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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog


South Kensington Community Partners

Dear neighbors,

To say that this has been a challenging week on many fronts feels like an understatement. We continue to mourn George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, David McAtee, Nina Pop, Tony McDade, and too many other Black lives lost to violent racism and police brutality. We also renew our commitment to supporting residents and small businesses harmed in the fallout from this past week's unrest and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Please reach out to us if we can be of any assistance.

Like many of you, we were deeply disturbed by the group of bigoted vigilantes that menaced the neighboring community of Fishtown on Monday night. We are appalled at the failure of the 26th Police District to act in the public's interest and disperse this mob in a timely manner. We condemn their inaction and condoning of this dangerous behavior. The 26th District encompasses many diverse communities, including our own, and we deserve much better. We commit to working with residents and neighboring communities towards accountability and healing.

Lastly, we know that many of us, including SKCP as an organization, are just beginning to engage with this long-term, challenging, and absolutely critical conversation. Working to create a more just and equitable future will require learning, sharing information, and taking action. We hope these resources can help:

Stay safe, and take care of each other,



South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia Community Corps emphatically supports the peaceful #BlackLivesMatter protests. It goes without saying that we wouldn't do what we do if we didn't believe Black Lives Matter. Most of the job trainees in our deconstruction workforce development program are black citizens returning from incarceration, or otherwise at-risk. We listen to their stories. We believe them. We know how bad the need for reform is, and we've made it our organization's mission to help our trainees find rewarding employment, so that they'll be able to live safe and happy lives.

Unfortunately, some opportunists with ulterior motives took advantage of the recent protests to riot and loot local businesses. Philadelphia Community Corps wants to also make sure we support the small businesses affected by any rioting, so we're giving any business that need building materials to repair their stores a $200 eCoupon to our building material reuse center, Philly Reclaim.

At Philly Reclaim, these businesses can find doors, windows, tile, paint, lumber, bricks, furniture, art, hardware, tools, plumbing fixtures, lights, etc. Whatever they need to rebuild.

And anyone who has been to Philly Reclaim knows that with our prices $200 can get you quite a lot here!


This is effectively an honor system. If you tell us your business was affected by the rioting we'll believe you and be happy to help you find what you need!

Philly Reclaim always provides affordable materials, and recently gave away over $22,000 in building materials through an eCoupon to help people get the materials they needed to work on home improvements projects while stuck at home on Coronavirus lockdown, but this eCoupon is strictly for victims of any rioting.

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The reward expires on July 05, 2020. No cash value. Not transferable. In-store only.
May be canceled at any time.

5200 Unruh Avenue, Section J, Philadelphia, PA, 19135

2020 Real Estate Tax due date policy

South Kensington Community Partners

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To offer relief to Philadelphia homeowners during the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency, the City of Philadelphia has moved the 2020 Real Estate Tax due date to June 15, 2020.

Similarly, the Department has extended the deadline to apply for an installment payment plan for 2020 Real Estate Tax. All senior citizens over the age of 65, and eligible low income homeowners can apply for this installment plan by June 15, 2020.

For more information about applying for a Real Estate Tax installment plan, please visit:


South Kensington Community Partners

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The Voter Experience Survey is designed to identify issues voters encounter when voting in-person or via mail-in ballot. Specific issues covered by the survey include: voting wait time, electioneering inside polling places, voter registration, voter ID for first-time voters, voting machines, voter assistance, language access, poll worker performance and confidence in the election process.



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Take our survey to share what resources you'd need to reopen safely.

As City of Philadelphia Government plans for a phased reopening, we want to hear from business owners. Business owners in Philadelphia and the surrounding region are encouraged to fill out a new survey about the resources they may need to reopen safely.
The survey is available in:

Message from the Friends of Benson Park

South Kensington Community Partners

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Today Benson Park along other parks in the city were unlocked with the city's move into the yellow phase of re-opening. That being said, The FOBP want to waste no time in getting our neighbors, park go-ers, community members, etc together for a meeting next Thursday, June 11th in the park at 7PM.

First thing on the agenda that we are looking to discuss are the officer roles for this year's park season. We are looking to fill the following roles:

  • President/Park Chair - point of contact with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation/Fairmount Park Conservancy, events etc and the FOBP/community

  • Secretary - take meeting notes and send to community members, council woman's office and PPR

  • Treasurer - manage funds of the park acquired through grants, donations and fees made from concession etc. Communicate funds totals monthly with SKCP

Please come to the meeting planning to vote, volunteer or give input on this process next week! Would love to give some of our current members a break or opportunity to try a new role so please consider taking a bigger role in this group if you can!

**Looking forward to seeing everyone and as a reminder and requirement from PPR social distance practices will be followed.

Call for SKCP Board Members

South Kensington Community Partners

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+ The SKCP board is looking to grow!
+ Are you interested in getting more involved in the neighborhood?
+ Have ideas for how SKCP can better meet the current and long-term needs of our community?

Fill out our Board Interest Form.

Submitting the form does not commit you to anything, it just lets us know who is interested in learning more. We have a particular need for financial, accounting, or business management skills, but welcome a broad range of experiences and expertise. Neighbors of all backgrounds are encouraged to reach out.

Water Bill Assistance & LIHEAP Grants

South Kensington Community Partners

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Can't Pay Your Water Bill? Shutoffs On Hold During Pandemic Response
We are extending assistance efforts for customers behind on water bills: if you can't pay your bill due to economic impacts from COVID-19,you will not face shutoff through July 10, 2020.

The Water Department hotline is open for emergencies, but call wait times may be longer due to safety measures that impact staffing: (215) 685-6300
Customers may also contact @PhillyH2O or @PhilaRevenue on social media. Email for water issues,
or for bill issues. 
Additional updates will be provided here: PWD COVID-19 Site 

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Low-income customers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have a past-due bill may be eligible for up to $800 through LIHEAP’s (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) Recovery Crisis Program.

