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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

26th District Crime Report:1.7 - 1.13

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
January 7, 2015- January 13, 2014

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time: 
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1700 6th (1/7), 100 E Girard (1/9)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 400 E Wildey (1/11)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time :
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2500 Dauphin (1/10), 1400 5th (1/12)
  • There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 2100 Cumberland (1/8), 1000 New Market (1/8), 2600 Salmon (1/13)
  • There were Thirteen (13) theft from autos during this period: 100 Jefferson (1/7), 200 Master (1/7), 2200 Trenton (1/7), 300 W Girard (1/7), 2600 Webb (1/7), 2600 Almond (1/10), 2600 Thompson (1/10), 100 Master (1/10), 2300 Firth (1/11), 200 Wildey (1/11), 1100 American (1/11), 1900 Lawrence (1/12), 1600 2ND (1/12) 
  • There were Two (2) stolen vehicles during this time : 2500 Frankford (1/12), 1300 Mascher (1/12)
  • There were Zero (0) thefts during this period :