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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

NEW RENTERS: Eviction moratorium has been extended to October 3th

South Kensington Community Partners

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An eviction moratorium has been extended by the federal government through October 3, 2021. To qualify tenants must sign the CDC Eviction Protection Declaration Form.
Pennsylvania residents can get the form and apply for emergency rental assistance here: Previously there was a $2,000 per month maximum on rent assistance and a $2,000 per utility maximum on assistance. Applicants can apply for any amount they wish. Also, applicants who have received funding from Phase 4, or who applied for Phase 4 and have an application under review, may apply for additional assistance including additional forward rent, as well as rent, utilities and fees not previously requested.

Responding to Storm Damage and Flooding from Hurricane Ida

South Kensington Community Partners

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All residents, business, and property owners: If you were impacted by the storm please answer a SHORT SURVEY and upload any photos you may have to The Office of Emergency Management's damage assessment tool. This will help the City understand the extent of damage and to see where resources may be needed.

The City has published additional information for residents and businesses, including:

  • Rolling updates

  • Where to report issues

  • Helpful links and resources

  • Frequently asked questions

Sign up for free alerts about recovery and relief efforts through the City's ReadyPhiladelphia notification system. To receive text alerts to your phone, text STORMPHL to 888-777. You can find additional weather alerts and emergency information on OEM's social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter.

Tree Tender Classes

South Kensington Community Partners


At the heart of SKCP's tree program is the work the Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders, which includes neighbors who have been trained by our partners at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the biology, care, and planting of trees. As the City of Philadelphia undertakes its first ever Urban Forest Strategic Plan, O/SK Tree Tenders are looking forward to the renewed interest and commitment to the planting and care of our neighborhood treescape. Register now to become a trained Tree Tender and join the effort. Scholarships available to those interested in participating in neighborhood tree care, contact:

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This virtual four-part program will teach any tree lover the basics such as identification, planting, tree biology, and proper care. As a participant, you will join a network of over 5,500 PHS Tree Tenders and will be joining one of the nation’s oldest and most respected volunteer urban tree care programs.


PHS Tree Tenders Basic Training Webinars will take place 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on Wednesdays and is a total of eight hours of training.

  • September 22

  • September 29

  • October 6

  • October 13

AND If you or your neighbors would like to see trees planted on your block please let us know. Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders will be planting in the Fall and are taking applications for trees to be planted in Spring '22..
You can fill out the form at or call 215-370-0099 or call/text 215-370-0099 for assistance in applying.

myPLACE is your place for education!

South Kensington Community Partners

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Shelby Fisk Office of Children and Families

Ten locations across the City help adults earn a high school diplomas and get ready for the workplace. The City of Philadelphia’s Office of Children and Families supports the myPLACE network, which offers adult education and career readiness classes across the city of Philadelphia. Free classes are available, and online class options are available during COVID-19.
Are you looking to:

  • take classes to earn your high school diploma?

  • gain a GED/HiSET, or an equivalent?

  • brush up on your math and reading skills?

  • take English language classes?

  • or, sharpen your digital literacy skills?

If you answered yes to any of the above, get started through myPLACE! Details here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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We are excited to Ring the Bell on a full return to in-person learning starting on August 31st, the first day of school, with all PreK-12 students attending five days per week and receiving instruction from teachers in their enrolled school. Stay up to date on Back-to-School info including bell schedules, transportation Fare Cards and more HERE!

Information, updates and resources will continue to be added as we approach the first day of school. Please visit this page often to see what’s new!

10 healthy tips for students returning to school buildings this fall
Shelby Fisk and Edward Borrelli Office of Children and Families, Department of Human Services

As of August 17, 2021, almost 80% of Philadelphia adults have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. But, the pandemic is not over yet. It’s important we continue working together to keep each other safe. Many children are too young to receive the vaccine. Everyone should take diligent steps to help stop the spread of the disease. Taking precautions also protects those who are most vulnerable. Philadelphia students return to full in-person learning this fall.

Click here for 10 tips on keeping your child and family safe and healthy as you plan for the school year.


South Kensington Community Partners

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SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following projects:

6.30pm 1361 N 2nd Street
(view here project plan)
7.00pm 1643-51 N 6th Street
(view here project plan)
7.30pm 1700-44 N Front Street
(view here project plan)
8.15pm 1730-54 N 2nd Street
(view here project plan)

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted in advance so we can use our time well.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.