Visit for details.

The LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program is open to renters and homeowners through August 31, 2020, or until funds run out, and do not have to be repaid.


Customers can also print and mail application to: Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

1348 W. Sedgley Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132-2498
Download an Application – English / Spanish

Need Health Insurance?

South Kensington Community Partners

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If you are not working because you are on leave, on layoff, or have lost your job, you should look at the following options for health care for yourself and your family. You should secure coverage within 60 DAYS of when you lose coverage through your employer, or you will lose the opportunity to get affordable benefits through the "Marketplace" until the end of the year.

You can get help making this complicated decision!
Call the Pennsylvania Health Access Network at 877-570-3642 for counseling.

Click here for more details.

Apply for the Playstreets Program June 5th Deadline!!

South Kensington Community Partners


Parks & Rec has extended the application deadline for our summer Playstreets program to Friday, June 5.
The Playstreets program closes designated streets to traffic so that kids have a safe place to play when school is out. A key feature of the program is the nutritious meals and snacks provided to children.
If you already have an application to submit, please mail it to:

Summer Food Program
Attn: Wydeeia Williams
2101 W. Cecil B. Moore Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19121

If you want to host a Playstreet but do not have a hard copy application, please email to request one.

Visit our Playstreets webpage to learn more about hosting requirements and program activities.

SKCP staff connects you to resources

South Kensington Community Partners

SKCP staff are specially trained to connect folks with resources related to housing, health insurance, utilities, food assistance, and other increasingly critical support, and will continue to be responsive to:

  • email

  • phone calls (215-427-3463), please be sure to leave a detailed message with your name and phone number, so we can provide you with as much service as possible in these trying times.


South Kensington Community Partners

Help Us Spread the Word!!

Beginning next Saturday, June 6th, SKCP, Arab American CDC and NLNA will partner with Share to begin weekly distribution of free food including fresh produce.

No identification or proof of income needed.

Pick up site will be Al Aqsa Islamic Society
1500 Germantown Av.

Time and further details available soon.

Please check in with your neighbors and help us spread the word.

Vote in Tuesday's PA Primary Election.

South Kensington Community Partners

Your new polling place in Old/South Kensington is probably Cruz Rec Center or Towey Rec Center. See below . . .

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Drop-Off Locations for Mail-in Ballots in Southeast Pennsylvania

For locations to return your voted mail-in ballot in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery or Philadelphia County, click here. Individual voters must return their own ballots.

To guarantee your vote will be received before the deadline at 8 pm on June 2nd, we strongly recommend using a drop-off location. The typical 1-2 day USPS delivery time for mail within the region is not guaranteed. Ballots postmarked before the deadline but received after 8 pm on Election Day will not be counted.

  • Track the status of your ballot.

  • Have questions or concerns about voting by mail? Check out our FAQ.

  • Polling locations will be open on June 2nd, but due to COVID-19, many polling places have been moved and consolidated. Check your polling place here. Voters are urged to wear masks and gloves, but personal protective gear is not required to vote.

  • If you've applied for an absentee or mail-in ballot but haven't received it, you can vote by provisional ballot at your polling place.

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In the three days leading up to Primary Election Day, Philadelphia City Commissioners staff and C70’s VOTESWAGON will meet voters in various Philadelphia neighborhoods to allow them to drop off their completed mail ballots. Individual voters must return their own ballots.

For dates, times, and locations, click here for Philadelphia.

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A secure '24/7' drop box is located at Philadelphia City Hall by the south portal.
Mobile drop-off locations will be available from Saturday (5/30) to Sunday (6/1).

There will be locations available where voters can drop off their ballots on Election Day, June 2nd, for Philadelphia, click here.

Updated information will be available at Philly: Vote now by dropping your ballot into a special box at City Hall. Max Marin, BillyPenn. Read here.

+ Voting is different in Philly this year. Here’s what you need to know for Tuesday’s coronavirus primary.
Jonathan Lai, Inquirer. Read here.

+ Learn how to vote by mail in Philadelphia ahead of PA's elections on June 2. (Ceiba Philadelphia) in English (video, pdf) and Spanish (video, pdf)

Call for SKCP Board Members

South Kensington Community Partners

+ The SKCP board is looking to grow!
+ Are you interested in getting more involved in the neighborhood?
+ Have ideas for how SKCP can better meet the current and long-term needs of our community?

Fill out our Board Interest Form.

Submitting the form does not commit you to anything, it just lets us know who is interested in learning more. We have a particular need for financial, accounting, or business management skills, but welcome a broad range of experiences and expertise. Neighbors of all backgrounds are encouraged to reach out.

Civic Design Review (CDR) Virtual Meeting

South Kensington Community Partners

May 27th, 2020 at 6.30 pm

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SKCP will host a virtual public meeting via Zoom to discuss the plan for 1501-1525 N. American Street, a by-right plan that is subject to Civic Design Review.

Virtual Public Meeting Date & Time:  May 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

Click here to view the plan.

To sign up to attend this meeting, please visit (click) this form:

If you would prefer, you may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners’ office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide instructions to join the meeting via web link or phone to eligible attendees.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Download here the complete details.

Philadelphia has launched a new website that allows residents to search for food and meal sites around the city

  • Food sites in the neighborhood

  • Student meal sites in the neighborhood

  • Senior meal sites in the neighborhood

Coalition Against Hunger

  • SNAP Hotline at 215-430-0556, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Coronavirus Testing sites for anyone with symptoms.

  • Testing sites in the neighborhood:

  • Click here to access the map
    This tool can help you find a free COVID-19 test in Philadelphia.
    (See our FAQ for more information about who should get tested.)