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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Help South Kensington Thrive!

South Kensington Community Partners

Want to help bring more jobs to South Kensington?
Need help finding jobs in the neighborhood?

If so, South Kensington Community Partners(SKCP) would love to talk to you. Sit down with us for 30 to 60 minutes (you choose!), share your ideas, enjoy a cookie or two on us, and we'll express our appreciation with $5 to $10 in SEPTA tokens.

All conversations will occur between March 16 and March 26, 2015. If you are interested in participating, please email or call us at 215-427-3463 to schedule a time.


South Kensington Community Partners (SKCP), a non-profit that connects residents to resources and opportunities within the South Kensington neighborhood, is exploring what a neighborhood-level workforce partnership could look like and how it might be implemented. The goal of the work is to support local South Kensington residents in having jobs and careers with neighborhood businesses, at family-sustaining wages. 

As part of this work, SKCP is looking for South Kensington residents, who are currently searching for work and/or have found a good job within the South Kensington neighborhood, to participate in our workforce partnership planning process. We would like to speak with you for 30 to 60 minutes about your job-related needs and experiences. Your feedback will inform the design of our experimental program, which might be implemented in 2016.

26th District Police Report:3.4 - 3.10

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
March 4, 2015- March 10, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There was One (1) homicides reported during this time period: 2100 Susquehanna (3/5)
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 2100 Susquehanna (3/6)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1100 Susquehanna (3/5)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 2200 York (3/4), 600 Thompson (3/10)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 600 W Girard (3/5)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 
  • There was Five (5) residential burglaries during this period : 1400 Oxford (3/4), 900 Marshall (3/5), 2600 Aramingo (3/8), 1000 Hyde (3/9), 1000 5th (3/9)
  • There were Ten (10) theft from autos during this period: 2500 Trenton (3/4), 2600 Huntingdon (3/5), 1800 2nd (3/6), 1500 2nd (3/6), 2600 Tulip (3/7), 1000 Earl (3/9), 1500 6th (3/9), 1600 Berks (3/9), 2300 Hazzard (3/9), 1300 American (3/10) 
  • There were Three (3) Thefts during this time : 1300 Berks (3/7), 1700 10th (3/9), 900 Darien (3/9)
  • There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period : 2500 Boston (3/8), 1500 4th (3/10)

26th District Police Report:2.25 - 3.3

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
February 25, 2015- March 3, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this period
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this period: 100 W Thompson (3/2)
  • There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this period: 400 Poplar (2/25), 1900 Howard (2/26), 1900 Dauphin (2/27)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 100 Girard (2/26), 1000 Front (3/2), 1800 Frankford (3/3)
  • There was Six (6) residential burglaries during this period: 1900 7th (2/25), 2500 Collins (2/26), 600 W Oxford (2/26), 2500 Collins (2/27), 2300 Jasper (3/2), 2200 Frankford (3/2)
  • There were Ten (10) theft from autos during this period: 2000 Sepviva (2/26), 2300 Sergeant (2/26), 1800 Frankford (2/27), 100 W Wildey (2/27), 900 Delaware (2/28), 2200 Almond (2/28), 2600 Hagert (3/1), 1100 Frankford (3/2), 2500 Huntingdon (3/3), 2600 York (3/3)
  • There were Seven (7) Thefts during this period: 400 Girard (2/25), 1600 8TH (2/25), 1300 American (2/26), 1000 5th (2/26), 600 W Girard (2/27), 2500 Aramingo (3/2), 1600 2nd (3/3)
  • There were Six (6) Stolen Autos during this period: 800 W Norris (2/25), 1200 Howard (2/26), 2300 Memphis (3/2), 2400 Cedar (3/3), 1800 Tulip (3/3), 1100 Columbia (3/3)

26th District Crime Report:2.18 - 2.24

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
February 18, 2015- February 24, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time: 
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2000 Susquehanna (2/20)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 100 W Wilt (2/23)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Five (5) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2300 Aramingo (2/20), 2000 Dauphin (2/20), 2400 Aramingo (2/22), 1000 2nd (2/23), 2100 Dauphin (2/24)
  • There was Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Aramingo (2/18), 2400 Cumberland (2/20),2600 Braddock (2/20), 2000 Susquehanna (2/21), 1900 7th (2/23), 1900 7th (2/24), 600 Gaul (2/24)
  • There were Three (3) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Hagert (2/18), 500 W Thompson (2/22), 1000 Germantown (2/22)
  • There were Three (3) Thefts during this time : 100 Lehigh (2/18), 1800 Franklin (2/20), 1400 7th (2/23)
  • There were Three (3) Stolen Autos during this period : 2100 Letterly (2/18), 900 3rd (2/21), 2400 Frankford (2/22)

