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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

SKCP news, October 21st - 27th

South Kensington Community Partners

Where can I vote on Election Day?

Find voting locations at Pennsylvania Voter Services

Can I vote early?

  • Yes, Pennsylvania does offer in-person mail-in voting. You can choose whether to vote on Election Day or during the in-person mail ballot voting period, whichever is easier for you. This can be especially helpful if it would be difficult or not possible for you to vote on Election Day.

  • Learn more about early in-person mail-in voting in Pennsylvania.

  • Locations for in-person mail ballot voting may be different from where you vote on Election Day. Check Pennsylvania Voter Services to find where to cast your in-person mail ballot.

What do I need to bring?

If you've voted at your polling place before, you don't need to show ID to vote.
If you're a first-time voter, or if you moved within Pennsylvania and are voting for the first time at a new polling place, you must show ID to vote. Acceptable forms include:

  • Pennsylvania driver's license or PennDOT ID card

  • ID issued by Pennsylvania or the US government

  • US passport

  • US military ID

  • student ID

  • employee ID

  • confirmation issued by the County Voter Registration Office

  • non-photo ID issued by Pennsylvania or the US government

  • firearm permit

  • copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, or a government check that includes your name and address

How can I check the status of my ballot?

You can check the status of your ballot on Pennsylvania's site

Eviction Diversion Program extended to 2024

The Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) is a free City service for residential tenants and landlords. The Program is an opportunity to work out an early resolution to prevent the costs and burden of a legal eviction. Applications are now open to landlords through

Applications are assigned appropriate pathways depending on the amount of back rent and fees that the landlord says is owed and additional factors. A tenant may be assigned a housing counselor, mediation session or additional resources like a webinar. Tenants and landlords are encouraged to immediately try to work out agreements.

For more info on The Eviction Diversion Program

Community Zoning Meeting - Wednesday, October 26th, 6:30 PM

South Kensington Community Partners



514-18 W. BERKS ST (VOTE) View Plans

Residential Units: 12

Commercial Space?: No

Proposed Height: 44’

Demolition?: No

Current Zoning: CMX-2

DESCRIPTION: Applicant is seeking support for a multifamily new construction. As a high impact project, this project is subject to two meetings. This is the second and final meeting to review this project. Residents, business owners, and property owners within a 1/2 mile are eligible to vote.

SKCP news, October 14th - 20th

South Kensington Community Partners

City Council Votes To Extend Eviction Diversion Program

City Council has passed an order extending parts of Philadelphia’s eviction diversion program that will extend the requirement that landlords participate in it for at least 30 days before deciding to take legal action against rentors. This city housing initiative created during the pandemic has garnered national acclaim for its effectiveness in mediating relationships between landlords and tenants outside of court.

Read full story via Philly Tribune

October 15, 16, 22 & 23, 2022
Studios open noon-6pm all 4 days.

The Philadelphia Open Studio Tours (POST), a program of The Center for Emerging Visual Artists, is the largest tour of personal and professional artist studios and creative workspaces in the region, and one of the premier open studio tour events in the country.

Through their artist-driven, behind-the-scenes creative experience, they hope too spread human connection and community in the local arts scene. POST aims to help build neighborhood and city-wide relationships, illuminate spaces for new voices, create empathy and belonging, as well as support and uplift more vibrant local economies.

For more info visit:

SKCP news, October 7th - 13th

South Kensington Community Partners

Philly Spring Cleanup Fall Edition Update

Due to last week's rain cancellation we have made some changes to our Philly Spring Cleanup Fall Edition activities this Saturday, October 8th. We will no longer be meeting at North American and Master Streets. Instead we will drop off cleanup supplies directly to your home. So, if you would like to arrange a drop off for your block please text or call 215-370-0099.

After your block cleanup trash can be dropped off at the following corners to be picked up by the Philadelphia Streets Department. Please make sure bags are securely fastened, not too heavy, and are placed on corners out of walking paths.

Thanks for your support in helping keep our neighborhood clean.

- 5th and Thompson
- Lawrence and Thompson
- 4th and Thompson
- Oriana and Thompson
- 3rd and Thompson
- Master and N. American
- Germantown and Master Street
- Germantown and Jefferson Street
- Germantown and Oxford Street
- 4th and Jefferson
- Lawrence and Jefferson
- 5th and Jefferson
- 2nd and Oxford Street
- 2nd and Jefferson Street
- 2nd and Master Street
- 2nd and Girard Ave.


