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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

SKCP news, June 3rd - June 10th

South Kensington Community Partners

To join the Affordable Housing Resources Seminar via Zoom on June 23rd at 6pm use the following link:

Pound in tomato stakes, tie up cukes & beans, cover potatoes with dirt, pull weeds, harvest strawberries, get some leaves, bring kitchen veg scraps, and much more! Meet Some New & Old Neighbors. Come give a hand even if it's for a half hour.

Saturday, June 11, 10:30am-Noon and 1:30pm-5pm
438 W. Jefferson Street

5/25 ZONING MEETING RESULTS - Traffic calming meeting overview

South Kensington Community Partners

Thank you to everyone that was able to join us last week for the community meeting on traffic calming for 2nd and 5th streets.

We compiled a summary of the meeting, available here.

Next steps:

  • If you would like to volunteer to collect signatures on your block of 2nd or 5th, please email

  • SKCP's Planning & Zoning Committee will put together a fact sheet and petition language to distribute to volunteers by Friday, June 2

  • We'll aim to reconvene at our regular community meeting on 6/22 to check in on conversations with neighbors

  • 2nd St neighbors that have already gathered petitions: please reach out to me to discuss moving things forward with what you have in hand.

SKCP's Planning & Zoning Committee will continue conversations with Clarke and Quinones-Sanchez's offices, Streets, and other relevant offices. We'll also look at additional data points to build the case for traffic calming.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to

SKCP news, May 28th - June 2nd

South Kensington Community Partners

The Adaptive Modifications Program (AMP)

The Adaptive Modifications Program (AMP) is designed to help low-income individuals with permanent physical disabilities live more independently in their homes. It provides free adaptations to a house or an apartment, allowing easier access to and mobility within the home.

An eligible property may receive one or more of the following improvements:

Accessible kitchens and bathrooms (such as lowered sinks, cabinets and countertops)
Stairway elevators
Exterior wheelchair lifts and ramps
Barrier-free showers
First-floor full and half-baths
Widened doorways

For more info visit:


Received A Water Shut Off Notice? Here Is How To Avoid Losing Your Service

SKCP news, May 21st - 27th

South Kensington Community Partners

The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) supports many programs and services that help residents buy, repair, and keep their home. By answering a few questions you will get a list of programs for which you may be eligible. For most of the programs you will have the option for someone to contact you. There are a few programs that you will have to contact them directly.

To use the Housing Benefits Tool visit:

Are you struggling to pay your utility bills? Are you eligible for shut-off?


Free COVID Test For Event Organizers

The City is offering Free COVID test to event organizers in Philadelphia and giving priority to events that:

  • Are hosted by and/or include communities that have historically had less access to healthcare resources, including areas with lower vaccination rates, higher case rates, and limited testing options or healthcare services.

  • Include a high number of attendees who are at higher risk for severe COVID-19 infection (refer to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance here)

  • Present a high risk for COVID-19 transmission, particularly if held indoors and with a large number of individuals

This includes things like community festivals, graduations, funeral gatherings and end of life celebrations, weddings, among others.

For more info visit:

SKCP news, May 14th - May 20th

South Kensington Community Partners


The SKCP Crew and NAC Help Desk will be in attendance at the Festival. Be sure to stop by our table to say hello to learn about our current initiatives.

LIHEAP has been extended. Get up to $1500 in Energy Assistance. Deadline is now June 17th 

SKCP news, May 7th - 13th

South Kensington Community Partners

Learn how to challenge your new property assessment

On Monday the city released its new property valuations. To learn more about the tax assessments and how to challenge yours.

Read via WHYY:


Estimate Your New 2023 Property Tax Bill

Philadelphia has just released its new assessments of property values. This is what the City believes your house is worth and how it determines how much your property taxes are. However, when the City publishes its assessments, it does not tell you how much in property taxes you must pay.

For a how-to on using the online calculator that will help you estimate your new property tax bill for 2023. Visit:


SKCP news, April 30th - May 6th

South Kensington Community Partners


(via Billy Penn)

Mail ballot drop boxes are open for the 2022 primary in Philadelphia.

The May 17 election features contested races for U.S. Senate, Pennsylvania governor, many seats in the Pa. Legislature, and a special election to replace a convicted council-member.  There are also several questions about changes to the city charter. 

