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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Stay Updated in Philadelphia

South Kensington Community Partners

  • Updates on city website click here.

  • Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone:
    -Text COVIDPHL to 888-777
    -To receive free text alerts from @PHLPublicHealth by clicking here.

  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health announced activation of the Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline.
    The Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-722-7112

  • "Updated guide to the coronavirus in Philly: Testing, schools, shopping, transit, unemployment and more" by BillyPenn clicking here.

  • Health Alert COVID-19 March 26, 2020:
    Status Update and Guidance for Healthcare Personnel Isolation and Quarantine to Minimize Staff Shortages

  • INFORMATION FOR PENNSYLVANIA EMPLOYEES IMPACTED BY COVID-19, you may be eligible for Unemployment or Workers' Compensation benefits. Click here for details.

  • SNAP HOTLINE: SNAP hotline and other resource for those who need and those who want to donate. More here.

NEED A HAND, NEIGHBOR? & Ways to Help!

South Kensington Community Partners

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Ways to Help
At SKCP, we have been humbled by the number of neighbors who have reached in recent weeks to support fellow community members during this trying time. Here’s a list of concrete ways you can help with current and ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts:

  • Spread the Word: SKCP staff are specially trained to connect folks with resources related to housing, health insurance, utilities, food assistance, and other increasingly critical supports. You can help us reach more neighbors in need by printing out the attached signs and posting them in street-facing windows or public posting areas: [English] | [Español]

  • Sign up for the SKCP Neighbor Support Team: For requests that require local coordination, like a helping a vulnerable neighbor pick up groceries or medications, we are creating a network of local volunteers who are willing and able to help out. Sign up by filling out this form. If you are in need of this type of assistance, reach out to us at

  • Donate to Citywide Relief Efforts: The Philadelphia Foundation has a new COVID-19 Fund dedicated to supporting local organizations that are already working on the most pressing issues brought to light by the pandemic.

  • Tip a Restaurant Worker: Here’s a virtual tip jar for servers at your favorite Philadelphia restaurants, many of whom are facing reduced hours or layoffs.

  • Stand Up Against Xenophobia: The pandemic has coincided with a disturbing increase in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans. To support all members of the South Kensington community, if you see or hear someone perpetuating bigoted stereotypes or rhetoric, use this guide from Teaching Tolerance to interrupt them.

  • Fill Out the 2020 Census: State and local officials use the Census to allocate public healthcare resources and plan for emergencies. Getting an accurate count in our neighborhood is critical for making sure we’re prepared for future crises. Respond here.

  • Donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Healthcare providers are already facing shortages of needed equipment to protect themselves and others. If you have more than you need at home, consider donating to the Office of Emergency Management or a local healthcare institution.

  • Stay Home! (If you can.): Minimizing contact with others is the best way to prevent additional infections, make sure our healthcare system does not become (further) overwhelmed, and save lives. Seriously.

For more opportunities, see: Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service – Philadelphia’s response to COVID-19: How you can help

Voting by Absentee or Mail-in Ballot & Voter Registration Requirements

South Kensington Community Partners

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Voting by Absentee or Mail-in Ballot

Absentee and mail-in ballot applications for the April 28, 2020, primary election must be received by your county election office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020.

In Pennsylvania, you now have two options for mail ballots. You may either choose a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot to request, complete, and return to your county election office. Click here to know which ballot to use.

Voter Registration Requirements

To vote in Pennsylvania, you must meet the requirements and register to vote.
Click here to learn about who can vote.

More details here on How and Where to Register to Vote

Check Your Voter Registration Status here.

City of Philadelphia Resources & Information Available

South Kensington Community Partners

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Find free meals for students while schools are closed. March 14, 2020
Sarah Reyes Office of Children and Families, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Office of the Mayor

To ensure that students can still have nutritious meals while all schools are closed, the School District of Philadelphia, several charter schools, and the Philadelphia Housing Authority are coordinating with the City’s Office of Children and Families to provide grab-and-go meals for children and youth throughout the city.
Beginning Monday, March 23, families can pick up meals at 80 locations listed here.. Please note the new schedule and locations.
Meals are available from 9 a.m. to noon only. All children and youth are eligible, and no ID is required.

What’s open, closed, or canceled at Parks & Rec sites
Darren Fava, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation

Here’s the latest update from Philadelphia Parks & Recreation about what’s open to the public, and what’s not.

These actions are part of the City’s effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus in Philadelphia.

Please note that the information applies through at least Friday, March 27. A precise end date has not been determined. Note that the meal distribution at Recs has been cancelled.

More details click here.

Utilities and Housing

  • PECO suspends shut-offs and late fees till May 1, click here.

  • PWD is suspending water service shut offs and restoring water service through May 15th, click here.

  • Public Utilities Commission (PUC): PUC Prohibits Utility Terminations, Consistent with Governor’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency Related to Covid19, click here.

  • Foreclosure and Evictions suspended for 60 days, click here.

  • PHA suspending evictions

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Pennsylvania Workers Affected by COVID-19 May be Eligible for Unemployment and Workers’ Compensation Benefits. 03/16/2020

Harrisburg, PA – Workers in Pennsylvania who are impacted by COVID-19 may be eligible for Unemployment and Workers' Compensation benefits, Secretary of Labor & Industry (L&I) Jerry Oleksiak announced today.
Unemployment compensation claims should be submitted online for faster processing

More details here.

Using sick leave in Philadelphia, March 9, 2020
Sarah Reyes Board of Health, Department of Public Health, Mayor’s Office of Labor

Right to Sick Leave: Employers with 10 or more employees are required to provide paid sick leave, and employers with nine or fewer employees must allow unpaid leave. Infographics in English for workers and employers, and Spanish for workers and employers.
Click here to download the infographics in English and Spanish as PDF

More details click here.