26th District Crime Report:2.11 - 2.17

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
February 11, 2015- February 17, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time: 
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 
  • There was Four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 1300 5th (2/15), 1700 5th (2/16), 100 W Jefferson (2/17) x 2
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 1800 Blair (2/11), 700 Gaul (2/11), 2200 Cedar (2/11), 2300 Front (2/12), 1000 Orianna (2/14), 2200 Sepviva (2/14), 2400 Dauphin (2/16), 2200 Thompson (2/17), 100 W Laurel (2/17)
  • There were Five (5) Thefts during this time : 2600 Frankford (2/11), 2500 Thompson (2/12), 400 W Girard (2/13), 900 Penn (2/14), 2000 Martha (2/14)
  • There was One (1) Stolen Autos during this period : 1900 Front (2/12)

26th District Crime Report:2.4 - 2.10

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
February 4, 2015- February 10, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time: 
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time : 
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 1800 Hope (2/4), 500 W Thompson (2/6)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 100 Girard (2/6) X 2
  • There was Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 1800 10th (2/6), 2000 Huntingdon (2/9), 2100 Hazzard (2/9)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 1500 Susquehanna (2/4), 2400 Aramingo (2/4), 2500 Aramingo (2/7), 2600 Coral (2/8), 300 Thompson (2/9), 2300 Emerald (2/9), 1000 Front (2/9), 1100 Leopard (2/9), 1100 Shackamaxon (2/9)
  • There were Five (5) Thefts during this time : 100 Thompson (2/4), 1600 Cadwallader (2/6), 2400 Aramingo (2/6), 100 Berks (2/8), 1300 Oxford (2/9)
  • There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period : 2500 Salmon (2/4), 2600 York (2/9)

26th District Crime Report:1.28 - 2.3

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
January 28, 2015- February 3, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time
  • There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 600 Thompson (2/3)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period
  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period: 1400 Orange (1/28)
  • There were Seventeen (17) theft from autos during this period: 1200 Columbia (1/28), 2600 York (1/28), 2100 Norris (1/29), 1800 Front (1/29), 100 Oxford (1/29), 100 Turner (1/29), 1400 Wilt (1/29), 2200 Cedar (1/29), 1000 Marlborough (1/30), 2500 Trenton (1/30), 900 Front (1/31), 1000 Earl (2/1), 900 Front (2/1), 1200 Crease (2/2), 1300 Earl (2/2), 2600 York (2/2), 1900 5th (2/3) 
  • There were Eight (8) Thefts during this time: 2000 Abigail (1/28), 1000 Front (1/29), 2500 Coral (1/30), 200 E Girard (1/30), 900 American (2/1), 1400 Franklin (2/2), 900 5th (2/3), 1200 Montgomery (2/3)
  • There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period: 900 5th (1/30), 1000 Germantown (1/30)

South Kensington Makers & DoersKnowledge & Networking in SK!

South Kensington Community Partners

As many of you know, last Thursday was our first South Kensington Makers & Doers event! Thanks to the efforts and contributions of people throughout South Kensington, the event was even more fun, interesting, and packed than we could have imagined. Over 50 representatives from local businesses and organizations attended SKM&D, and what an incredible group they were!

Here's a recap of the event, and some shots of the awesome people who made it possible.

We headed over to Oxford Mills to a beautiful sunset, a good start to SKCP's first small business networking event! Our friends at Oxford Mills were gracious enough to let us use one of their awesome conference rooms for the event.

The agenda for the night was set. We anxiously awaited our first visitors, who trickled in slowly at first. We were almost worried that our awesome spread, provided by Oxford Mills would go to waste, but then Tim from St. Benjamin Brewing arrived!


Along with a crowd of thirsty entrepreneurs and small business owners! More and more people came, and suddenly we had a big group of awesome, excited people waiting for Emily's introduction.

First up was Alfredo Aguilar of Las Cazuelas Restaurant, telling his fascinating story of how he made his way up from a line cook to owning and running a restaurant in South Kensington.