This marks the third year with no-excuse mail voting in Pennsylvania. Haven’t applied for yours yet? May 10 is the deadline to do it online.

The first charter change question for Philadelphians on the May 2022 ballot is probably the most controversial.  It centers on the Zoning Board of Adjustments, which makes decisions about which proposed developments get built across the city.  If approved, the measure would give City Council a greater say in who makes up this board, among other changes.

Read more at:





NextFab: Tour their makerspace filled with artisan equipment and enjoy a paper making demo + Last chance to see work from the Center for Art in Wood residency fellow Robert Aiosa

  • The Resource Exchange: reCreate Gallery will be open with over 10 creative reuse artists on display

  • Keystone Bicycle Co.: Will be open and running a bike camping gear demo. Come see how tents, hammocks, stoves, and other camping gear can get packed and loaded onto your bike!

  • AND MORE from JigBee Flowers, Beaty American, The Neon Museum of Philadelphia and the Center for Creative Works!

What Are We Claiming? Opening Reception
Second Thursday, May 12, 2022
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Crane Arts, 1400 N. American St

Join us at The InLiquid Gallery to celebrate the opening of What Are We Claiming? featuring Cheryl Harper and rod jones ii. What Are We Claiming? is an exhibition that highlights two individuals' family histories, and the stories that they inherited, discovered, and imagined.

Register at:

SKCP news, April 23rd - April 29th

South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP at PHL-Taking Care of Business Pep Rally!!!

SKCP's Clean and Green team includes PHL TCB Ambassadors who care for West Girard Avenue, Front to 10th Street, 3 times weekly, helping keep the commercial litter free and an inviting place to walk, work, and shop.

Last Friday, on a beautiful Spring morning, the Ambassadors were honored at a Pep Rally where the program was celebrated with words of appreciation and testimonials from the Mayor, Council members, merchants, and Cleaning Ambassadors from around the city. Congratulations and much appreciation to the SKCP Ambassadors! When you see them around the neighborhood please be sure and thank them for the work and energy that they contribute to keeping our neighborhood clean and welcoming.


Register to Vote Today. Deadline is May 2nd

Need a mail-in ballot? Apply online. The application deadline is May 10, but do not wait so you can have enough time to receive your mail-in ballot and return it by May 17 (postmarks don’t matter).

Need to register to vote? Do it online. The deadline for the primary is May 2.


Love Your Park Week - May 7 thru May 15

Come out an help weed, clean, and plant some flowers on Saturday, May 7th from 10am-2pm for Hart Park & Playground's Love Your Park Day at 1315 N. 4th Street. Rain Date is Sunday, May 15th.

To register visit:

SKCP news, April 16th - 22nd : NAC addition!

South Kensington Community Partners


Finished your taxes? Now is a great time to apply for lower water bills.

The Philadelphia Water Department has a mission is to provide all Philadelphians with access to clean, safe water. Its various programs may help you save money on your water bill. For the latest info on their Financial Assistance Programs visit:


LIHEAP has been extended. Get up to $1500. Deadline is now May 22nd.

The deadline to apply for LIHEAP (The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) has been extended to May 20, 2022.  LIHEAP helps families living on lower incomes pay their heating bills in the form of a cash grant.  Households in immediate danger of being without heat can also qualify for crisis grants. 
Customers can call PGW at 215-235-1000 or visit as soon as possible to discuss their account and seek available assistance, where eligible.


Basic Systems Repair Program

The Basic Systems Repair Program (BSRP) provides free repairs to correct electrical, plumbing, heating, limited structural and carpentry, and roofing emergencies in eligible owner-occupied homes in Philadelphia.

What types of emergencies are eligible?

  • You can apply for free major systems repairs if your home’s problems include:

  • Dangerous electrical conditions, such as overheating or sparking wiring or entire circuits that won’t stay on

  • Leaking or broken sewer lines

  • Leaking or broken water service lines

  • Violations from the Water Department, Philadelphia Gas Works, PECO or Philadelphia L&I

  • Roof leaks which have caused a 4 sq. ft. or larger section of ceiling to collapse (Small roof leaks are not considered emergencies)

  • Carpentry repairs to floors and joists and limited repairs to exterior walls.

More details here.


Behind on your water bill?  Receive up to $5000 in grants.

Behind on your water bill? Receive up to $5000 in grants.

