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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

How a Philly Chef Is Using Tamales to Support Immigrant Workers During Coronavirus

South Kensington Community Partners


Maddy Sweitzer-Lammé,

In collaboration with Lost Bread Co., Ana Caballero has cooked up a plan to help restaurant workers who are not eligible for government support. “I was just sitting at home feeling so helpless,” she said. “There are a lot of people I work with who are undocumented, or for other reasons, unable to get support from the government — even though they have taxes taken out of their paychecks just like everybody else. I wanted to do something to actually put some money in their pocket, because it’s crazy to think that people can survive for two or three months without even a lick of income.” In partnership with Lost Bread Co., Caballero came up with Proyecto Tamal (details here) a weekly sale of tamales which she makes in collaboration with a different family each week.

Read more here.

Repair, Restore, Renew Program

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program, launched in March 2019 to provide access to low-interest home repair loans for our city’s low- and moderate-income homeowners.

How is RRR responding during COVID-19?
Our community partners are working tirelessly, even in the midst of COVID-19, and are still taking applications and closing loans. At PHDC we are looking for ways to safely and responsibly conduct business, while adhering to local, state, and federal guidelines.
All homeowners want to keep their properties healthy, safe, and accessible. Please visit to see if you are eligible, and then contact PCCA or Clarifi to apply for a RRR home repair loan. They are working with clients remotely, and ready to assist you.

PCCA: 215-567-7803 or
Clarifi: 215-866-5200 or

Philadelphia property tax due date extended to June 15

South Kensington Community Partners

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Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the deadline to pay Philadelphia property tax has been extended to June 15.
If you haven’t paid your 2020 Real Estate Tax bill already, you now have an additional month and a half to do so. This is the second time we’ve moved the deadline in response to the pandemic.
If you can pay before June 15, please do so. Real Estate Tax revenue is vital to the School District of Philadelphia and essential City services, including emergency management.

More details here.

Street Tree Applications available now

South Kensington Community Partners

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In compliance with distancing guidelines, Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders Spring Community Tree Planting has been postponed until sometime in the Fall. Other maintenance and care activities have likewise been put on pause. We will let you know more and try to keep you inspired as information becomes available. Until then we are planning for the future, and Taking Applications for ADDITIONAL TREES to be planted in the Fall. Get in touch with your questions, ideas or If you would like to see trees on your block contact us ASAP by
or by calling 215-370-0099

"What Tree is That?" click here for an online key

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Few things are as spectacular as a redbud tree in full spring bloom. Showy pink or reddish-purple blossoms adorn graceful branches. As the seasons progress, heart-shaped leaves emerge - reddish at first, dark green in summer and canary yellow in autumn.
Redbuds are integral to American history. Native American boiled the bark for medicinal uses and ate the flowers raw or fried. George Washington was also fond of this early spring bloomer, transplanting many to his Mount Vernon gardens.
Honoring Trees invites us to reflect on the splendor of trees, the challenges climate change and human stresses pose to trees, and our opportunity to respond with creativity and courage. The exhibition is cosponsored by arboretums and nonprofit organizations including the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) which help plant and care for trees and educate others about the importance of trees to our future.


South Kensington Community Partners

Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone
-Text COVIDPHL to 888-777

  • City Provides Update on COVID-19, click here.

  • PA Provides Updates on Covid-19, click here.

  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health announced activation of the Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline.
    The Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-722-7112

New testing sites includes Health Center #6 and 11th Street Family Health
The Mayor and Health Commissioner today announced new testing sites in Philadelphia.
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health, along with the Health Federation of Philadelphia, is working with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in Philadelphia to expand testing capabilities in underserved communities.
List with locations and phone numbers here.

AFC Urgent Care Northern Liberties is NOW OPEN at 180 West Girard Avenue, Below ACME
To book a Virtual Visit online and to schedule an in-person visit, click here.
Open now 8:00am to 8:00pm
Call (267) 319-8047.


How Are Philadelphia Area Residents Coping With COVID-19? Take the Survey
In these difficult times, when everyone's lives are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you can do something important for your family, friends, neighbors and community. Please take time to participate in our survey of the impacts of COVID-19. We need reliable information on the impact on work and health (physical and mental health) to effectively assess the needs of communities and support them better. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
Please clink on the link the complete the survey in English or Spanish .

