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SEPTA Summer 2021 Travel Survey

South Kensington Community Partners

Septa square logo.png

We would like to hear from you in our Summer 2021 Travel Survey. If you’ve taken one of our Travel Surveys in the past, you'll notice some differences with the new survey, but the goal remains the same: To help us improve our service and keep our passengers and employees safe.

View here the results from the SEPTA Winter 2021 COVID-19 Travel Survey

Click here to participate.


Webinar: SEPTA is the WAY TO GO BACK
Aug 4, 2021 12:00 PM

Tune-in to hear what SEPTA is doing to meet your safety, security, and service needs through this recovery and beyond - including cleaning protocols, mask requirements, new fare options, and schedule changes.
°Leslie Richards, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
°Scott Sauer, Assistant General Manager Operations

Click here to register.