The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a temporary emergency program to help low-income families pay overdue water bills. LIHWAP is a grant. You do not have to repay it.

For More Info:


Amid Rising Costs of Food, Gasoline, and more, PGW Offers Immediate Relief

PGW’s Customer Responsibility Program (CRP) provides help for low-income customers that need financial assistance with their natural gas bills.
By logging onto on a computer or smart device, customers can quickly and easily apply for CRP, which helps income-eligible households better afford their bills and offers forgiveness of past debt. Within days of completing the online process, eligible customers will be enrolled in CRP and receive benefits such as:

  • Immediate, discounted billing.

  • Fixed, affordable payment amounts based on gross household income.

  • The opportunity to eliminate PGW past-due balances over time. 

To apply in person, visit any of the Philadelphia Neighborhood Energy Centers (NEC). Learn more about CRP here.


New Home Buyers Get Up To $10,000 From Philly First Home

The City of Philadelphia wants you to be a successful homeowner and is offering a homebuyer assistance grant of up to $10,000 (or 6% of the home’s purchase price, whichever is lower) to assist first-time homebuyers reduce the principal, cover down payment and loan closing costs.

For more info visit:

SKCP news, April 9th - 15th

South Kensington Community Partners

Celebrate Earth Day by Planting Trees in the Neighborhood

If you would like to volunteer on planting day, please let us know by calling/texting 215-370-0099 or emailing

We are still observing some COVID protocols including making assignments ahead of time where possible.


Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders is taking applications for trees to be planted in Fall '22

If you're interested in planting a tree.

Make a request online at or (spanish) (Just select Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders from the pull down menu.)

or click here for a paper application

or email and/or call/text 215-370-0099 for assistance in applying.

PHS Spring Tree Tender Basic Training
May 4, 11, 18, and 25

At the heart of SKCP's tree program is the work of the Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders which includes neighbors who have been trained by our partners at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the biology, care, and planting of trees. OSK Tree Tenders have planted hundreds of trees throughout the neighborhood and advocate year round for tree canopy and a thoughtfully planted neighborhood scaled urban forest that benefits everyone.

This four-part program will teach any tree lover the basics such as identification, planting, tree biology, and proper care. The course will take place virtually over Zoom from 6:00 - 8:00 pm on Wednesdays throughout May. Scholarships available from PHS and from OSKTT for those interest in participating in neighborhood tree care/outreach, contact:

To register:


Welcome Allison

Hello! My name is Allison and I am the current NAC and office assistant at SKCP. I moved to Philadelphia in 2003 to go to Temple Architecture and never left (except for those 3 NYC years but let's not talk about those). I moved to Olde Kensington in 2016 and now call Benson Park my backyard and La Esquina my veggie garden.

I have worked full time in the neighborhood at Lost Bread Co since 2017. In my spare time I like to search through old maps, photos, and articles about Olde/South Kensington and Philadelphia. Got any old photos of the intersection of Jefferson St and Lawrence St?



Making Place Matters at The Clay Studio
Saturday, April 23rd 2-4PM

Congratulations to the Clay Studio on their beautiful new home! It has been a long time coming and we are excited to have them as neighbors at last.

Join us on Saturday, April 23rd, from 2-4 pm for the inaugural exhibition Making Place Matter, a partnership with the community that has been in the works for the past few years.

An overview of work for the project can be found here:


Turn Your Street Into A Playstreet This Summer

More than 50 years ago, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation started Playstreets. This program closes designated streets to traffic so that kids have a safe place to play when school is out. A key feature of the program are the nutritious meals and snacks provided to children. This is important during the summer months when school meals are not available.

Playstreets take place in every neighborhood of the city. 300 to 350 city streets take part during the summer from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

At each Playstreet:

  • Playstreet supervisors open and close the streets to traffic each day.

  • Parks & Rec's Summer Food Service Program provides daily lunches or snacks.

  • Participants can use free play equipment and supplies.

To host a PlayStreet or for more info visit:

SKCP news, April 2nd - 8th

South Kensington Community Partners


Thank you to all the amazing neighbors that came out to our Philly Spring Cleanup efforts last Saturday. We really appreciate all of your support in helping keeping our communities clean. Also big thanks to ReAnimator Coffee and Lost Bread for donating coffee and treats.



