:The Resource Exchange


When giant works of art, dramatic theatre productions, or Hollywood movies whisk through Philadelphia, they leave a lot of stuff behind. They leave great memories and good ideas; they also leave behind fabric, feathers, yarn, tables, lamps, art, and a million of other odds and ends

And as anyone who has ever gone to a furniture, craft, or art store knows -- those things they leave behind can cost a lot. The Resource Exchange, on 1701 N 2nd St in South Kensington, gathers up those beautiful leftovers, sorts them, picks just the best, and arranges them in a cheerful and artful way at their store. It's the perfect spot for folks sprucing up their home, doing a craft, starting a construction project, or creating art -- and who don't want to spend a fortune to do it.

Far from being a disorganized thrift store, the Resource Exchange is carefully curated so that as you roam the aisles, there are little pops of inspiration. In one corner, a stack of photos and a stack of frames suggests a wall of decoration you could make; in the next room, a collection of red paint calls to you; over on the far wall, you can buy fabric at a fraction of the usual cost in patterns that you can rarely find.

Visit for selfish purposes only -- the Resource Exchange is a pleasure to peruse and a real asset to have in the neighborhood. But you can also feel good about any purchase you make. In a single year, the nonprofit Resource Exchange saves 630 tons of waste from ending up in the landfills -- through a mixture of reuse and recycle.

For when you visit: The Resource Exchange is at 1701 N 2nd St and is open 10 am - 6 pm Wednesday through Saturday and 12 - 4 pm on Sunday.