After Freddy's funny and engaging story, we held our lightning round of tips, with three speakers who all had special business development super powers.

First up was the always informative Michael Alles of Finanta with a quick round of tips on financing your business.

Then came Michelle Freeman of Witty Gritty, with fast and functional tips to improve your business' image and P.R. campaigns.

And last but not least, we had the inspiring Dominique Aubry of Impact HUB delivering wisdom on how to build and maintain an awesome and dynamic team.

After such a mind blowing volley of useful information, the group of thinkers, artists, makers, and doers retired to the back of the room to swap info, talk shop, and network. We're not sure yet how many new collaborations will come out of SKM&D, but we saw plenty of cards exchanged! The energy in the room was positively inspiring, and we're excited to have been the catalyst for such awesome community interaction.

For more information about how SKCP supports our neighborhood small businesses, entrepreneurs, and economy, check out our SK Works program!

We'd like to thank everybody who made SKM&D possible, including our vendors, speakers, and sponsors.

Oxford Mills
St. Benjamin Brewing Co.
Las Cazuelas Restaurant & BYOB
Witty Gritty
Impact HUB Philadelphia
The Somers Team
Penn Treat Special Services District

Thank you for brightening our neighborhood future!

And thanks to all who attended the event. We hope you enjoyed yourselves, and that you made meaningful connections and learned something useful.

Until next time,
The SKCP Team

26th District Crime Report:1.21 - 1.27

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
January 21, 2015 - January 27, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1800 Albert (1/21), 100 W Girard (1/21)
  • There were Four (4) robberies other weapon during this time : 2000 Sepviva (1/23), 1400 Hewson (1/24), 2600 Cumberland (1/25), 1800 Memphis (1/25)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 
  • There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Coral (1/21), 2500 Lehigh (1/24)
  • There were Twenty-three (23) theft from autos during this period: 2300 Firth (1/21), 1700 Memphis (1/21), 2700 Lehigh (1/21), 2600 Webb (1/21), 1200 Shackamaxon (1/22), 1100 Day (1/22), 200 Allen (1/22), 1300 Palmer (1/22), 100 W Wildey (1/23), 1500 Howard (1/23), 900 Randolph (1/23), 2100 Cumberland (1/24), 2500 Boston (1/24), 2500 Frankford (1/24), 2300 Gordon (1/24), 2600 Cedar (1/24), 2400 Memphis (1/24), 2600 Memphis (1/24), 1100 Front (1/24), 2200 Amber (1/25), 300 Allen (1/26), 1300 Frankford (1/26)
  • There were Five (5) stolen vehicles during this time : 1800 Hagert (1/23), 1400 Germantown (1/26), 400 Thompson (1/27), 1700 Frankford (1/27), 900 Delaware (1/27)
  • There were Twelve (12) thefts during this period : 200 George (1/21), 100 Jefferson (1/21), 400 E Girard (1/23), 2100 Firth (1/24), 2500 Tulip (1/25), 2400 Aramingo (1/25), 2200 Taggert (1/25), 1100 Leopard (1/26), 1100 Front (1/26), 400 Berks (1/26), 1000 Marshall (1/26), 2400 Lehigh (1/27)

26th District Crime Report:1.14 - 1.20

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

January 14, 2015- January 20, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Four (4) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2600 B (1/15), 2300 Jasper (1/19), 300 W George (1/20), 2500 Front (1/20)
  • There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 800 Mercer (1/14), 1300 Montgomery (1/19), 2500 Kensington (1/20)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2500 Cumberland (1/15), 2000 Huntingdon (1/19), 1800 5th (1/19)
  • There were Seven (7) residential burglaries during this period : 2200 Letterly (1/15), 2500 Townsend (1/16), 2400 Letterly (1/16), 500 Turner (1/17), 2500 Memphis (1/17), 2400 Cedar (1/17), 1800 Mutter (1/20)
  • There were Twenty-three (23) theft from autos during this period: 1900 7th (1/14), 1600 8th (1/15), 2200 Susquehanna (1/15), 1000 Lawrence (1/16), 1500 Lawrence (1/17), 1200 4th (1/18), 2400 Memphis (1/18), 2100 Sergeant (1/18), 1000 Marlborough (1/18), 1300 Hancock (1/18), 100 Thompson (1/18), 2000 Frankford (1/18), 2400 Hazzard (1/19), 1300 Mascher (1/19), 1700 2nd (1/19), 2600 Livingston (1/19) X 2, 100 W Wildey (1/19), 2600 Aramingo (1/19), 1700 Blair (1/19), 2100 Norris (1/20), 1300 Frankford (1/20), 2600 York (1/20) 
  • There was One (1) stolen vehicles during this time : 2500 Trenton (1/20)
  • There were Seven (7) thefts during this period : 900 Penn (1/15), 2000 Susquehanna (1/15), 200 W George (1/17) X 3, 2400 Freedly (1/18), 200 W George (1/20)