Saturday, October 8th, 12pm-2pm
Jefferson & Lawrence to Jefferson & 5th

Tools and Gloves Provided

Sponsored by La Esquina Community Garden

Deadline To Submit First Level Property Tax Assessment Review Extended To December 2, 2022

The deadline to submit a First Level Review (FLR) application for Tax Year 2023 property values has been extended to December 2, 2022. FLR forms were included with the mailed Notices of Valuation. If a property owner misplaced their FLR form, they can request a replacement by calling (215) 686-9200.

Everything You Need To Know About Registering To Vote In Philadelphia

Registering to vote is the first step to participating in democracy and having a say in your community. It’s pretty easy to do. Billy Penn has everything you need to know here.

SKCP news, September 30th - October 6th

South Kensington Community Partners

Philly Spring Cleanup Fall Edition Has Been Postponed To Saturday, October 8th 

*** Due to the weather forecast Philly Spring Cleanup Fall Edition has been postponed to next Saturday, October 8th ***

Come out and join us for The Fall Edition of Philly Spring Cleanup. Our home base will be SKCP's Soak It Up Adoption site - the rain garden at North American and Master Streets. We'll be there with tools and supplies, coffee and treats, and a list of group projects throughout the neighborhood where you can lend a hand.

To volunteer give us a call at 215-427-3463 or email

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Disputing Your Philadelphia Property Tax Assessment has put together a very helpful guide for homeowners who are looking to challenge their property tax assessment. There is still time left, but you must act fast. Read the full guide here.

Free Legal Help By Community Legal Services

Home Ownership Help

- CLS provides legal advice to homeowners who have disputes with their home repair contractors or are considering borrowing money to pay for repairs.

- CLS provides legal advice to homeowners who have disputes with their mortgage company or are facing a mortgage foreclosure.

- CLS helps Philadelphia residents who are struggling with their property taxes. They can often help homeowners qualify for affordable payment agreements or other programs that will save their home from being lost at sheriff sale for unpaid property taxes.

Public Benefits Help

- If you apply for cash assistance and are turned down, CLS can help you appeal to the county assistance office. Their advocates can also help you regain benefits if they change or are cut off.

- CLS represents people who have legal problems getting or keeping Medical Assistance, Medicaid, and Medicare.

- CLS helps people with serious disabilities qualify for and keep Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits from the Social Security Administration.

Criminal Records Help

- CLS can assist individuals who cannot access public benefits due to a criminal record and determine eligibility for criminal record clearing.

- CLS represents people to help them clear up their records through the expungement, sealing, and pardon processes. CLS also advises people about whether they have or will benefit from automated record sealing.

- Individuals with criminal records may owe court fines, fees, or costs on their cases, which can prevent record clearing. CLS can help waive or reduce debts when possible, and negotiate affordable payment plans.

For more info on Community Legal Services and all of the services they offer. Give them a call at: 215-981-3700 or visit:

Philadelphia City Commissioners gave poll workers a significant raise. The raise increased the base rate for poll workers to $200. The take-home pay for a poll worker is now $250 per Election Day due to a required training session.

Click here for more info on becoming a poll worker

SKCP news, September 23rd - 29th

South Kensington Community Partners

Philly Spring Cleanup Fall Edition.
Saturday, October 1st

Come join us next Saturday, October 1st at 10am for the Fall Edition of Philly Spring Cleanup. Our home base will be SKCP's Soak It Up Adoption site - the rain garden at North American and Master Streets. We'll be there with tools and supplies, coffee and treats, and a list of group projects throughout the neighborhood where you can lend a hand.

To volunteer gives us a call at 215-427-3463 or email

SKCP news, Septmeber 16th - September 22nd

South Kensington Community Partners

Property Tax Assessment Appeal Tips

Here are some key takeaways from our Regional NAC meeting this past Tuesday on Appealing Your Property Tax Assessment featuring Jonathan Sgro, from Community Legal Services.

If you believe your property value reassessment is incorrect here are some things you can do:

1. Request a “First Level Review” with the Office of Property Assessment, and filing an appeal with the Board of Revision of Taxes by Friday, October 14, 2022 (extended deadline).

2. Property owners can also submit a formal appeal to the Board of Revision of Taxes (BRT). The deadline for filing a formal appeal is Monday, October 3, 2022. The BRT appeal deadline is established by state law and remains unchanged.

For BRT appeals CLS recommends that you:
Email the form for faster processing.
Request an oral hearing which gives you a better opportunity to make your case.

