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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

SKCP staff connects you to resources

South Kensington Community Partners

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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the office is closed to public visits until further notice, SKCP staff will be working remotely.

SKCP staff are specially trained to connect folks with resources related to housing, health insurance, utilities, food assistance, and other increasingly critical support, and will continue to be responsive to:

  • email

  • phone calls (215-427-3463), please be sure to leave a detailed message with your name and phone number, so we can provide you with as much service as possible in these trying times.



How to grow food in your garden and share it with people who need it

South Kensington Community Partners

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Catalina Jaramillo, WHYY

As COVID-19 drives more demand for food pantries and more home growing, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society aims to change that with a new program: Harvest 2020. The initiative seeks to mobilize 100,000 gardeners to share their produce with local hunger relief organizations and donate funds to help the organization provide online resources and supplies to those in need. Harvest 2020’s ultimate goal is to supply local food banks and kitchens with at least 5 million pounds of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Read more here.

RED CROSS Blood Drive

South Kensington Community Partners

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WMGK & The Fillmore to host Red Cross blood drive
29 E Allen Street
May 28 and 29
8.30am - 1.30pm

The Fillmore and 102.9 WMGK are stepping up to host a special two-day blood drive with the American Red Cross on May 28 and 29, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. to help ensure hospital patients continue to have access to lifesaving blood during the coronavirus pandemic. The drive will be held at The Fillmore, located at 29 E. Allen St., Philadelphia. In alignment with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention public guidance, donation appointments are required to observe social distancing, and donors must wear a face covering. To schedule an appointment, visit (click on "see times") and enter sponsor code Fillmore or call 1-800-REDCROSS.
As a thank-you for helping ensure a stable blood supply, all who come to give blood or platelets May 15-31 will receive a special Red Cross “We’re all in this together” T-shirt, by mail, while supplies last. Donors must have a valid email address on file to claim their T-shirt.
Each Red Cross blood drive and donation center follows the highest standards of safety and infection control, and additional precautions – including social distancing and face coverings for donors and staff – have been implemented to safeguard donors, volunteers and employee

Availability of Donation Appointments
To support social distancing, appointments are now required. With thousands of blood drives cancelled during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working hard to open new donation sites. If you don’t see available appointments near you in the near future, please search 7-10 days out. The need for blood is constant - patients need your help.

PUA: Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Update

South Kensington Community Partners

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For PUA claimants still experiencing issues filing for backdated weekly certifications, we are working to ensure you will be able to file for those weeks. If you have not informed us about backdating issues regarding your claim, please reach out to us at with your full name and Claimant ID number.
If you have already notified us, know that we are trying to get to your questions as quickly as possible. Please do not send multiple emails as this may delay resolution of your inquiry.

In the meantime, make sure you continue to file your weekly certifications every week (Sunday through Saturday) to receive your PUA payments moving forward for those weeks.

We have created PUA System FAQs and will continue to add to them.

More details click here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Low-income customers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and have a past-due bill may be eligible for up to $800 through LIHEAP’s (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program) Recovery Crisis Program.
Visit for details.

The LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program is open to renters and homeowners through August 31, 2020, or until funds run out, and do not have to be repaid.


If a PGW customer received a LIHEAP grant this past winter (fall 2019 - winter 2020) they can call 215-560-1583 to apply over the phone and verbally request the new crisis assistance.

Customers can also print and mail application to:
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
1348 W. Sedgley Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19132-2498
Download an Application – English / Spanish

Service termination notices are not required for customers to be eligible for the additional LIHEAP grants, which are administered by DHS and made possible by the U.S. CARES Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. The grants are available to both renters and homeowners and do not have to be repaid. Apply now while funds are available.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Download here the complete details.

Philadelphia has launched a new website that allows residents to search for food and meal sites around the city

  • Food sites in the neighborhood

  • Student meal sites in the neighborhood

  • Senior meal sites in the neighborhood

Coalition Against Hunger

  • SNAP Hotline at 215-430-0556, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Coronavirus Testing sites for anyone with symptoms.

  • Testing sites in the neighborhood:

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Click here to access the map

This tool can help you find a free COVID-19 test in Philadelphia.
(See our FAQ for more information about who
should get tested.)

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If you are reporting on a project in the neighborhood, have questions or concerns send to:

Philly 311 Hours
Philly311’s contact center remains open from 8 a.m. to 8 pm Monday through Friday and will also be open extended hours of 9 a.m. to 5 pm this weekend, May 8 and 9.
Residents can place a service request by calling 3-1-1ordialing (215) 686-8686 or through submitting service requests online.
Language translation services are available

Help Spread the Word About Voting By Mail: Download Free #VoteByMailPHL Artist Posters!

