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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Vaccination @ Cousin's Supermarket Berks

South Kensington Community Partners

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Vaccination Opportunity: July 24th, 10 am-1pm Cousin's Supermarket @ Berks 1900 N 5th Street

Did you know that being FULLY vaccinated can protect you from the Delta variant. People who are only partially vaccinated, which means they only have one dose of Pfizer or Moderna, are only 33% protected. Just getting that second dose raises your protection up to nearly 90% Have you or do you know someone that has missed their 2nd vaccination dose. If so, you can receive your second dose regardless of how much time has passed without having to receive the 1st dose again. More information and the registration link can be found here.

Latest COVID Vaccine News

South Kensington Community Partners

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Latest COVID Vaccine News

  • Get a vaccine without an appointment - Starting July 7 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (8am to 1:30pm) at the following Ambulatory Health Annex locations:
    °Health Center 3 Annex (4219 Chester Ave, 19104)
    °Berks Street Annex (2001 W. Berks St, 19121)
    °Health Center 6 Annex (301 W. Girard Ave, 19123)
    °Health Center 10 Annex (2230 Cottman Ave, 19149)

  • For more information about vaccine clinic dates or to schedule an appointment, visit or call 3-1-1.

Health Center #6 Vaccination entrance on 3rd Street


Philly officials say even fully vaccinated people should again wear masks inside public spaces

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philly officials say even fully vaccinated people should again wear masks inside public spaces
Stacey Burling and Sarah Gantz, Philadelphia Inquirer

The recommendation is meant to "normalize" mask wearing and protect children too young for vaccines. As the highly contagious delta variant fuels COVID-19 case spikes among the unvaccinated in many parts of the country, Philadelphia health officials said Thursday they now “strongly recommend” that everyone — including the fully vaccinated — wear masks inside public places. James Garrow, a spokesperson for the city Department of Public Health, said officials are concerned about a small increase in hospitalizations among children too young to be vaccinated. Vaccines are only approved for people 12 and older. National statistics also point to trouble ahead.
Read here.


Updated Mask Recommendations Due to the COVID Delta Variant
James Garrow Board of Health, Department of Public Health

Countries around the globe, and states throughout the United States, are seeing the number of people infected with COVID rise as the Delta variant spreads. Even here in Philadelphia, we’re seeing more people test positive. Because of the rapid increase in cases here and around the country, and because we are seeing hospitalizations rise among children in Philadelphia, we are now strongly recommending that everyone mask while indoors in places where you do not know that everyone is vaccinated.
Read here.

SEPTA Summer 2021 Travel Survey

South Kensington Community Partners

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We would like to hear from you in our Summer 2021 Travel Survey. If you’ve taken one of our Travel Surveys in the past, you'll notice some differences with the new survey, but the goal remains the same: To help us improve our service and keep our passengers and employees safe.

View here the results from the SEPTA Winter 2021 COVID-19 Travel Survey

Click here to participate.


Webinar: SEPTA is the WAY TO GO BACK
Aug 4, 2021 12:00 PM

Tune-in to hear what SEPTA is doing to meet your safety, security, and service needs through this recovery and beyond - including cleaning protocols, mask requirements, new fare options, and schedule changes.
°Leslie Richards, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer
°Scott Sauer, Assistant General Manager Operations

Click here to register.

Get a library card

South Kensington Community Partners

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A Free Library card is available at no cost to anyone who lives, works, pays taxes, or goes to school in the City of Philadelphia. In addition, anyone who lives in the state of Pennsylvania can obtain a Free Library card without charge.

  • Your library card will be valid for 60 days until you verify your account.

  • After verification, you can request a physical card by visiting any of our library locations.

You will be asked for identification the first time you borrow physical materials with your new card.

Click here to apply.