Some appeal arguments Dos and Don'ts:
+ Do not say you taxes are “too high” or “unaffordable”
+ Do not say that the increase was "too much"

Some GOOD arguments include:
+ My property is overassessed based on a private appraisals or comparable sales data.
+ Your property “Condition Code” which is usually based on exterior condition is incorrect. For example if your property is listed as "Above Average" you can use photographs of exterior and major systems in house, and/or estimates of repair costs from contracts to help make the case that your condition should be "Average" or lower.

3. Community Legal Services will be providing help with a number of tax appeal assessments cases FREE of charge (depending on your qualifications and their resources). Please reach out to CLS directly for more info at 215-981-3700.

Additional Programs That Can Help You Save On Your Property Tax Bill

Homestead Exemption:

If you own your primary residence, you are eligible for the Homestead Exemption on your Real Estate Tax. The Homestead Exemption reduces the taxable portion of your property’s assessed value. With this exemption, the property’s assessed value is reduced by $80,000. Most homeowners will save about $1,119 a year on their Real Estate Tax bill starting in 2023.

The Longtime Owner Occupants Program (LOOP) is a Real Estate Tax relief program for eligible homeowners whose property assessments (after the Homestead Exemption) increased by 50%, or more, from last year. Participants must also fall within income limits, and meet length of home ownership requirements.

Senior Freeze
The Senior Citizen Property Tax Freeze program enables eligible seniors to prevent increases in their real estate taxes in the future. To be eligible your income must be $33,500 or less for a single person or $41,500 for a married couple.

Do You Want Trees On Your Block?

Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders are taking applications for trees to be planted in Spring 2023

Make a request online here or in Spanish: (Just select Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders from the pull down menu.)

or click here for a paper application

or email or call/text 215-370-0099 with questions or assistance in applying

At the heart of SKCP's tree program is the work of the Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders which includes neighbors who have been trained by our partners at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the biology, care, and planting of trees. OSK Tree Tenders have planted hundreds of trees throughout the neighborhood and advocate year round for tree canopy and a thoughtfully planted neighborhood scaled urban forest that benefits everyone.

This virtual, four-part program will take place via Zoom on Thursdays beginning September 22 through October 13. Each session runs from 6 - 8 pm, which totals eight hours of training.

September 22
September 29
October 6
October 13

Students will also be asked to choose one of the following optional hands-on Outdoor Workshops for in-person training:

Saturday, October 15, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at the Woodlands Cemetery and Arboretum, Philadelphia
Sunday, October 16 from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm at Norristown Farm Park, Norristown (Montgomery County)

Scholarships available from PHS and from OSKTT for those interest in participating in neighborhood tree care/outreach, contact:

Click here to register

The SKCP NAC team will be joining Movie Night this Monday at Benson Park (1442 North 4th Street.) Be sure to stop by our Mobile Help Desk to say hello and also get information on the latest housing and community development resources.

SKCP news, Septmeber 9rd - September 15th

South Kensington Community Partners

Attend Our Regional NAC Meeting This Tuesday To Get Tips On Lowering Your Tax Assessment And How To Enjoy Better Mental Health

In collaboration with the Department of Housing and Community Development, the SKCP NAC will be co-hosting this virtual event. The event will feature special guests Orienthal Spivey from the Department of Revenue answering questions and sharing tips on how to lower your tax assessment. As well as on Shemiah S. Cooper from the Department of Behavioral Health providing tips on how to enjoy better mental health.

Join the meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 6pm
via Zoom:

*Be sure to tune in for a chance to win free visa gift and grocery shopping cards.

Should I get an omicron booster shot? Delaware Valley experts share what you need to know

New COVID-19 booster vaccines are making their debut this fall, and they’ve been modified to target specific omicron variants that are causing the majority of new cases in the United States.

The boosters — made by Pfizer and Moderna — won approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last week. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention followed by granting the vaccines emergency use authorization Thursday.

Read Full Story via WHYY

COVID-19 Boosters are available at
Health Center 6 Annex, 301 W. Girard Ave., 19123
To check for walk-in and appointment availability call 215-685-2933

Additional vaccination info and locations can be found here

New PA Marijuana Pardon Project. Applications Accepted From September 1 - to September 30

Pennsylvania is coordinating a one-time, large-scale pardon effort for people with certain minor, non-violent marijuana convictions.

Applying is free and entirely online.

For more info visit:

Community Zoning Meeting - August 24th

South Kensington Community Partners

6:30pm 1517 N. BODINE (pdf)

Residential Units: 2

Commercial Space? No

Proposed Height

Demolition? No

Current Zoning: ICMX

DESCRIPTION: Proposal for a duplex on a lot zoned ICMX. Zoning relief is also required because the proposed structure exceeds the maximum lot coverage. Residents, business owners, and property owners within a 1/4 mile are eligible to participate in the review.