South Kensington Community Partners

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PHILLY: Election Day has moved to June 2, and did you know that anyone in PA can now Vote By Mail? Help us spread the word, download posters for free here!

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Streets Dept is very excited to partner with Jen Devor and a few Philadelphia nonprofit organizations today to launch the #VoteByMailPHL poster project to educate Philadelphians on how to exercise their right to vote during the COVID-19 pandemic. The #VoteByMailPHL poster project will serve as one more tool for getting critical voting information out to Philadelphians before the June 2, 2020 primaries. Created by Jen Devor and curator Conrad Benner (aka me), this multilingual project is working with three of my favorite Philly artists to create the posters: Martha Rich, Marian Bailey, and Manuela Guillén!
Understanding art in our public space as a powerful tool for communication, the project works to encourage Philadelphians to display local artist-created posters in their window that informs their neighbors about voting by mail!

Read more here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Philly slashes polling places, 4 in 5 will not open for the June primary. Mail-in voting is the best way to go, election officials say. [ Max Marin, BillyPenn]

Your pooling place has changed but now you can vote by mail. Click here to locate your new pooling place.

To learn how to register and vote, go to:

Eligible voters must know:

  • The voter registration deadline is Monday, May 18. Apply online.

  • Consolidated polling place lists must be final and public by May 18. Locations should be posted to and to county election websites.

  • The deadline to request a mail-in ballot is Tuesday, May 26. Any registered Pennsylvanian voter can vote by mail, but applications must be returned to the county election office by 5 pm on May 26. Learn more.

  • Absentee and mail-in ballots are due to county election officials by 8 pm on Election Day. Postmarks are not honored. **This deadline is currently being litigated and could change.**

PA vote by mail guidance video at this link in English but subtitled in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Vietnamese.

YouTube All Voting Is Local videos. Final draft of VBM app and ballot guidance in Arabic here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Have you lost income because of COVID-19? Are you having trouble paying your rent? The City of Philadelphia might be able to help.
Funding is limited. Not every applicant will receive assistance. To apply and more details are available at Renters who do not have access to the internet or a smart phone will be able to get program and application information by calling 3-1-1.

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To be eligible:
• You must rent an apartment or house in Philadelphia
• You must have a valid and current written lease signed by your landlord
• You must have lost income because of COVID-19
You do NOT have to have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to be eligible.

You are NOT eligible if:
• You live in public housing
• You receive other government rental assistance
(Section 8, Housing Choice Vouchers, etc.)
• You have unpaid rent from before April
• You are in the process of being evicted.

Click here for details and FAQ

if you have a problem with the application click here for help.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia has launched a new website that allows residents to search for food and meal sites around the city

Find free food and meals during Covid-19 (in several languages) clicking here.
+Food sites in the neighborhood:
West Kensington Ministry, 2140 N Hancock St (Philabundance)

  • Residents can get one box per household

  • Eligibility: Any resident is eligible. No ID or proof of income is required

  • Pickup details:
    Monday 10AM - 12PM non-perishable items only
    Thursday 10AM - 12PM fresh produce only

+Student meal sites in the neighborhood:
Kensington Creative & Performing Arts High School, 1901 N. Front St. (Philadelphia School District schools)

  • Eligibility: All children and youth are eligible. No ID is required.

  • Pickup details: Thursday 9AM - 12PM, 10 meals per child

John F. Street Community Center, 1100 Poplar St. (Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) community centers)

  • Eligibility: All children and youth are eligible. No ID is required.

  • Pickup details:
    Monday 9AM - 12PM Breakfast and lunch
    Tuesday 9AM - 12PM Breakfast and lunch
    Wednesday 9AM - 12PM Breakfast and lunch
    Thursday 9AM - 12PM Breakfast and lunch
    Friday 9AM - 12PM Breakfast and lunch

William H. Hunter School, 2400 N. Front St. (Philadelphia School District schools)
EligibilityAll children and youth are eligible. No ID is required.
Pickup details
Thursday9AM - 12PM10 meals per child

+Senior meal sites in the neighborhood:
Lutheran Settlement House, 1340 Frankford Ave. (PCA-supported sites call 215-426-8610)

  • Eligibility: Adults 60 and over are eligible at sites supported by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA). Seniors must call ahead to reserve meals prior to pickup.

