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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Tax Reform Working Group: Share your thoughts about City taxes

South Kensington Community Partners

Over the past decade, local tax reforms have made Philadelphia a better place to do business. What other changes to the tax code could lead to economic growth across the city? Could tax reform create a more inclusive and equitable COVID-19 recovery?
The new Tax Reform Working Group believes that every Philadelphia neighborhood should prosper. They want to hear what you think about taxes in the city.
The working group is hosting a survey about tax preferences. Make sure to fill out the survey before October 27.

Click here to find out how you can participate

Mark your calendar: Green City, Clean Waters celebration!

South Kensington Community Partners


2021 marks a decade in the Community!

Philadelphia is celebrating a major
milestone in its ongoing mission
to reduce water pollution.

RSVP and Learn More here.

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SKCP is proud to be the newest community partner in PWD's Soak It Up Adoption program. Visit the SKCP table to get more information on SIUA, sign up for storm drain marking, get trees on your block, meet our Clean and Green team and hear how we are working every week to keep eastern North Philadelphia neighborhoods cleaner and greener. Plus info and updates from the NAC!

Mark your calendar to Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

You’re invited! A free virtual panel on the Nov. 2 election and why it matters

South Kensington Community Partners


Spotlight PA Staff
Thursday, October 21

Spotlight PA and election experts take a close look at the appellate judicial system and how its decisions shape life in Pennsylvania. Judges who serve on the state’s Commonwealth, Superior, and Supreme Courts regularly weigh in on disputes about the day’s most consequential issues. In 2020 alone, justices on the high court issued several rulings regarding the presidential election and pandemic — in essence settling fierce policy battles between Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and the Republican-controlled legislature.
Some GOP lawmakers are pushing to change the way these judges are elected as the courts take on an increasingly important role in Pennsylvania politics.
On Thursday, Oct. 21 at noon EST, join Spotlight PA’s Sarah Anne Hughes and Danielle Ohl, and Kadida Kenner, executive director of New Pennsylvania Project and co-chair of Why Courts Matter - PA, as they break down who is on the ballot this November, what’s at stake, and why it matters. Other panelists to be announced.

RSVP for free here. Submit your questions in advance to

SEPTA Forward: Bus Revolution

South Kensington Community Partners

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The first major survey of the SEPTA Forward: Bus Revolution is out - and we want to hear from you. SEPTA is creating a better bus network and can't do it without your input. Plus, you'll have a chance to win one of ten $25 Visa gift cards!

Take the survey here: [Click to take survey]

This is a key opportunity to weigh in on everything from bus routes to speed, frequency, stops - everything is on the table. Don't miss this important chance to help drive the Revolution forward. The survey closes at the end of October, so make sure to share your opinion now.

Bus Revolution is a comprehensive redesign of SEPTA’s entire bus network to make buses more reliable, efficient, and simpler to understand and use. This project is a key part of the Authority's strategic plan, SEPTA Forward, and our efforts to revamp our services and better connect people across the region.

For more information, fact sheets in multiple languages, and to sign up for important updates and qualify for perks, visit, or contact us by email at or phone at (267) 291-6045.

This Saturday is POST 2021 @ Crane Arts & Crane Old School!

South Kensington Community Partners


It's that time of year again! Come visit us this SUNDAY for POST (Philadelphia Open Studio Tours) to see what our talented tenants have been working on all year in their studios!

Other Old/South Kensington studios participating in the OPEN STUDIOS Tour:

Theory Studios - Sharktown Studios Fidget Space
1714 N Mascher St 155 Cecil B Moore

Buzz Cafe Studio
1800 n Howard Street

1522 N. American Street

NextFab North Philly
1800 N American St.

Putnam Building
1627 N 2nd St

Volunteer on: Saturday, October 23rd, 10am to noon

South Kensington Community Partners

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Meet at the Rain Garden at the intersection of Master & American Streets

Help mark storm drains to raise awareness about litter and help keep our waterways clean. Join Master Watershed Steward Sarah Roche to mark and clear debris from storm drains in the neighborhood. Learn how to locate and check off drains using the app.

Gloves and safety vests will be provided.
Bring a mask and some drinking water.

The Storm Drain Marking Program is part of the Philadelphia Water Department and is coordinated by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.

A voter guide to Pennsylvania’s 2021 judicial elections

South Kensington Community Partners

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Katie Meyer, WHYY

In Pennsylvania, the partisan election means judges must run under the umbrella of a political party, raise money through campaign committees, and collect endorsements from political groups. There are crucial differences from other political races, though. Judicial candidates aren’t allowed to solicit donations directly. They also can’t promise to rule a certain way on any specific issues.

Here is a guide to the roles and recent histories of the courts, and the candidates who are hoping for a chance to shape them.

Philadelphia NeighborhoodLIFT Down Payment Assistance will be available beginning October 11, 2021 9:00 a.m.

South Kensington Community Partners


NeighborhoodLIFT is a down payment assistance program that provides a $15,000 grant for down payment and closing costs to eligible homebuyers in Philadelphia. The grant is structured as a ‘soft second’ mortgage loan that is conditionally forgivable over the five-year term of the LIFT loan.
LIFT is funded through a national partnership between Wells Fargo Foundation and NeighborWorks America. NHS Greater Berks will administer the LIFT program in Philadelphia in partnership with New Kensington Community Development Corporation and HACE.
The program officially opens October 11, but now is a great time to make an appointment and line up the things you will need to qualify. Visit or contact Amanda Garayua at or call 215-426-8025 x 3008 for more information.

Join us Oct. 5 to Unveil a New Drink More Tap Mural at Cruz Recreation!

South Kensington Community Partners

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You're invited: Join the Philadelphia Water Department, Mural Arts Philadelphia, and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation for the official unveiling of the Cruz Recreation Center Drink More Tap mural, located at 1431 N 6th St, on Tuesday, Oct. 5 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
We are revealing the results of a more than two-year collaboration with Mural Arts Philadelphia aimed at reaching communities where skepticism about tap water is most prevalent.
Attendees include:

  • Philadelphia Water Department Commissioner Randy E. Hayman, Esq.

  • Mural Arts Executive Director Jane Golden

  • Philadelphia Parks and Recreation Deputy Commissioner Orlando Rendon

  • Drink More Tap mural artist Calo Rosa

  • Los Bomberos De la Calle, Drink More Tap featured musician

  • Water Woman, Water Department Superhero

Joined by artist Carlos “CALO” Lopez Rosa and residents of two North Philadelphia communities, Mural Arts and the Water Department partnered to bring public art to areas where buying bottled water is most common.

Photos: Penrose Drink More Tap Mural Unveiling!