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance, to, so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.

SKCP news, August 13th - August 19th

South Kensington Community Partners

Top Five Tips For First Time Homebuyers

Last month in cooperation with Clarifi SKCP NAC hosted a Virtual Community Seminar for First Time Homebuyers. Here are our Top Five Tips and Takeaways from that event.

1. Know What's On Your Credit Report

When evaluating your application for a mortgage, lenders look at more than just your credit score. They also review your credit report to evaluate your payment habits, balances, and overall financial health.

2. Set A Budget

When evaluating your application for a mortgage, lenders look at more than just your credit score. They also review your credit report to evaluate your payment habits, balances, and overall financial health.

3. Save For A Down Payment In Advance

It takes about 6.5 years for the average American homebuyer to save for a 20% down payment, so it’s important to start saving early.

4. Understand The Hidden Costs Of Homeownership

Once you’re in your home, you’ll be responsible for more costs than just your mortgage payment. These can include insurance, property taxes, utilities, HOA dues, and more. There’s also maintenance costs and repairs — which often come by surprise.

5. Get Pre-Approved Before You Make An Offer
A pre-approval is a letter from a lender that shows you’re approved for a mortgage for a certain amount. A pre-approval letter in your offer also shows the seller that you’re a serious buyer.


SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] Wednesday, August 24th, 2022 at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:

6.30pm 1517 N. Bodine Street

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance so we can use our time well.

Please submit questions to,
and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance.

7th Annual Clay Fest 2022

On Saturday, August 20th from 12-4pm celebrate clay and community with a fun day of muddy festivities in The Clay Studio's new home in South Kensington. Join them for hands-on activities for all ages, wheel throwing demos, a group sculpture extravaganza, artist projects, an ice cream social, screen printing totes, and music.

LOCATION: 1425 N. American Street (across from the Crane Arts Building.)

For more info visit:

SKCP news, August 6th - August 12th

South Kensington Community Partners

Property Reassessments And Relief Programs:
What You Need To Know

The City’s Office of Property Assessment has posted the results of reassessments of all properties in Philadelphia, and written notices of new property values will be mailed to property owners as soon as next week. The new values of are to take effect for Tax Year 2023, with property taxes due on March 31, 2023.

Property owners who believe their valuation is incorrect have until October 3, 2022 to submit a formal appeal. Property owners can also request an informal First Level Review (FLR) with OPA, with FLR applications due September 30, 2022.

The Homestead Exemption
LOOP (Longtime Owner Occupant Program)
Senior Citizen Tax Freeze Program

SKCP news, July 30th - August 5th

South Kensington Community Partners


You can now find us at 227 West Thompson Street, on the corner of Thompson & American Streets, a short block away from our previous location.

Office hours are
Monday - Friday
9 am - 5:30 pm

Stop by anytime or call for an appointment to confirm that someone will be available to assist you 215-427-3463

Thank you to the Clarifi Team for being the special guest presenter at our Virtual Credit Health Community Seminar this week. They were able to share valuable information with the community on improving credit health, savings, and best practices for first time homebuyers.

To learn more about Clarifi's Housing Counseling Services visit:

Are You Facing A Utility Termination? The UESF Grant Program Can Help

UESF provides financial assistance to low income individuals and families who are facing utility terminations or who have had their utilities shut off. PECO, the Philadelphia Gas Works, and the Philadelphia Water Department match each dollar we provide.

For more info:

New Round of Solarize Philly Now Open Through Summer 2022

Solarize Philly is a citywide program to help all Philadelphians go solar. The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) launched Solarize Philly to make the process of installing solar as easy and affordable as possible, while also supporting solar training at the School District of Philadelphia and improving access to clean energy for all neighborhoods.

For more info visit:

SKCP news, July 16th - July 22nd

South Kensington Community Partners

To register for the July 27th Zoning Meeting:

The Water Department Has Temporarily
Stopped Shutoffs During Heatwave

The Water Department will not resume water shut offs as planned due to this week's heat wave and service will not be shut off until any emergency is lifted. The Philadelphia Water Department was scheduled to resume residential shutoffs for delinquency on July 20. When the declaration is lifted, PWD will resume shutoffs as previously scheduled.

Any customer who received a shutoff notice should pay their bill now if possible, or call (215) 685-6300 to request an assistance application or payment agreement to avoid losing water. Virtual Water Assistance Clinics to help apply for assistance and payment agreements.


South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Wednesday, July 27th at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:

6.30pm 1535-37 N. American Street

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance, to, so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.