Northern Living Center, 827 N Franklin St. (PCA-supported sites, 215-978-1300)

  • Eligibility: Adults 60 and over are eligible at sites supported by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA). Seniors must call ahead to reserve meals prior to pickup.

CHCS Norris Square Center, 2121 N. Howard St (PCA-supported sites 215-423-7241)

  • Eligibility: Adults 60 and over are eligible at sites supported by the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging (PCA). Seniors must call ahead to reserve meals prior to pickup.

Coalition Against Hunger

SNAP Hotline at 215-430-0556, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Coronavirus Testing sites for anyone with symptoms.
Open to all ages: Where anyone with symptoms can get tested for coronavirus in Philadelphia. You can call for an appointment at 32 locations across the city.. [BillyPenn Staff].
Click here for more details and use the interactive map.
Testing sites in the neighborhood:
Call your doctor before visiting if you may have COVID-19. Source: CDC

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Resources for Immigrants During COVID-19:
A new blog post that highlights information and resources for immigrant and refugee communities is available on the City’s COVID-19 website, where you can find additional translated information. It also includes information about other services offered by our community partners. The resource is available in many languages. And, to make sure that it remains relevant, we will make sure to keep it updated.
You can also visit the main COVID-19 website or call 311 if you have more questions about city services. Interpretation services are available when calling 311.

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Philly COVID-19 FAQ
This site is an effort to provide easy access to accurate information and reporting that addresses the questions Philadelphians have about the coronavirus pandemic’s effects on life and work in the city. It is populated with reporting from local newsrooms across the city, and includes frequently asked questions, answers to which have been sourced from verified government sites or institutions.
We are not able to address medical or urgent questions, or those unique to your personal situation.
If you have questions of a medical nature, please call 1-800-722-7112.
If you’d like to submit a question please visit our submissions page or text COVIDphl19 to 73224.
The contents of this FAQ can be easily and cleanly embedded into your organization/company website with a simple line of code. If you’d like to make this information available to your website visitors, please contact
More here.

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Regular Schedules RESUME - Sunday, May 17/Monday, May 18, 2020
Service returns on all Bus*, Trolley, Market Frankford, Broad Street and Norristown High Speed Line Routes following the timetables in effect before the COVID-19 crisis began. FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION CLICK HERE.

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 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)
PUA provides up to 39 weeks of benefits to qualifying individuals who are otherwise able to work and available for work within the meaning of applicable state law, except that they are unemployed, partially unemployed, or unable or unavailable to work due to COVID-19 related reasons, as defined in the CARES Act. Benefit payments under PUA are retroactive, for weeks of unemployment, partial employment, or inability to work due to COVID-19 reasons starting on or after January 27, 2020. The CARES Act specifies that PUA benefits cannot be paid for weeks of unemployment ending after December 31, 2020.

Click here to file PUA claim and click here for PUA Claimant Guide

Philadelphia Water Department Extends COVID-19 Shutoff Freeze Through June 1

South Kensington Community Partners

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Customers unable to pay will not lose water services through June 1, 2020. This is a 16-day extension of the original postponement period, which prevented delinquent accounts from being shut off through May 15. All late fees are also being waived.
Customers who cannot pay their bill should apply for help using the application found here: Apply for Water Bill Help.

Even if you haven't qualified for help in the past, the City’s Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) provides discounted water bills based on income. Customers can also apply for a Special Hardship discount. Special Hardship qualification is decided on a case-by-case basis and may help customers who cannot pay a water bill due to loss of employment, hospitalization, and other situations.

Note: Customers should be aware of longer processing times for customer assistance applications due to limited resources for Water Revenue Bureau staff working remotely.

Get the Latest Updates at the PWD COVID-19 Website


South Kensington Community Partners

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PHDC announces its Small Landlord Rental Improvement Fund (RIF) pilot program in partnership with Impact Loan Fund. RIF assists landlords with fewer than 10 rental apartments. The purpose of RIF is to improve and repair units and stabilize the supply of affordable rental housing in the City.
RIF can make loans from $10,000 to under $25,000 for landlords to improve their rental units to address health and safety-related repairs. Participating landlords must maintain affordable rents for the term of the loan, meet fair housing guidelines, and have a rental license.
The first phase of this pilot program will take place in the following zip codes:
19120, 19122, 19124, 19125, 19133, 19134, 19137, and 19140.

More details click here Click and how to complete the Intake Application.