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Beware of these fake text messages and robocalls going around about the coronavirus
If you get a text message saying you've come into contact with someone who's tested positive for Covid-19, don't click the link.
It's a scam, and it's just one of numerous coronavirus-related scams. Read here. [CNN]

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School District Meal Pickup Changed to Once a Week.
Same 49 locations, Thursdays only now, 9 a.m. – noon. Families will receive ten meals per student—five breakfasts and five lunches. List here.

The city locations providing meals for children on Mondays and Thursdays. More here.
In the neighborhood: West Kensington Ministry, Kensington CAPA and John F. Street Center.

Free meals for seniors during COVID-19. Details here.
In the neighborhood: CHCS Norris Square Center, Lutheran Settlement House, Northern Living Center.

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Community Legal Services has prepared this document to answer your questions. For a short version of this FAQ, please click here.


Estate Planning for Healthcare Workers
Philadelphia VIP is working to match essential healthcare workers with volunteer attorneys to create estate planning documents. If you meet the criteria, a Philadelphia VIP volunteer attorney may be able to help you create a will and other estate planning documents free of charge. More details here.

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PA Unemployment Application Now Available for Self-employed/gig workers.

Click here for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) FAQs

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INDEGO continues to operate as an essential transit option for Philadelphia,
serving frontline staff and others as they access critical resources. Bike share stations are located near health centers, grocery stores, pharmacies and community food pickup sites.

In response to COVID-19, Indego is offering 30-day passes at a discounted price of $5 ($2.50 for PA ACCESS card holders) for the first month. All monthly pass options provide riders with unlimited 1-hour rides. To sign up, visit and use promo code INDESAFE.

HAPPY ARBOR DAY From Old/South Kensington Tree Tenders!

South Kensington Community Partners

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In compliance with distancing guidelines, this weekend's Community Tree Planting has been postponed until sometime in the Fall. Other maintenance and care activities have likewise been put on pause. We will let you know more and try to keep you inspired as information becomes available. Until then we are planning for the future, and Taking Applications for ADDITIONAL TREES to be planted in the Fall.
Get in touch with your questions, ideas or If you would like to see trees on your block contact us ASAP by email or by calling 215-370-0099

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Take a Tour of Street Trees with one of our hard working heroes, Dana Dentrice, Arborist and PHS Program Manager of Urban Forestry, click here.

Become a Tree Tender!

At the heart of SKCP's tree program is the work the Old/SouthKensington Tree Tenders, (O/SK TT) neighbors who have been trained by our partners at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) in the biology, care, and planting of trees. This Spring, PHS is offering an online option for the popular 8 hour training which begins next week. There is a $40 fee. O/SKTT can provide scholarships to those want to participate in neighborhood tree work and cannot afford the fee (call 215-370-0099): See the link for details.

ID Trees by Bark (click here)

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"What Tree is That?" click here for an online key.

"Leaf Winter Tree" ID Key, download the key here.

And, They're back . . . Details here.

FOR THE GARDENERS. . . . A FREE Zoom live chat on Ecological Gardening, more details here.

Philly 311 Hours

South Kensington Community Partners

Download the flyer in English or Spanish

Download the flyer in English or Spanish

Philly311’s contact center remains open from 8 am. to 8 pm Monday through Friday and will also be open extended hours 8 am to 8 pm this weekend, April 25 and 26.

Residents can place a service request by calling 3-1-1 or dialing (215) 686-8686 or through submitting service requests

Language translation services are available


South Kensington Community Partners

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  • Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone:
    -Text COVIDPHL to 888-777

  • City Provides Update on COVID-19, click here.

  • PA Provides Updates on Covid-19, click here.

  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health announced activation of the Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline.
    The Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-722-7112


311 Extended Hours

  • Philly311’s contact center remains open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Monday through Friday and will also be open extended hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m the following two weekends on April 18 and 19 and April 25 and 26.

  • Residents can place a service request by calling 3-1-1 or dialing (215) 686-8686 or through submitting service requests online. Language translation services are available.

Flushing Wipes Could Cost You, Damage Infrastructure [PWD] More details here.

  • Due to a flood of sanitary wipes at the city’s three Water Pollution Control Plants and 19 pumping stations, we are calling on residents to stop flushing anything other than toilet paper along with bathroom waste.