SKCP news, July 9th - July 15th

South Kensington Community Partners


THANK YOU! to Tim Majoros of Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) who joined SKCP's Clean and Green team on American Street for a landscape maintenance workshop where we learned plant identification and techniques for weeding and maintaining perennial gardens.

Extra SNAP Benefits Now Available
For All Recipients During July

Every household that receives SNAP will get extra benefits, called “Emergency Allotments” (EAs), in the second half of the month. EAs are to help with food costs during the pandemic.

The EA amount you get depends on your household size and if you are already getting the maximum benefit amount for your household.

For more info visit CLS Phila

Big change to widely-used property tax program now Philly law. Related relief measures to follow

Mayor Jim Kenney has signed a bill designed to lessen the financial burden of new property assessments on Philadelphia homeowners, whose property values increased by an average of 31% after the city delayed the annual calculations for three years due to the pandemic.

Residents enrolled in the city’s Homestead Exemption program will now have $80,000 deducted from their property’s value, which could lower their property tax bill by about $1,119 each year. The exemption was previously valued at $45,000, which saved homeowners about $629 annually.

The same is true for residents currently enrolled in the city’s Longtime Owner Occupants Program (LOOP), which is designed to protect low-to-moderate income homeowners in swiftly gentrifying neighborhoods from displacement.

Read More via WHYY

SKCP news, July 2nd - July 8th

South Kensington Community Partners

The Save Your Home Philly Hotline helps any Philadelphia homeowner at risk of losing their home to mortgage or tax foreclosure. The Hotline provides advice, brief service, and connects thousands of callers to housing counselors each year.

If you are at any stage of the mortgage or tax foreclosure process or have fallen behind on your mortgage payments or your property taxes, you should call the hotline ASAP for help with understanding what steps you can take to save your home.


Call: (267) 332-8737 Conference ID: 880597729#
Or Online Here

SKCP news, June 25th - July 1st

South Kensington Community Partners

FREE Food Distribution at Friends Rehab Program

The Friends Rehabilitation Program distributes food every Friday starting at 10am. To find more food giveaway locations in your neighborhood use the Food Locator by Share Food Programs.

Philly Plant Share is a new nonprofit created by an Old/South Kensington neighbor whose mission is to foster and revive homeless houseplants and present them as gifts, bringing vibrancy, life, and cleaner air to neighbors. They donate plants to patients in hospice, gift plants, build indoor planters, and hold simple workshops with seniors.

This new organization has already seen a great deal of interest and excitement and is looking to increase partnerships and expand the communities they serve. Please contact with any interest or any questions.

SKCP news, June 18th - June 24th

South Kensington Community Partners

The Restore, Repair, Renew program

The Restore, Repair, Renew program is an initiative by the City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA) to help Philadelphia homeowners get access to low-interest home equity loans to invest in their properties.  Lenders participating in the program are offering a 10-year fixed-rate 3% interest home equity term loan ranging from $2,500 to $50,000.

Loans can fund a range of home repairs that focus on health, safety, weatherization, accessibility and modernizing outdated features. The goal of the program is to help Philadelphians improve their homes and strengthen their communities.

For more info visit:

Water Main Break at 4th and Berks Streets 

A massive water main break in North Philadelphia occurred just before 7 a.m. Thursday, near the intersection of 4th and Berks Streets, at West Hewson Street.  Officials say that a 20-inch transmission main broke. It’s more than 100 years old.  
Read full story via CBS Philly

Learn more about water main breaks, what to expect, and other resources at:

To file a claim for damages visit:

COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children under 5

Everyone 6 months and older is now eligible to be vaccinated against COVID-19. According to the Philadelphia Department of Public Health getting your whole family vaccinated is the best way to protect your loved ones and your community.

Click here for more info on getting your children vaccinated.

The Manufacturing Career Accelerator Program

The Manufacturing Career Accelerator Program (MCAP) is a skill-building and work readiness program that will put you on the fast track to a productive career in manufacturing.

In just 7 weeks, you will….
• Complete an intensive, industry-specific, skill-building boot camp, designed by manufacturing professionals
• Earn industry-valued credentials such as OSHA-10 and Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
• Develop essential digital skills to communicate and learn in the workplace

This no-cost, virtual program includes:
• A Chromebook
• Four-hour, live and self-paced training sessions, Mon – Fri.
• Access to support services such as digital literacy and 1:1 career coaching.
• Networking with employers, including connections to hiring companies upon graduation.

Prerequisites: To participate in MCAP you must have a High School Diploma or GED, have access to a reliable car, pass a drug screening, and have a criminal background check completed.

For more info visit: