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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Oops! I forgot my lunch! Or,Why I Go to Buzz CafeNearly Every Day


This is not a business showcase. This is not meant to be free advertising for anyone, or anyone here at SKCP favoring any one coffee shop over another. This is just me, Ross, telling a story: a story about lunch.

This is Buzz Cafe. Some of you may know it, but it's easy to miss where it is; tucked away on the sleepy little corner of Howard & Berks Streets. While I was building our 2014-15 Business Directory, I stumbled upon this place and got some lunch here. That, my friends, was a wise decision.

Now, I don't consider myself to be a food expert. But I am a coffee nerd, and I have a taste for the finer things in life--as long as they can be purchased for less than $10.


Not only does Buzz have delicious food (get the chili, which is more meat than anything else, or the chicken asiago panini which has an aoli that will blow your mind) they have great, fresh, well-made coffee.


Aside from these obvious bonuses, Buzz has a great vibe. There are always people in an informal lunch meeting, plenty of light and open seating, and sometimes the owners' kids running around cheerfully. They even have upstairs seating that's better suited to larger parties or when you require quiet.


At the end of the day, as much as I know I should bring my lunch to work and save a few dollars, I always end up leaving it in the fridge somehow. That's the reason why, if you find yourself trekking more than a few blocks for coffee or lunch, you need to check out Buzz. It's delicious, affordable, and it's close!

Happy eating,