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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

SKCP & Philly 311 in Action: Palethorp Before & After

South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP & Philly 311 In Action: Palethorp Before & After!

A neighbor gave us a call recently, fairly upset about the unsafe and unsanitary conditions near her home. We took the information and were sure to make 311 our first stop. Philly 311 allows service requests  to be submitted directly to the  local government, where it is quickly routed to the correct administrator in the appropriate department. This means your service requests will be responded to quickly and efficiently.

The lot on the 1300 block of Palethorp before SKCP & Philly 311 intervention

The lot on the 1300 block of Palethorp before SKCP & Philly 311 intervention

SKCP experienced quick and efficient service recently for the 1300 block of Palethorp St, where two lots were neglected and overgrown causing issues for the neighboring properties. Uncared-for land leads to high weeds, trash and otherwise unsanitary environments that can lead to unsafe conditions, pest infestations, and illegal dumping.

With in a few weeks of filing a ticket with Philly 311, city workers came out and fully cleared the land, leaving a clean safe open lot. A great example of the use of Philly 311!

The same lot, cleaned and cleared of weeds!

The same lot, cleaned and cleared of weeds!

Part of SKCP’s mission is to be the neighborhood help desk, if there are issues or questions you need help do not hesitate to email, call or stop in a see us.

-The SKCP Team