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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia



Our greening programs at SKCP promote parks, gardens, trees, and re-greening of
vacant land. They encourage the connection of neighbors to the physical landscape of the neighborhood, and foster stewardship.

SKCP supports several community gardens in the neighborhood that provide neighbors an opportunity to get their hands dirty, while also helping to grow some tasty food and benefit other neighbors in need!

Tree stewardship and tending are crucial parts of our mission at SKCP. Programs that focus on tree planting and care and green corridors create a healthier and more beautiful neighborhood.

The parks and playgrounds that SKCP supports help keep neighbors of all ages healthy, happy, and active! Helping to keep these parks clean, safe, and fun is just one part of the work we do.

Vacant land care, maintenance, and repurposing are key to raising the quality of life in our neighborhood and citywide. SKCP works as part of the Community LandCare program to keep SK green!