Unemployment benefits in Pa. during the coronavirus pandemic: How to apply and who is eligible
Juliana Feliciano Reyes, Philadelphia Inquirer

If you’re one of the workers who has been affected by the pandemic — say, your employer had to shut down because of Mayor Kenney’s Monday order or you’re in self-quarantine and can’t work — there’s a good chance you’re eligible for unemployment benefits from the state.

More details here.

What you need to know about filing for unemployment in PA right now
Layla A. Jones, BillyPenn

You might be able to get benefits even if you’re not yet laid off. If you’re out of a job because of coronavirus-related business closures, you could get unemployment or worker’s comp pay. Apply for benefits immediately if you’re in that situation, Philly and Pennsylvania officials say. In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the state has changed requirements so more people will qualify for benefits. Details here.

PDPH Advisory - COVID-19 Update and Guidance

South Kensington Community Partners

March 19, 2020

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has just released a Health Advisory regarding a status update for COVID-19 in Philadelphia as well as guidance on isolation and quarantine. It is available from, and as a PDF document. To read this attachment, you will need the Adobe Reader software, which can be downloaded at no cost from
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the Philadelphia Department of Public Health at
To report a disease or condition to the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, call 215-685-6748 during business hours (8:30AM to 5:00PM Monday-Friday). If the disease or condition requires immediate notification and it is after normal business hours, call 215-686-4514 and ask to speak with the contact for the Division of Disease Control.

Summary Points:

  • Community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is being recognized in Philadelphia.

  • Duration of isolation for infected persons may be provisionally reduced to 7 days, as per details in this advisory.

  • Guidance to healthcare workers for self-monitoring and isolation/quarantine is provided.

Click here to view the document.

Stay Updated in Philadelphia

South Kensington Community Partners

  • Updates on city website click here.

  • Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone:
    -Text COVIDPHL to 888-777
    -To receive free text alerts from @PHLPublicHealth by clicking here.

  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health announced activation of the Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline.
    The Helpline can be reached by calling 1-800-722-7112

SKCP Office is Closed to Public Visits

South Kensington Community Partners

Until further notice, the office is closed to public visits. SKCP staff will be working remotely and will continue to be responsive to:

  • email (

  • phone calls (215-427-3463), please be sure to leave a detailed message with your name and number so we can provide you with as much service as possible in these trying times.


  • The March 21 Philly Counts Action Day has been postponed. We will share updates as we receive them

  • The in-person March 23 Census Informational Meeting has been postponed. Stay tuned for updates on a virtual training session.

  • The March 25 Community Zoning Meeting has been cancelled.

  • Philly Spring Clean Up has been postponed. Stay tuned for updates.

A message from South Kensington Community Partners

South Kensington Community Partners

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South Kensington Community Partners is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation in our region. The safety and wellbeing of our neighbors and staff is of the upmost importance to our organization.

Operational Updates:

  • Until further notice, the SKCP office will remain open to the public. We ask that any visitors refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or any other physical contact with SKCP staff. Additionally, we request that visitors practice good hygiene by regularly and thoroughly washing their hands and coughing or sneezing into their elbows.

  • We ask that any community members in need of assistance who are experiencing cold or flu symptoms remain at home and call (215-427-3463) or email ( the office instead. If necessary, video conferencing arrangements can be made.

  • As of today, the Census Action Day scheduled for March 21th, the Census Informational Meeting for March 23 and the Community Zoning Meeting Scheduled for March 25 will proceed as planned. Attendance at both events is anticipated to be below the 250 person threshold at which the City of Philadelphia has recommended cancellation. If you will require remote attendance accommodations due to illness or health vulnerability, please call or email the SKCP office as soon as possible.

  • Any members of the public seeking to use SKCP's on-site computer will be asked to thoroughly wash their hand before and after use.

Seeking Medical Assistance:

  • If you have cold or flu symptoms and are in need of medical assistance, call ahead to your medical care provider. They will provide guidance on how best to avoid potentially spreading the virus in crowded waiting rooms.

  • If you are severely ill and need medical attention right away, call 911.

  • A list of urgent care and health centers is available here. Again, please call ahead if you are experiencing symptoms.

  • If you work in the City of Philadelphia, you are entitled to take sick leave. Many residents are entitled to paid sick leave. For more information, see this article.


Additional Information:

Should I Use the New 1040-SR Tax Return Form for Seniors?

South Kensington Community Partners

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Older taxpayers can benefit from bigger type and the prominent deduction chart
John Waggoner, AARP,

If you or your spouse were born before Jan. 2, 1955, you may be able to use Form 1040-SR instead of the more complicated Form 1040. (Note: You don't have to be retired to file the 1040-SR.) The senior tax return form generally follows the familiar 1040, albeit with slightly larger type for older eyes. It also has a chart for calculating your standard deduction — a good way to ensure that taxpayers 65 and older take the larger standard deduction to which they are entitled.

Read more here.

Despite Cybersecurity Risks And Last-Minute Changes, The 2020 Census Goes Online

South Kensington Community Partners

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Hansi Lo Wang, NPR

Starting March 12, households across the country are expected to be able to participate in the once-a-decade national head count by going to to complete the online census questionnaire, which is set to be open to the public through July 31.
Under pressure to cut costs and keep up with these increasingly Internet-centric times, the Census Bureau is expecting, based on an earlier test run, about six out of 10 households that fill out a form on their own to do so online. For those who have limited Internet access or prefer to stay offline, the bureau is also collecting census responses over the phone and on paper forms, which are scheduled to arrive at some homes by mid-March and then in early April to every household that hasn't responded by then.

More details here. Click here for the official questionnaire.

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