The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Philadelphia LandCare program is nationally recognized as a model for supporting communities and transforming vacant land. SKCP is proud to be a Community LandCare partner since 2013 and a Philadelphia LandCare contractor since 2017.

SKCP's team maintains and reports on vacant land in eastern North Philadelphia, visiting the sites twice monthly from Spring through the Fall, removing litter, mowing grass, and reporting conditions, including short dumping and construction that has become common in recent years.

LandCare helps make our communities cleaner, safer, and healthier. As important, it provides place based employment opportunities, something that has always been meaningful to our neighbors and the communities we serve. And we are looking to expand our team! For More Info



Mark your calendars for the opening celebration of The Clay Studio's new location at 1425 N. American Street. The Clay Studio has been a leader in the national and international ceramic world for nearly 50 years. Their new state-of-the-art ceramic facility increases the ability to serve the local community and highlight the power of clay as a force for good. Join them on their special day as they take the first steps in the next chapter of their history. The day includes 11 am - Ribbon Cutting and Open House from 11 am - 3 pm. The event is free and open to the public and includes artist demos and clay projects.

For more info visit:



SKCP news, March 26th - April 1st

South Kensington Community Partners

April 2nd - Philly Spring Clean!

Saturday, April 2nd @ 10am
The rain garden @ N American & Master Streets

This year our home base will be SKCP's Soak It Up Adoption site, the rain garden at North American and Master Streets. We will be there in the morning with tools and supplies, coffee and treats, and a list of group projects throughout the neighborhood where you can lend a hand.

To volunteer or to share your neighborhood clean up projects with SKCP:
Visit: Spring Clean-Up Volunteer Sign-Up
or Call: 215-427-3463
or Email:

For projects please include your project location, intersection, where you would like trash/recycling collected and how many volunteers you have or need.


Welcome Our New NAC Coordinator

YO! South & Olde Kensington, Ludlow, Poplar, and Norris Square.  Please allow me to introduce myself.  I am Roshan - Unapologetic child of "1980's Philly" and the new NAC Coordinator for South Kensington Community Partners.  I was born & raised right here in the area - still living in the same West Poplar house I grew up in as a child.

After a fun fruitful management career working for such hospitality companies as Caesars Casino Entertainment and Marriott Hotels.  I am excited to bring my experience in guest services, operations, and leadership to the SKCP Team and community. 

In my free time when I'm not hard at work at SKCP you can usually catch me walking around the city - old school vintage film camera in hand, doing street and documentary photography.  I also volunteer as founder for Friends of Lemon Street Park Group and actively participate as a committee member of my local RCO.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime here at the office at 215.427.3263 or by email at

-Roshan Basil Stanton


Plastic Bag Ban Starts April 1st

Philadelphia’s ban on plastic bags technically went into effect on Oct. 1, though enforcement was postponed for six months to help businesses prepare for the change.

Those six months are over April 1.

Read More via Whyy


PWD water/sewer project starting in Olde Kensington

PWD project #40851 Oxford / Hope is anticipated to begin construction within the next few weeks in Olde Kensington.

Here are some project stats:

  • Construction will take place over the next year, street by street, to replace water mains and sewer pipes.

  • Here is the letter that was sent out to residents. Construction teams will hand deliver an additional letter to the blocks impacted the week prior to work starting.

 Residents can also find more information and updates on this project at:


South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Wednesday, March 23th at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:

6.30pm 150-80 W Berks St (project here)
7.15pm 1649 N 5th Street (project here)

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance, to, so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.


South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Wednesday, February 23th at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:

6.30pm 1322 N Hancock Street
7.00pm 1400 N Howard Street
7.30pm 1643-51 N 6th Street

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance, to, so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.

SKCP Annual Fundraising, Thank You!

South Kensington Community Partners

We are overwhelmed by the generosity of our community! Not only did you help us meet our annual fundraiser goal of $6,000, you also went above and beyond to raise an additional $2,500. We’re excited to put these funds to work creating a cleaner, greener, and more connected South Kensington for all residents.

If the stories and accomplishments we shared last month have motivated you to get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at You can also find out more about SKCP’s neighbor-led committees by visiting our website.

With gratitude,

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design
Wag the Dog
The El Bar


South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Monday, January 10th at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:
6.30pm 527-37 W Girard Ave, project here.