COVID Booster Shots Are Coming. Here's What You Need To Know

South Kensington Community Partners

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Pien Huang, Sydney Lupkin & Carmel Wroth, NPR

Health officials are preparing to roll out COVID-19 booster shots in the United States this September. According to a plan announced Wednesday, all U.S. adults who received a two-dose vaccine would be eligible for an additional jab of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine eight months from when they got their second one.

This week's announcement raises numerous questions about how urgently Americans need boosters, how the rollout will go and more. Here's what we've learned so far.

Immigrant Families Fund

South Kensington Community Partners


Millions of immigrants are working on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, risking their health and well-being every day to keep our society going. And yet, many immigrants were excluded from federal stimulus aid. The COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund is providing financial support to immigrant families who have been left out of the federal government’s relief efforts. Immigrants may be eligible to receive a $500 grant to help cover whatever is most pressing in their lives.

More details here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Click here for "What is"

Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) is notifying certain individuals through their PUA dashboards that they must go through identity verification with to continue their PUA claim.
Click here for ID.ME information for PUA.

Click here on "How to I verify my identity when filing a new Unemployment Compensation (UC) claim at Pennsylvania DLI?"

New Mask Requirements in Philadelphia Effective August 12, 2021

South Kensington Community Partners

Do I have to wear a mask or not? Philly’s new COVID mandate, explained
Michaela Winberg, BillyPenn

Philly businesses and institutions have been given a choice between two options.
1) Everyone masks: They can require all customers and employees to wear masks inside. If a business goes with this one, everybody has to wear masks inside the establishment — even if they’re fully vaccinated.
2) Everyone vaxxed: Alternately, a business can require all customers and employees to be fully vaccinated. The businesses that choose this route will be expected to ask patrons to see their vaccination card at the door. People who can’t prove they’re vaccinated won’t be allowed inside. Under this option, because everyone would be vaccinated, no one would have to wear masks on site.

What if I lost my vaccine card?
Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us, and the health department is streamlining the process to get a replacement. If you lost your vax card, call 215-685-5488 or email, and staff will help verify your address and info, and then work with you to get a new card.

How do I get vaccinated?
Visit Philly’s vaccination directory to find a clinic near you.

Read the rest of the details here.

ModestNeeds grants

South Kensington Community Partners

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At Modest Needs, we all know from experience how hard it is to ask for help, even when you really need it. We're happy that you've found us, and we'll do everything we can to find a way to help you. If you're brand new to Modest Needs and would like to apply for a grant, just follow the three simple steps here.
We know that, sometimes, applying for help can be confusing. To make this process simpler, we've written a 'Frequently Asked Questions' page just for applicants. This page will tell you everything you need to know about how Modest Needs works, from the kinds of grants we can and can't make to detailed information about our application process. You can access our FAQ for applicants by following this link.

More details here.

Planting Potatoes @ La Esquina!

South Kensington Community Partners


438 W Jefferson St

La Esquina gardeners will be putting lots of baby potato plants in the ground this Saturday (Aug. 14) and could use a little help. If you would like to help on Saturday or any time in the future or have questions about how to get involved with this lovely - and very productive! - neighborhood farm stop by or reach out:

After a pandemic delay, Philly is finally opening 12 community composting sites

South Kensington Community Partners


Michaela Winberg, WHYY

Philly is about to take a stride forward in reducing its impact on the environment. Starting this summer, some community groups will finally have a free composting option — after the pilot program was delayed a full year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Department of Parks and Recreation is opening its first 12 community composting sites, where members of those groups that applied to be part of the pilot can drop off food scraps and other organic waste at no cost. Also about to launch: Compost pickup at about 30 city rec centers, kicking off in September.
Streets Department officials say they don’t have the capacity to bring back widespread composting. But local advocates think this is a solid start. Now, some Philly prisons are composting, and they won an EPA award for diverting more than 44 million tons of food waste from landfills. But other than that, if a Philly resident wants to make a difference by composting, they’d have to do it in their backyard, or pay a monthly fee to a private company like Bennett Compost or Circle Compost.

More here.

What you need to know about the City’s plastic bag ban

South Kensington Community Partners

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Bria Spivey, Department of Commerce, Office of Sustainability, Office of the Mayor

August 1, 2021 - Retail establishments are required to have posted at all points of sale conspicuous signage informing customers that single-use plastic bags and non-recycled content paper bags will no longer be provided by the establishment as of October 1, 2021.

Details here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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SKCP's RCO will host a virtual Community Zoning Meeting [pdf] on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 at 6:30 PM.

We will review the following project:

6.30pm 1300 N Howard Street

We will have time for questions during the meeting but we ask that questions be submitted ahead of time.

Please review the project, submit questions, and register here for the meeting.

If you prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners' office at215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the projects.