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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: vaccination

New Mask Requirements in Philadelphia Effective August 12, 2021

South Kensington Community Partners

Do I have to wear a mask or not? Philly’s new COVID mandate, explained
Michaela Winberg, BillyPenn

Philly businesses and institutions have been given a choice between two options.
1) Everyone masks: They can require all customers and employees to wear masks inside. If a business goes with this one, everybody has to wear masks inside the establishment — even if they’re fully vaccinated.
2) Everyone vaxxed: Alternately, a business can require all customers and employees to be fully vaccinated. The businesses that choose this route will be expected to ask patrons to see their vaccination card at the door. People who can’t prove they’re vaccinated won’t be allowed inside. Under this option, because everyone would be vaccinated, no one would have to wear masks on site.

What if I lost my vaccine card?
Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, and the health department is streamlining the process to get a replacement. If you lost your vax card, call 215-685-5488 or email, and staff will help verify your address and info, and then work with you to get a new card.

How do I get vaccinated?
Visit Philly’s vaccination directory to find a clinic near you.

Read the rest of the details here.


South Kensington Community Partners

Philly Counts logo.png

Together we are sharing important information and helping people across Philadelphia get vaccinated. Want to help us keep the momentum up? Join us for our next volunteer opportunity.

Canvassing Opportunities:


  • As of Friday, June 11, the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) announced the last two Safer at Home mandates have been lifted. However, businesses may require you to wear your masks indoors.

  • Teenagers aged 12-15 are now eligible for the Pfizer vaccine. For more information check the city’s website

  • There are vaccines available for homebound older adults and people with disabilities now

  • Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone. Text COVIDPHL to 888-777 to receive free text alerts with info and updates from @PHLPublicHealth.

  • Residents with questions about the COVID-19 coronavirus can use the 24/7 helpline to talk to a medical professional. Call 800-722-7112