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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

SKCP is Hiring an Executive Director!

South Kensington Community Partners

Organizational Background: South Kensington Community Partners is a community-based nonprofit that is currently looking for a dynamic person to grow the organization. SKCP serves the residents and businesses of South/Olde Kensington. The mission of SKCP is to connect our community to resources, services, and opportunities, the land, and each other. We act as, and encourage others to become, engaged stewards of the neighborhood. We advocate for responsible development that builds upon the physical, social and economic fabric of the neighborhood. Our service area is Girard Ave. to Berks St., Front St. to 6th St.

Position Overview: The Executive Director of SKCP works to ensure the goals, values and services of the organization are transmitted to and reflective of the residents within the service area. He/She will do this by working with the board to ensure program requirements are being met, develop a strategic and operational plan, and ensure its implementation once developed. The Executive Director will do this by working with staff and board to identify the highest and best use of office resources, identify funding, and develop implementation resources.

The ideal candidate is resourceful, ambitious, has an entrepreneurial spirit and should have an interest in grassroots community organizing and a passion for empowering community residents. The Executive Director must be professional, customer-service oriented, organized, and have the skills necessary to work with a diverse group of people. He/she will work collaboratively with other program staff to pursue the mission, advance a common vision, and to grow SKCP’s capacity to be a high-performing organization. The Executive Director will maintain administrative standards, provide fiscal controls, direct fundraising efforts, and foster partnerships. A collaborative spirit is necessary in order to foster a cooperative work environment with other team members and the board.

Function: The Executive Director will organize the programs and operations of the office, communicate and delegate day to day activities required for all office administration & operations. These responsibilities and duties are subject to change based upon the needs of the organization and at the Board’s directive. Following is a breakdown of the responsibilities; as this position encompasses a broad field, this list is not all-inclusive and is subject to amendments at any time.

Core Responsibilities:

● Strategic Oversight and Direction for Organization: Identify and secure funding strategy to develop and implement a strategic plan for the organization. Work with the board to develop a strategic and operational plan and ensure its implementation once developed.

● Grant Management & Solicitation: Provide development & fundraising functions for organization [grant research, writing, program development, promotion, reporting]. Meet with funders. Discuss the goals and vision of the organization. Identify resources to support the goals of the organization through grant research, writing, donor solicitation, ad sales, etc. Secure funding for strategic planning.

● Board Liaison: Provide weekly program updates, manage monthly reports and meeting documents. Disseminate information between staff & board and ensure that communication is a core piece of organizational culture. Work with Board President and staff to identify agenda needs for board meetings. Work with board & staff to review strategic plan and outline operational plan. Work with various committees to provide office support where needed.

● Mission and Programs: Engage and the community in shaping and participating in the programs and goals of the organization.

● Establish constructive working relationships and cooperative arrangements with city agencies, community groups, organizations and stakeholders.

● Support the community residents, volunteers, and organizational committees in developing leadership,action, and engagement.

● Develop and maintain an integrated communications plan to publicize the organization’s goals, programs, and events in effective way to other organizations and the community at large.

● Execute the OHCD contract and related programming, communications, and reporting, in a timely and effective fashion.

● Support, maintain, and grow all existing programming, including but not limited to land care, greening, zoning, planning, and other programs in development.

● Develop and implement strategies for volunteer efforts and contributions to the organization.

● Office Management: Create and maintain office procedures. Develop and maintain appropriate record-keeping. Support the board & staff regarding programs and operations. Circulate minutes, agendas, reports etc. Provide weekly office reports to staff and board. Manage, coordinate and supervise staff, interns and volunteers to foster a collaborative, cooperative work environment.

● Finance & Accounting: Supervise and coordinate development of an annual budget to be approved by the board in September. Work with the Finance Committee to see that reports and invoices are submitted in a timely manner to the board and funders. Monitor financial conditions of the organization. Analyze the cash flows of the organization and keep in contact with the Financial Control Committee and the Executive Committee. Coordinate contract negotiations and assure contract compliance. Provide financial management (payroll, budgeting, A/R + A/P, bookkeeping), monthly financial reports, banking. Provide monthly financial reports to the board including budget versus actual, projections, OHCD budget reports, and other financials by request.

Qualifications and requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • 2-5+ years professional experience managing teams in a self-directed environment
  • Experience developing strategic, operational, and financial plans in conditions of uncertainty
  • Comfort working within ambiguity and able to chart a path forward despite challenging circumstances
  • Demonstrated ability to develop creative programming to fulfill a mission.
  • Grass Roots Community Organizing
  • Ability to organize and empower residents and build organizational coalitions
  • Ability to prioritize, multi task, and meet deadlines, independently, collaboratively, and as a manager
  • Comfort and familiarity with accounting, financial management, and building financial models
  • Proven track record of developing and obtaining significant financial resources to support the activities and growth of an organization.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, leadership ability, management skills, and self-motivation.
  • Skill with modern computer tools, including Adobe suite, Google Docs, web and social media management, etc.
  • Spanish is a plus

Salary is commiserate with standards of small community-based nonprofits.