New app connects conflict resolution volunteers to those in need

South Kensington Community Partners

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Michael D’Onofrio, Philadelphia Tribune

Got a conflict that needs resolving? There’s an app for that. Philly Truce, a phone app that launched in May, is angling to become the Uber of conflict resolution by offering a safe space for volunteer community mediators to connect with those seeking assistance.
The app also is an alternative to interacting with Philadelphia police officers, whom many African Americans don’t trust. It has the backing of the Philadelphia Interfaith Coalition, as well as some city and state officials.

Click here to how it works

Covid-19 vaccines: How to talk to friends & family

South Kensington Community Partners

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COVID-19 vaccines are rolling out in Pennsylvania, bringing us new hope and a path back to our lives. Every Pennsylvanian who chooses to get vaccinated brings us a step closer to moving past the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we can defeat the virus. Many of us have friends and family who are hesitant to get the vaccine. Here are some ideas for how to talk to loved ones about their concerns in a safe and supportive way.

More here.

Covid-19 Vaccine SECOND DOSE ALERT

South Kensington Community Partners

Did you know that being FULLY vaccinated can protect you from the Delta variant. People who are only partially vaccinated, which means they only have one dose of Pfizer or Moderna, are only 33% protected. Just getting that second dose raises your protection up to nearly 90% Have you or do you know someone that has missed their 2nd vaccination dose. If so, you can receive your second dose regardless of how much time has passed without having to receive the 1st dose again. More information and the registration link can be found here.

Vaccination Opportunity

Friday, July 16, 4-7 pm
Pop Vaccine Clinic (NEPCA)
1013 Cottman Ave, 19111

Friday 1-4 pm, Every Friday- August 20th
Logan Library 1333 Wagner Ave, 19141

Saturday, July 17, 9-1 pm
Cognitive Behavioral Health Services
3257 N 6th St, 19140

Child Tax Credit: how to enroll

South Kensington Community Partners

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If families didn’t make enough to be required to file taxes in 2020 or 2019, they can still get benefits by signing up using the IRS non-filer portal. They can also find out whether they are eligible and enrolled to receive their payment using the IRS online tool. The tool also allows individuals to provide or update bank account information or unenroll from advance payments.

SKCP & Project TechCycle Digital Divide SURVEY

South Kensington Community Partners

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Hello neighbor! This survey will be a great benefit to us as we begin trying to develop programs and workshops to help lessen the Digital Divide in our service area. South Kensington Community Partners' NAC and Project TechCycle are teaming up to try to bring our neighbors some useful information, build skills, and allow for more computer access.

We need your help to do that. By filling out this survey, you are supporting our development of programs and workshops that we hope to bring to our neighbors sometime soon.

Please note that the survey can take about 10 minutes to fill out. However, there is no timer, so take as much time as you need. The deadline for submitting is 5pm on Friday August 6th. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email them to

Everything you need to know about abandoned vehicles in Philadelphia

South Kensington Community Partners


John Ryan, Philly311
Abandoned vehicle removal is one of our most frequently submitted service requests. In March 2021 alone, we received 4,198 inquires about abandoned vehicles. These vehicles are investigated and removed by the Neighborhood Services Unit (NSU) of the Philadelphia Police Department.

We want to make sure all of your questions about abandoned vehicles are answered and take you through the removal process from start to finish. Read here for details.

Philly courts just extended eviction protections again. Here’s what that means

South Kensington Community Partners

Taylor Allen, WHYY

The requirement for Philadelphia landlords who want to evict tenants must first go through the city’s eviction diversion program and apply for rental assistance by Aug. 31, according to an order issued late by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court late Wednesday evening. The order extended a previous mandate that was set to expire Wednesday. Read more here.


Philly races to distribute rental assistance before the national eviction ban ends
Michaelle Bond, Philadelphia Inquirer

The eviction bans that have kept people in their homes during the unprecedented pandemic and its economic fallout are nearing their end. People waiting for help are terrified that rental assistance will come too late. Consequences from both eviction bans and lockouts will reverberate long after the health emergency ends. Many renters fear losing their homes. And some landlords who have struggled to stay afloat without rental income plan to sell their properties, a blow to the already scarce affordable housing in the city. More here.