The SKCP Blog
Rob Tornoe, Philadelphia Inquirer.
Philly is in a modified ‘green’ phase now. Here’s what you can and can’t do
As coronavirus cases rise across the country, they’re rising in Philly too: the city is averaging more than 100 new cases a day, and about one-third of new cases reported are in people under the age of 30. Philadelphia Health Commissioner Thomas Farley said on Thursday that the city is now experiencing a “second wave” of the coronavirus. The soonest Philly can now enter the unrestricted green phase is August 1, Farley said. And if cases continue to rise, it’s possible certain activities that are currently allowed may be off-limits.
What the green phase means for Parks & Rec sites
Philadelphia begins the green phase of reopening in early July. COVID-19 is not gone, so we must reopen with care. Read more about our progress on the Reopening With Care site.
Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Program
South Kensington Community Partners
No eviction hearings until after September 2nd, 2020.
If you had a court date scheduled between July 6th and August 31st you do NOT need to go to court on that date. You will get a new court date in the fall. Call the Philly Tenant Hotline 267-443-2500 now for possible legal representation!
Register for the webinar on Zoom:
Or join us live on Facebook:
Send us your question ahead of time at:
We will not answer anyone’s personal legal questions live.
Composting @ La Esquina Garden
South Kensington Community Partners
Phase 2! On July 6, PHDC will accept applications for a new round of rental assistance.
South Kensington Community Partners
Starting July 6 PHDC will accept applications for a new round of rental assistance. Renters and landlords may submit their application online, by fax, or by mail. Funds will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.
Click here for details and preview the application.
New program offers emergency assistance for renters and homeowners
Ayana Jones, Tribune Staff Writer
Emergency aid is available to help people who are struggling financially and facing eviction and foreclosures due to the pandemic. Money for the program comes from $175 million in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) funding. About $125 million of the funding is reserved to help renters and $25 million is being allocated for mortgage assistance.
Applications for the new program will be accepted starting July 6 through Sept. 30.
County-level organizations across the state will process applications for renters. Robin Wiessmann, executive director of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, said a system is in place to process applications "expeditiously." The program is eligible to residents who meet the income guidelines and have lost their job or have seen their income decrease by 30% because of the pandemic.
Philadelphia residents can apply directly to PHDC at Residents in other counties may access applications at
The statewide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures because of nonpayment is scheduled to end July 10. Philadelphia City Council extended the eviction moratorium until Aug. 31 for residential renters and small businesses. The Federal Housing Administration has also extended its foreclosure moratorium through Aug. 31 for homeowners with federally backed mortgages.
Have you seen a Spotted Lanternfly? Let’s check!
South Kensington Community Partners
Penn State University and Extension, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and PA Department of Agriculture (PDA) have joined forces to control and contain the spread of SLF. Penn State University is leading the research efforts. USDA and PDA are actively treating locations where SLF has been reported.
Please join the effort to control and prevent the spread of Spotted Lanternfly. We need everyone to protect their properties, communities, and the Commonwealth from this invasive insect that has the potential to change our landscape and quality of life.
Report sightings of the Spotted Lanternfly here and more details here.
PHDC streamlines public land sale system
South Kensington Community Partners
PHDC streamlines public land sale system for those envisioning side yards, community gardens
Ryan Briggs, WHYY Plan Philly
City officials have announced yet another overhaul to Philadelphia’s system for selling publicly owned vacant lots, aimed at streamlining sales to residents seeking to create side yards or community gardens.
Philadelphia Housing Development Corp., a quasi-municipal agency that manages certain city land sales, will launch new online platforms that will allow buyers to formally apply to purchase land for such uses. Anyone with an outstanding EOI will be notified by email and U.S. mail that they must reapply.
More details here.
South Kensington Community Partners
Examining Influences on the Work Commute Mode Choices of Essential Workers in Philadelphia during the COVID-19 Pandemic
To participate scan the QR code or visit
South Kensington Community Partners
Internet access is extremely important, especially during a pandemic. But many families can’t afford home internet and don’t know how to get help.
We have a long way to go before everyone who needs internet access can get it. But here are some options that are available now in Philadelphia and across the country:
Free Outdoor Pubic Wi-Fi
Non-Prepaid Internet Providers
Pre-paid Internet Providers
Click here for more information about each option and how to use it.
Philadelphia COVID-19 Recovery Office
South Kensington Community Partners
Working toward a successful, fiscally responsible pandemic recovery that strengthens the economy while protecting vulnerable populations.
The COVID-19 Recovery Office works to ensure that Philadelphia recovers from the pandemic in a way that:
Protects public health and safety.
