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Filtering by Tag: mask

New Mask Requirements in Philadelphia Effective August 12, 2021

South Kensington Community Partners

Do I have to wear a mask or not? Philly’s new COVID mandate, explained
Michaela Winberg, BillyPenn

Philly businesses and institutions have been given a choice between two options.
1) Everyone masks: They can require all customers and employees to wear masks inside. If a business goes with this one, everybody has to wear masks inside the establishment — even if they’re fully vaccinated.
2) Everyone vaxxed: Alternately, a business can require all customers and employees to be fully vaccinated. The businesses that choose this route will be expected to ask patrons to see their vaccination card at the door. People who can’t prove they’re vaccinated won’t be allowed inside. Under this option, because everyone would be vaccinated, no one would have to wear masks on site.

What if I lost my vaccine card?
Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, and the health department is streamlining the process to get a replacement. If you lost your vax card, call 215-685-5488 or email, and staff will help verify your address and info, and then work with you to get a new card.

How do I get vaccinated?
Visit Philly’s vaccination directory to find a clinic near you.

Read the rest of the details here.

Philly officials say even fully vaccinated people should again wear masks inside public spaces

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philly officials say even fully vaccinated people should again wear masks inside public spaces
Stacey Burling and Sarah Gantz, Philadelphia Inquirer

The recommendation is meant to "normalize" mask wearing and protect children too young for vaccines. As the highly contagious delta variant fuels COVID-19 case spikes among the unvaccinated in many parts of the country, Philadelphia health officials said Thursday they now “strongly recommend” that everyone — including the fully vaccinated — wear masks inside public places. James Garrow, a spokesperson for the city Department of Public Health, said officials are concerned about a small increase in hospitalizations among children too young to be vaccinated. Vaccines are only approved for people 12 and older. National statistics also point to trouble ahead.
Read here.


Updated Mask Recommendations Due to the COVID Delta Variant
James Garrow Board of Health, Department of Public Health

Countries around the globe, and states throughout the United States, are seeing the number of people infected with COVID rise as the Delta variant spreads. Even here in Philadelphia, we’re seeing more people test positive. Because of the rapid increase in cases here and around the country, and because we are seeing hospitalizations rise among children in Philadelphia, we are now strongly recommending that everyone mask while indoors in places where you do not know that everyone is vaccinated.
Read here.