  • Who should be tested, where you can get a test, click here [] [pdf]
    Nearby test site: American Family Care (AFC) Urgent Care, 180 W. Girard Ave. (below Acme at 2nd & Girard)

  • Going to a Pennsylvania business that remains open during the pandemic? Health Secretary Signs Order Providing Worker Safety Measures to Combat COVID-19

  • CDC - Use of Cloth Face Coverings to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19. The CDC provides three ways to make masks, including a sewn mask, a no-sew design from a T-shirt, and a design with a bandana here. Use the Inquirer's simple template to make a face mask at home.


The city added two new sites to the locations providing meals for children on Mondays and Thursdays. More

Free meals for seniors during COVID-19. Details here.


Resources for Babies.

  • The Department of Public Health, along with the Office of Children and Families, announced nine community sites where caregivers of infants can find free baby supplies—including diapers. A list of the sites available here.

  • Philadelphia Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program provides eligible caregivers with an EBT card they can use to purchase food, diapers and formula. To enroll in Philadelphia WIC residents can apply online, email, or call 215-978-6100.

  • Breastfeeding support is available virtually through Pacify–a free, mobile app that gives on-demand access to professional lactation (breastfeeding) experts. Moms should use the enrollment code ‘Philly.’

PCCY’s HealthWatch Helpline Is Available To Help. Does your child need insurance now! Call 215-563-5848x17

  • PCCY Helps Families Get Health Insurance in Every Language.
    How To Get Health Insurance For Your Child and You. More details here.

Philadelphia Legal Assistance [PLA resources]

  • Philadelphia Legal Assistance Has Launched a Free UC Application Service Hotline! The number is 215-999-6910.

Community Legal Services [CLS]: Resources for COVID-19.

  • You can get help over the phone for all cases we handle by calling 215-981-3700


Information and resources for workers impacted by COVID-19,
here [].

Get your benefits: How to navigate PA’s overloaded unemployment system. [BillyPenn]

  • It could be a month before gig workers receive any funds.
    More details here,

How to Select Your "Reason for Separation" in Unemployment Compensation Applications During the Coronavirus Crisis. [PLA]

  • Unemployment Compensation and COVID-19. Details here.

Election Calendar

South Kensington Community Partners

The 2020 Pennsylvania Elections Calendar

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  • May 18, 2020: Last day to REGISTER TO VOTE before the primary

  • May 26, 2020:Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot

  • June 2, 2020: Last day for County Boards of Elections to receive voted mail-in and civilian absentee ballots (must be received by 8 P.M.)

  • June 2, 2020: GENERAL PRIMARY Polls are open from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M.

Click here to request an absentee or mail-in ballot for the upcoming election.
More details at Votes PA home portal.

Philly election officials will provide pre-paid postage for the easy return of all absentee and mail-in ballots ahead of the June 2 primary. More here.

Stimulus Check Update!!

South Kensington Community Partners

Share this information with your family, relatives, friends and neighbors.

If you didn't file a federal tax return in 2018 or 2019, you can now go to this site set up by the IRS to enter your information to receive your stimulus payment check.

Congress approved these payments as part of corona virus relief. Individuals with social security numbers earning under $75,000 can get $1,200 and $500 for every qualified child; married couples earning $150,000 or less could get $2,400. A smaller payment is available for individuals earning less than $99,000 (or $198,000 for joint filers).

If you did file a return last year but didn't provide the IRS with your bank account information, you'll soon be able to supply them with your account info for direct deposit. Check back to this site in mid-April to enter that information.

Taxpayers that filed in either 2018 or 2019 and provided their bank account information will get their payments direct deposited automatically. Otherwise, the IRS will mail checks to taxpayers over the coming weeks and months.

Voting by Absentee or Mail-in Ballot & Voter Registration Requirements

South Kensington Community Partners

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Absentee and mail-in ballot applications for the April 28, 2020, primary election must be received by your county election office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

In Pennsylvania, you now have two options for mail ballots. You may either choose a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot to request, complete, and return to your county election office.

Click here to know which ballot to use.

Pennsylvania just postponed its primary due to coronavirus. Here’s what it means for voters and 2020 campaigns.
Julia Terruso, Philadelphia Inquirer
More details here.

Voting by mail is a safe option during coronavirus. Here’s what you need to know about absentee ballots in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Jonathan Lai and Julia Terruso, Philadelphia Inquirer

Read more here.