7.15pm 1300 N Howard St., project here.

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance, to, so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.

SKCP Annual Fundraiser

South Kensington Community Partners

We’re just over half way to our goal of $6,000! Thank you to all of our neighbors and supporters for your generous donations. Here’s more highlights from 2021:

American Street Corridor and Beyond: Greening Our Streets

The North American Street Corridor is the central spine of our neighborhood and of those to the North. Along with our neighbors, SKCP has a long history on American Street, advocating for modernized land-use, celebrating communities that have persisted alongside the vacancy and blight for decades, and envisioning a future that respects and includes opportunities for everyone. SKCP believes that the street can serve as both a vibrant mixed use corridor, creating economic activity and a space for physical and social connection.

We also recognize the Corridor’s potential to become one of the greenest, most ecologically beneficial streets in Philadelphia, collecting stormwater, providing tree canopy, and yielding tangible health benefits for the surrounding community.

This Fall, after years of planning and construction, the American Street Improvement Project celebrated its official opening. In preparation, SKCP’s Green team, working with Apiary Studios, and with support from American Street stakeholders Crane Arts, Solar States, and Klein Company, installed specially designed landscaping in the non-porous bump outs along one block of the corridor as a demonstration of continued improvements.

In consultation with PWD, Streets Department and other City agencies, SKCP’s Clean and Green team is excited to continue this work with stakeholders to ensure that improvements will continue and be maintained, creating cohesively designed streetscape and tree canopy, while, critically important to us, providing local jobs and green skills training at the same time.

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small, hardworking staff and crew, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood. Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate
Zembo Temple of Skate and Design

(P.S. Own a business in the neighborhood? If you contribute $100 or more, we’ll give you a special shoutout in our weekly newsletter.)

Note from SKCP NAC Coordinator Rasheed Davis

South Kensington Community Partners

After three years with SKCP, NAC Coordinator Rasheed Davis, is moving on to new challenges. We truly appreciate all they have done through a difficult to navigate time. We wish them the very best and are excited to see what they do next.
A farewell note from Rasheed:


It has been a pleasure working alongside so many great people in this service area for the last few years. I have learned so much from this position and these people that I will take with me into my new journey. Thank you all for inviting me in and allowing me to work hand-in-hand with you. I will never forget this experience.

Your NAC Coordinator (always in spirit),
Rasheed Davis

SKCP Annual Fundraising

South Kensington Community Partners

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Philadelphia LandCare program is nationally recognized as a model for supporting communities and transforming vacant land.

SKCP is proud to be a Community LandCare partner since 2013 and a Philadelphia LandCare contractor since 2017. Our team maintains and reports on vacant land in eastern North Philadelphia, visiting the sites twice monthly from early Spring, during the dog days of Summer, and through the Fall, removing litter, mowing grass, and reporting conditions. In recent years, the work has gotten more challenging, as short dumping has persisted if not increased (especially with all the new construction sites in some areas).

The LandCare program helps make our communities cleaner, safer, and healthier. As important, it provides place based employment opportunities, something that has always been important to our neighbors and the communities we serve.

In 2021, our team cared for more than 750,000 s/f of land, added regular private pay clients (Thank You!), and helped plant and care for neighborhood trees. While cleaning and mowing have wrapped for 2021, the offseason work continues, researching and identifying which parcels can benefit from LandCare, reporting nuisance properties, training/hiring crew and planning for an even better 2022.

Much appreciation to 2021's LandCare crew Shawn, Luis, Ramon, Gary, Jamaal, Shaheed, and Daquaan!

SKCP’s work is carried out by a small, hardworking staff and crew, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood. Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.

Here's the link:

A big THANK YOU to these neighborhood business supporters!
Michael Jordan Real Estate

(P.S. Own a business in the neighborhood? If you contribute $100 or more, we’ll give you a special shoutout in our weekly newsletter.)

SKCP is Hiring!

South Kensington Community Partners

Are you passionate about connecting community members with needed housing resources (e.g., to prevent eviction/foreclosure, make critical home repairs, and preserve family wealth)?

Are you a detailed-oriented multitasker looking for a flexible, part-time work opportunity?

SKCP may have the perfect job for you!

Please visit the job postings linked below for full descriptions of each position:

Neighborhood Advisory Committee Coordinator (Full Time)

Program Assistant (Part Time)