26th District Crime Report:1.7 - 1.13

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
January 7, 2015- January 13, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1700 6th (1/7), 100 E Girard (1/9)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 400 E Wildey (1/11)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time :
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2500 Dauphin (1/10), 1400 5th (1/12)
  • There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 2100 Cumberland (1/8), 1000 New Market (1/8), 2600 Salmon (1/13)
  • There were Thirteen (13) theft from autos during this period: 100 Jefferson (1/7), 200 Master (1/7), 2200 Trenton (1/7), 300 W Girard (1/7), 2600 Webb (1/7), 2600 Almond (1/10), 2600 Thompson (1/10), 100 Master (1/10), 2300 Firth (1/11), 200 Wildey (1/11), 1100 American (1/11), 1900 Lawrence (1/12), 1600 2ND (1/12) 
  • There were Two (2) stolen vehicles during this time : 2500 Frankford (1/12), 1300 Mascher (1/12)
  • There were Zero (0) thefts during this period : 

SK Makers & DoersSpeaker Spotlight:Michelle from Witty Gritty!

South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP is excited to announce our event, South Kensington Makers & Doers, at 6pm on Thursday, January 22nd! SKM&D will be a no-fuss neighborhood business event with tasty treats, friendly faces, an inspiring talk by a local business owner, and a lightning round of tips by several guest speakers to help you attending entrepreneurs thrive!

One of our special guest speakers will be Michelle Freeman, founder & president of Witty Gritty, the local marketing and events firm based out of the Impact Hub on 4th & Thompson!

Michelle has worked in marketing and events in Greater Philadelphia since she was an undergrad in Drexel University. In 2008, she began operating her own agency, Witty Gritty, which focuses on marketing strategy and full-scale event production.

Witty Gritty is a socially driven marketing and events firm working in South Kensington. They work to connect makers, doers, and people working for social change in Philadelphia. Witty Gritty works towards civic engagement and strengthening communities, including our own neighborhood! They also run the communications campaign for the Impact HUB, an important co-working establishment in the SK community!


At the event, Michelle will be giving a lightning round of tips on public relations and communications. Many small businesses and entrepreneurs struggle with their image, and getting the word out about their business. We're glad to have Michelle giving some awesome advice about how to make businesses stronger through PR.

We can't wait for the event, and we hope you'll join us!

To register and for more information, click here!

See you there,
The SKCP Team

26th District Crime Report: 1.1 - 1.6

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
January 1, 2015- January 6, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1600 Hewson (1/1)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2600 Potter (1/5)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 2000 Arizona (1/2)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time :100 W Girard (1/3) x 2
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1100 Frankford (1/1), 2300 Norris (1/2)
  • There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period : 1900 7th (1/5), 1300 Oxford (1/6)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 2100 Dauphin (1/1), 2300 Tulip (1/2), 900 6th (1/2), 1200 Germantown (1/3), 2000 Boston (1/4), 1500 Philip (1/5), 1800 7th (1/5), 900 New Market (1/6), 2000 Letterly (1/6)
  • There were Nine (9) stolen vehicles during this time : 1500 Lawrence (1/1), 1900 Firth (1/2), 1000 Delaware (1/3), 2300 Huntingdon (1/3),  1100 American (1/3), 2500 Memphis (1/3), 100 Oxford (1/4), 1800 2nd (1/6), 1900 Front (1/6)
  • There were Five (5) thefts during this period : 1000 2nd (1/1), 2500 Sepviva (1/1), 900 Frankford (1/1), 100 E Lehigh (1/4), 1700 Waterloo (1/5)