Is fiscally responsible for the City and its taxpayers.
Addresses the most pressing community hardships caused by the pandemic.
Puts Philadelphians back to work.
Helps businesses in hard-hit communities reopen and thrive.
Subscribe to our mailing list here and receive updates from the COVID-19 Recovery Office.
South Kensington Community Partners
If you would like to volunteer to help distribute or deliver food on an upcoming Saturday, please email
Census Jobs
South Kensington Community Partners
Hiring will begin again in June (apply here)
The regional office is planning to start bringing people on board for census jobs as early as this week and into June.
We are working to have online recruitment sessions begin in May with Philadelphia Works, Inc.
Small Business Survey & Funding
South Kensington Community Partners
We want to hear from business owners in the Philadelphia region about the resources needed to reopen safely. The purpose of this survey is to assess the needs of businesses in the Greater Philadelphia region in order to help the City develop guidance and resources to help you safely and speedily reopen after the COVID-19 business closures.
Recently, Governor Tom Wolf announced a $225M statewide grant program to support small businesses that were impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent business closure order.
At this time, program details are still in development. The PA CDFI Network is currently working with the PA Department of Community and Economic Development in support of program implementation. Visit our central informational website to learn more about the program and the CDFIs deploying the grants and sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the application phase is opening. Applications are not being accepted at this time.
This loan program provides flexible low-cost capital to small businesses with less than $5M in revenue for costs associated with improved business resilience or growth, including working capital, fit-up, inventory, technology, mobilization, re-hiring, and employee training.
The fund is targeted to historically disadvantaged communities with a specific focus on minority, women, and immigrant-owned businesses located on commercial corridors in low-income areas. The loan application and additional program details will be released soon.
The City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce recently announced $1.4 million in initial funding for businesses in historically disadvantaged communities that experienced damage or inventory loss from the recent civil unrest to cover expenses needed to recover and reopen. This program is being administered by The Merchants Fund. Program details and guidelines are still being developed. Application, guidelines, and eligibility will be posted on the Merchants Fund website once available.
The Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund recently announced that it will deploy at least $100,000 for diverse small businesses who have suffered loss due to property damage and looting. The nonprofit organization provides $3,000 forgivable loans to small businesses owners who complete a simple application and submit a video. The Fund launched on May 7, 2020, and has already funded over 70 companies, including 36 minority-owned small businesses, impacted by COVID-19. APPLY FOR PA 30 DAY FUND
Youth Summer Activities
South Kensington Community Partners
Juneteenth: A day to reflect on freedom
South Kensington Community Partners
Monica Herndon, Philadelphia Inquirer
Juneteenth is the celebration of June 19th, 1865, when enslaved people in Texas were finally freed, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed.
Watch the video here.
Juneteenth in Philly: 10+ Things to Watch, Listen & Explore. Virtual fests, free film screenings, a podcast and more — plus historic sites to explore at any time...
UWISHUNU Philadelphia.
Celebrations of Black culture and history in Philadelphia and around the country honor the day — June 19, 1865, two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed — that enslaved Africans in Texas learned slavery had legally been abolished in America. In 2020, virtual programming, enlightening conversations, film screenings and cooking demonstrations celebrate the end of slavery in America in Philly, with these events taking on even greater significance amid sweeping protests and a global civil rights movement to confront systemic racism following the death of George Floyd.
Learn more about Juneteenth celebrations and events in Greater Philadelphia in 2020, here.
Juneteenth: Join Philly Counts team & Local Leaders
South Kensington Community Partners
Join the Philly Counts team and local leaders in recognition of Juneteenth to talk about the significance of 2020 Census to the Black community.
Friday, June 19, 2020
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET
In partnership with The Urban League of Philadelphia, African American Chamber of Commerce, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church and The Mayor’s Office of Black Male Engagement join us on Friday June 19th 2020 from 7pm – 8:30pm for an in-depth conversation with some of Philadelphia’s most thought provoking and connected influencers to discuss “Why the 2020 Census is so Important for the African American Community” & celebrate the history and resilience of African Americans across the world.
Now, more than ever, we need to mobilize to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to #MakeBlackCount, so our communities get the funding we need to recover from COVID-19 and to support our most vulnerable neighbors for the next decade. Ensuring that every Philadelphian is counted in the 2020 Census is an effort we can all contribute to that will create lasting change in our communities.
Register here.
Support South Kensington Restaurant and Bars!
South Kensington Community Partners
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 crisis has hit the restaurant industry especially hard. If you’re in the mood for ordering take out food or cocktails, please consider supporting one of the many excellent establishments in and around our neighborhood!
See the full list here. Email with updates.