Voter Registration Requirements

To vote in Pennsylvania, you must meet the requirements and register to vote.
Click here to learn about who can vote.

More details here on How and Where to Register to Vote

Check Your Voter Registration Status here.

SEPTA Update

South Kensington Community Partners

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Starting (today), April 1, SEPTA has implemented the following measures to fight the spread of COVID-19:
Rear-Door Boarding on Buses and Trolleys: SEPTA will implement rear-door boarding on all bus and trolley routes. All customers will be asked to board and exit from the rear doors. Front-door boarding will be reserved for riders with disabilities. Rear-door boarding is being implemented to further promote social distancing on-board vehicles. To maintain a safe distance between operators and passengers, SEPTA is suspending on-board fare payment.
Rider Limits: To ensure there is enough space on-board vehicles for customers to practice social distancing, SEPTA will limit the number of riders per-vehicle on buses, trolleys, and the Norristown High Speed Line:

  • Bus: Maximum 20 riders

  • Trolley: Maximum 25 riders

  • Norristown High Speed Line: Maximum 30 riders

Operators will keep track of the number of people on-board each vehicle. If a vehicle reaches the maximum number of passengers, service will be limited to drop-offs until there is enough space to allow new riders to board.

Credit Policy For SEPTA Transportation Passes
SEPTA is offering credits for unused and partially used Monthly March or April 2020 Passes and Weekly Passes for the Weeks of March 9th & March 16th (including those on Key Cards and University Semester Paper Legacy Passes).

Please review the Credit Policy for SEPTA Transportation Passes for detailed information here.

SEPTA to start new coronavirus protections, including rear-door boarding and suspension of onboard fare payments.
Patricia Madej, Philadelphia Inquirer. Click here.

Beware Of Stimulus Check Scams And Related Hoaxes

South Kensington Community Partners

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Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes

Ugh. The ink is barely dry on the "Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act" or the "CARES Act" - and scammers are already coming up with schemes to defraud taxpayers. Specifically, identity thieves are using confusion over the stimulus checks to convince potential victims to turn over personally-identifying information. Read here.

Coronavirus and Forbearance Info for Students, Borrowers, and Parents
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) office of Federal Student Aid are actively monitoring the new coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak. On March 27, 2020, the president signed the CARES Act into law, which, among other things, provides broad relief for federal student loan borrowers. Here we have answered questions about several provisions of the Act. If you’re concerned about your studies or loan repayment, we can help you understand what to do in certain circumstances. We’ll be adding information for students, borrowers, and parents to this page on a regular basis,


South Kensington Community Partners

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  • An initiative to ​boost Hispanic restaurants during the ​Coronavirus Crisis ​by marketing their availability for delivery and "take-out".
    The Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GPHCC), in partnership with Finanta, Community First Fund, Widener University SBDC, and Aclamo, has created an initiative to help Hispanic-owned restaurants market their availability for takeout and delivery services called Dine Latino Take-Out Weekend, to be held April 3-5th. The open call for restaurants to sign up starts now via GPHCC’s dedicated website.

  • SNAP HOTLINE: SNAP hotline and other resource for those who need and those who want to donate. Residents of Bucks, Chester and Philadelphia counties can call 215-430-0556, Monday-Thursday from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and on Friday from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. More here.

  • Where to find free, nutritious food during COVID-19. An up-to-date list of sites is available here, This map includes food sites The public is encouraged to verify sites by calling 311

  • Food distributors now sell restaurant quality meat and produce directly to consumers. More here from the Philadelphia Inquirer.

  • Philabundance: Get Involved
    The faces of hunger are varied and plentiful - so are the number of ways you can help. Click here for details to volunteer.

What to know about the coronavirus stimulus checks — and how and when you get your money

South Kensington Community Partners

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Christian Hetrick, Philadelphia Inquirer

Many Americans will soon receive direct payments from the federal government after the U.S. Senate passed a $2.2 trillion rescue package late Wednesday to combat the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. The House was expected to pass the measure Friday, the largest economic stimulus in modern American history. The money could especially help Philadelphia, the nation’s poorest big city, where many people work in hotel, airline, and restaurant industries ravaged by the halt in economic activity.

Click here for answers to some common questions about the coronavirus stimulus checks