26th District Crime Report:12.10 - 12.16

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
December 10, 2014- December 16, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2200 Front (12/13), 700 Belgrade (12/15)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 1800 Front (12/15)
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 600 Girard (12/15)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 2000 Cumberland (12/5), 1900 Front (12/6)
  • There were Four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 2300 amber (12/10), 900 New Market (12/10), 2100 Albert (12/15), 700 E Girard (12/15)
  • There were Eighteen (18) theft from autos during this period: 100 E Wildey (12/10), 2600 Sepviva (12/10), 1100 Earl (12/11), 2000 Hagert (12/11), 2500 Tulip (12/11), 900 American (12/12), 900 New Market (12/13), 1000 Hope (12/13), 1700 Tilghman (12/13), 100 Richmond (12/14), 1000 Delaware (12/14), 2400 Almond (12/14), 1100 Delaware (12/15), 1100 4th (12/15), 100 W Girard (12/15), 2200 Huntingdon (12/16), 400 Sepviva (12/16), 100 E Wildey (12/16)
  • There were Six (6) stolen vehicles during this time : 1200 5th (12/10), 2300 Susquehanna (12/12), 2600 Huntingdon (12/13), 2600 Martha (12/15),1400 Hewson (12/15), 1000 6th (12/16)
  • There were Five (5) thefts during this period : 900 Franklin (12/10), 1800 Front (12/11), 1500 7th (12/12), 1000 2nd (12/15), 2600 Boston (12/16)

26th District Crime Report:12.3 - 12.9

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
December 3, 2014- December 9, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 100 W Montgomery (12/5), 1600 6th (12/5)
  • There were Five (5) robberies other weapon during this time : 100 W Berks (12/3), 1000 Crease (12/4), 2000 Cumberland (12/4), 600 Girard (12/5), 400 Memphis (12/9)
  • There were three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2400 Kensington (12/3), 2200 Gordon (12/5), 2400 Frankford (12/8), 
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 2000 Cumberland (12/5), 1900 Front (12/6)
  • There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 2100 Hagert (13/3), 2500 Collins (12/4), 2600 Frankford (12/6)
  • There were Eighteen (18) theft from autos during this period: 2300 Thompson 912/3), 2200 Emerald (12/3), 1800 Sergeant (12/3), 1700 Randolph (12/4), 1300 Fletcher (12/4), 1700 Tulip (12/4), 500 Berks (12/4), 2600 Albert (12/4), 100 Columbia (12/4), 2500 Lehigh (12/5), 2500 Dauphin (12/5), 1200 Susquehanna (12/5), 1100 leopard (12/6), 2600 Livingston (12/6), 1000 Front (12/6), 300 Master (12/6), 2600 York (12/8), 1200 Howard (12/9)
  • There were Four (4) stolen vehicles during this time : 2400 Aramingo (12/5), 900 Front (12/6), 1600 Frankford (12/6), 2700 Cumberland (12/7)
  • There were Six (6) thefts during this period : 900 5th (12/3), 1500 4th (12/4), 2200 Fairhill (12/6), 1600 Hancock (12/7), 1500 Bodine (12/8), 1900 5th (12/9), 900 Berks (12/9)

26th District Crime Report:11.26 - 12.2

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
November 26, 2014- December 2, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 2500 Emerald (12/1)
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2300 Jasper (12/1)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 2000 Letterly (12/1)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this time : 2400 Firth (11/26), 1400 5th (12/1)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this period: 
  • There were Four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 300 W Thompson (11/27), 2600 Frankford (11/28), 1500 Frankford (11/29), 1000 Leithgow (12/1)
  • There were Fifteen (15) theft from autos during this period: 900 2nd (11/26), 1700 Howard (11/26), 1400 American (11/26), 2300 York (11/28), 100 W Wildey (11/28), 2200 Ritter (11/28), 2400 Cumberland (11/28), 100 E Oxford (11/28), 2000 Amber (11/29), 1500 Montgomery (11/29). 2600 Kensington (11/30), 900 Delaware (11/30), 2500 Albert (12/1), 2500 Trenton (12/1), 1100 Delaware (12/1)
  • There were Three (3) stolen vehicles during this time : 1000 Delaware (11/26), 2300 York (11/27), 100 W Wildey (11/27)
  • There were Two (2) thefts during this period : 900 Delaware (11/26), 100 W Girard (11/26)