The SKCP Blog
This program helps Philadelphia homeowners access low-interest loans to invest in their properties. Lenders participating in the program offer 10-year, 3% fixed Annual Percentage Rate loans that range from $2,500 to $24,999 to eligible homeowners. Income guidelines apply. Download the flyer in English and Spanish.
Need help finding housing programs?
South Kensington Community Partners
Housing Helper from the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Planning and Development is a search tool where an individual can input their household basics, such as number of household members, owner or renter, and estimated gross income, and find relevant housing programs. In many cases, the user can even elect for the housing program to contact them directly.
All results will provide you with a name, number and/or website to begin the process. Please note: This is NOT an application. This is a search tool.
Click here for DPD Housing Benefits.
Parks & Rec asks families to mark their calendars now & ‘Refuel at the Rec’ on school district holidaysf
South Kensington Community Partners
Students can visit City recreation centers and playgrounds to receive free, nutritious meals on school holidays during winter, spring breaks. Parks & Rec will distribute the meals on a first-come, first-served basis between mid-afternoon and early evening. Families can call their nearest participating recreation center to confirm hours of service. The meals are only for children and teenagers up to 18 years old, and must be eaten on-site. More here.
Select Philadelphia recreation centers and playgrounds will provide free meals for children up to 18 years old on the following days:
December 27, 2021
December 28, 2021
December 29, 2021
December 30, 2021
For 2022: January 3, February 1, April 11, 12, 13, 14.
Facilities available in the neighborhood are: Cruz Recreation Center, Towey Recreation Center, and East Poplar Playground.
A full list of participating facilities (food sites, student, senior & outdoor meal sites) besides additional information about food resources is available online.
SKCP is Hiring!
South Kensington Community Partners
Are you passionate about connecting community members with needed housing resources (e.g., to prevent eviction/foreclosure, make critical home repairs, and preserve family wealth)?
Are you a detailed-oriented multitasker looking for a flexible, part-time work opportunity?
SKCP may have the perfect job for you!
Please visit the job postings linked below for full descriptions of each position:
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Coordinator (Full Time)
Program Assistant (Part Time)
Support your neighborhood!!
South Kensington Community Partners
In 2021, SKCP was awarded a Soak It Up Adoption (SIUA) grant from the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD). The grant enables SKCP's Clean & Green crew to provide weekly maintenance and reporting on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) - aka rain gardens and tree trenches - along the 1300 block of North American Street, and to engage our community around ways they can help keep pollution out of local waterways.
In October, shortly after becoming the newest SIUA community partner, we helped celebrate 10 years of PWD's Green City, Clean Waters program at PWD's anniversary event on North American Street showcasing more than four dozen stormwater infrastructure tools along the corridor. We capped the week off with a Storm Drain Marking tour, led by Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche.
In 2022, SKCP looks forward to continued partnership with PWD and engaging neighbors in further education, Rain Check workshops, Storm Drain Marking and more!
SKCP’s work is carried out by a small staff, a volunteer board, and a few dedicated residents. We depend on you, our neighbors, to contribute in big and small ways to help us continue to support the neighborhood.
Please consider giving in any amount to help us meet our goal.
Here's the link:
A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter!
Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.
A big THANK YOU to this neighborhood business supporter! @homesweethomePHL
Want to see your business highlighted here? Donate $100 or more to the SKCP Annual Fundraiser and let us know your business name and any key info in the comment box.
Parks & Rec asks families to mark their calendars now and ‘Refuel at the Rec’ on school district holidays
South Kensington Community Partners
Students can visit City recreation centers and playgrounds to receive free, nutritious meals on school holidays during winter, spring breaks. Parks & Rec will distribute the meals on a first-come, first-served basis between mid-afternoon and early evening. Families can call their nearest participating recreation center to confirm hours of service. The meals are only for children and teenagers up to 18 years old, and must be eaten on-site. More here.
Select Philadelphia recreation centers and playgrounds will provide free meals for children up to 18 years old on the following days:
December 27, 2021
December 28, 2021
December 29, 2021
December 30, 2021
For 2022: January 3, February 1, April 11, 12, 13, 14.
Facilities available in the neighborhood are: Cruz Recreation Center, Towey Recreation Center, and East Poplar Playground.
A full list of participating facilities (food sites, student, senior & outdoor meal sites) besides additional information about food resources is available online.
SKCP is Hiring!
South Kensington Community Partners
Are you passionate about connecting community members with needed housing resources (e.g., to prevent eviction/foreclosure, make critical home repairs, and preserve family wealth)?
Are you a detailed-oriented multitasker looking for a flexible, part-time work opportunity?
SKCP may have the perfect job for you!
Please visit the job postings linked below for full descriptions of each position:
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Coordinator (Full Time)
Program Assistant (Part Time)
South Kensington Community Partners
Update: Application for trees planted on your block
South Kensington Community Partners
Applications are DUE BY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29th
Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders is taking applications now for trees to be planted in Spring '22.
If you would like to see trees planted on your block please let us know. You can fill out the form at or click here for a paper application or call/text 215-370-0099 for assistance in applying.
Turkeys & Stuffing, Greens, Beans, Corn, Mac & Cheese,Pies & Chocolates and more!!!
South Kensington Community Partners
The AACDC and SKCP are grateful for the support of everyone that contributed to the success and bounty of Saturday's Turkey Giveaway
THANK YOU to all who donated via GoFundMe - special mention to Ellie Kriedie for setting it up! THANK YOU to Penn Treaty Special Services District (PTSSD), the office of Senator Nikil Saval, and to Cousins Supermarket for their generosity. THANK YOU to the volunteers who helped distribute/deliver and, of course, to all those who are preparing meals to share with family and friends.
The Renters’ Access Act (RAA) went into effect October 13, 2021!
South Kensington Community Partners
The RAA defines when and how a landlord can use an applicant’s rental and credit history, for example, requiring landlords to provide screening criteria to all applicants and to provide a wholistic and individual review of applicants.
Information for tenants and landlords are available at and some highlights include:
Landlords must inform applicants in writing when they deny an application.
Landlords must provide a copy of any screening report used to make their decision.
Landlords may no longer deny applications based on certain eviction cases.
Tenant’s have the right to dispute the landlord’s decision and request reconsideration.
To learn more about your rights under the Renter’s Access Act, check out "What are my rights when applying for housing?" or review the flyer (with sample letter to landlord requesting reconsideration) in English or en Español.
PHDC has a few questions for Philadelphia homeowners...
South Kensington Community Partners
Is your Roof Leaking?
Do you need emergency home repairs
and can't afford to fix them?
Basic System Repair Program provides repairs to correct electrical, plumbing, heating, structural, and roofing emergencies in Philadelphia's eligible owner-occupied homes. Income guidelines do apply. To learn more and apply, click here.
Is a permanent physical disability keeping you from moving freely in your home?