Requirements for resuming construction activity in Philadelphia

South Kensington Community Partners


As you know, today Mayor Jim Kenney announced an Executive Order that authorizes construction activity, previously shut down by emergency order, to resume on May 1st. Significant restrictions must be in place on construction sites to protect against the spread of COVID-19.
Under the Executive Order, construction work cannot proceed within any occupied dwelling unit or within shared common areas of a multi-family residential building. No underpinning, demolition of attached structures, or other work that requires the support of an existing party wall may take place.
More information is available from a blog post on the homepage of the Department of Licenses and Inspections (L&I) website. The post will be kept updated and FAQs will be added to L&I’s site.

If you are reporting on a project in the neighborhood,
have questions or concerns send to:

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Philly 311 Hours
Philly311’s contact center remains open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Monday through Friday and will also be open extended hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m this weekend, May 8 and 9.
Residents can place a service request by calling 3-1-1 or dialing (215) 686-8686 or through submitting service requests online.
Language translation services are available.


South Kensington Community Partners

PA Voter Registration

Deadline May 18

Make sure you register to vote

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Click here for information How can I vote from home?

Important Dates

  • MAY 18: Deadline to Register to Vote

  • MAY 26: Last day to apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot

  • JUNE 2: ELECTION DAY and Last day for County Boards of Elections to receive voted mail-in and civilian absentee ballots.

Procrastinator’s Guide to the 2020 primary election in Philly
cheat sheet for being informed when you vote, by BillyPenn.

Street Tree Applications available now

South Kensington Community Partners

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In compliance with distancing guidelines, Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders Spring Community Tree Planting has been postponed until sometime in the Fall. Other maintenance and care activities have likewise been put on pause.

We will let you know more and try to keep you inspired as information becomes available. Until then we are planning for the future, and Taking Applications for ADDITIONAL TREES to be planted in the Fall. Get in touch with your questions, ideas or If you would like to see trees on your block contact us by May 17th, at
or by calling 215-370-0099

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Check out this article on the Coolest, Oldest, and Most Storied Philadelphia Trees.

What are the coolest, oldest, most storied, or just your favorite trees in our neighborhood? It could be a street tree, a park tree, or in your yard.
Send a picture and some details and thoughts to

COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program

South Kensington Community Partners

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Today (Friday 8th) the City of Philadelphia announced its COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The program aims to help people who have lost income because of COVID-19 pay their rent. Please note that funding is limited. Not everyone who applies can be served.
The City will begin accepting applications for the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program on Tuesday, May 12, 2020 at 10 a.m. The deadline to apply is Saturday, May 16, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Applications are available through Residents without internet access or a smart phone can get program and application information by calling 311.
To be eligible, renters must:

  • Rent an apartment or house in Philadelphia

  • Have a valid and current written lease signed by landlord

  • Have lost income because of COVID-19

  • Meet income guidelines

Renters do not have to have been diagnosed with COVID-19 to be eligible.
Renters are NOT eligible if they live in public housing or receive other government rental assistance (Section 8/Housing Choice Vouchers, etc.)
Help us publicize this important program!

  • Share with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, contacts, and anyone else you can think of

  • Download our fliers and distribute them far and wide

  • Have a suggestion about who we could reach out to? Send it to us at, or just share our website, press release, and/or blog.

On behalf of our Philadelphia neighbors in need – thank you!



South Kensington Community Partners

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How Are Philadelphia Area Residents Coping With COVID-19? Take the Survey
In these difficult times, when everyone's lives are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you can do something important for your family, friends, neighbors and community. Please take time to participate in our survey of the impacts of COVID-19. We need reliable information on the impact on work and health (physical and mental health) to effectively assess the needs of communities and support them better. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
Please clink on the link the complete the survey in English or Spanish .

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Complete list of resources with links to the websites of the mentioned resources is available on this pdf.
On the downloaded pdf, you can click on each icon and get the corresponding website, like:

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CHOP has set up a 24/7 hotline for questions and concerns about COVID-19,
call 800-722-7112.

The hotline is for anyone's use (not just cases involving children).
Get the latest information about how CHOP is responding to COVID-19.

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PA Unemployment Application Now Available for Self-employed/gig workers.

Click here for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) FAQs

What is C.A.R.E Lab?!

South Kensington Community Partners

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In lieu of an in-person Spring Adult Rock Camp, we’re going to make space in the first weekend of May for an online experiment! We're announcing our first ever virtual Arts Resource Exchange! With workshops, dance parties, open mics, meet-ups, collaboration challenges and hang outs, we’ll find new ways of loving, learning and celebrating together.

When? Saturday, May 2nd- Sun, May 3th, 2020
What? Scroll through the gallery on the right for the schedule, workshop descriptions and other important logistical info for the weekend!

Read more details here.