To apply, email cover letter & resume to

SKCP is an EOE

Introducing the Candidates Running in 2016's NAS Elections

South Kensington Community Partners

On Tuesday, February 23rd SKCP is hosting a public meeting for people to meet the candidates currently in the running to join our Neighborhood Advisory Sub-Commitee (NAS). Each will have a few minutes to speak as well as field a question or two. We also asked each candidate to submit a short biography, so people who cannot make the meeting can get to know them as well.

And don't forget to stop by the Finanta Building between 4pm and 8pm on Tuesday, March 1st to cast your vote!

Corey Bell

Corey Bell's entree into South Kensington began in 2009 working as an economic developer supporting small businesses along Girard Ave. An academic background in City Planning coupled with local political savviness are two strengths Corey lends to support neighborhood development. In his spare time, Corey enjoys playing tennis, bicycling, and trying new foods.

Ximena Flores

Ximena attended Michigan (Go Blue!) where she studied Political Science and Peace and Social Justice and took an active role in several grassroots organizations and neighborhood development coalitions in various Detroit neighborhoods. In 2010, Ximena moved to Philadelphia for law school. She fell in love with Philadelphia's culture, art/music/food scene and community -- so much so that last year she purchased her first home, together with her boyfriend, on N.Hope street, where they live with their golden, Bernie and two cats, Layla and Earl. Her love for Philadelphia (and her family) propelled her to join SKCP's NAS to help make South Kensington a better place to live and work. Ximena is confident that her personal and professional experiences will benefit the advisory board and she can't wait to see our community grow to its full potential!

Tom Gallo

Tom Gallo is a Temple University graduate that has lived in the area since 2006. He believes in the potential of the neighborhood and wants to focus on keeping the streets clean. He works in the financial industry as a Project Manager and lives on 6th and Cecil B Moore with his girlfriend and their two dogs and cat.

Sarah Gearhart

Sarah moved to South Kensington in 2004 and enjoys the diversity and the familial atmosphere of our community.  She has a deep understanding of our neighborhood’s history and she wants to work with the NAS to ensure that our neighborhood retains its character, and its longterm residents, as it grows.  Sarah is a Ph.D. candidate in Temple University’s Urban Education program and possesses a variety of skills that will greatly benefit the NAS. 

Ian Abovitz

Ian Abovitz was born and raised just north of the city, in Bucks County, but left the burbs behind for good and moved to Philly when he started law school at Temple about 10 years ago.  Ian lives with my wife,  their dog, and six cats (his wife is a sucker for strays) at their home in South Kensington purchased almost 3 years ago.  When they chose the neighborhood, they recognized its potential and it is amazing to see how much it has grown in just a short time.  Ian works as a trial attorney at the law firm of Stark & Stark with offices in Bucks County and Philadelphia and looks forward to the opportunity to play an active role in the growth of our great neighborhood.

Josephine Quinones

Josephine has lived in South Kensington for 20 years and recently completed a two year term of service as a member of the NAS. She admires the commitment people who live in South Kensington have toward making the neighborhood a vibrant, positive place to live, is fluent in Spanish as well as English, and is interested in neighbor relations and event planning.

Jeremiah Lewis

Jeremiah, originally from Northern California’s Bay Area, settled in the South Kensington community in 2012. He owns a home in the neighborhood and works out of the Philadelphia office at KPMG, where he is part of the Lighthouse: Data & Analytics group focusing on Healthcare & Life Sciences. One of the reasons he bought his home in South Kensington was to be part of a neighborhood that takes care of and supports one another, qualities he has only seen strengthen in the three years since his arrival. Jeremiah is excited to show his pride in the community by becoming a member of SKCP's NAS.



FREE Tax Preparation Workshops hosted by CEIBA and SKCP

South Kensington Community Partners

Ceiba is providing free income tax preparation assistance to its neighbors, with a family income of less than $54,000 annually.

VITA volunteers trained by the IRS prepare tax returns electronically and ensure that tax filers receive all the credits and refunds to which they are entitled. If the tax filer has a bank account, they can get their tax refund in 10 days at no cost.

Appointments available at 4 Locations.  YOU MUST CALL to make an appointment.

Tax Flyer 2015-2016 SKCP - Finanta_Double Sided - 1.png

Apply to Become Part of SKCP's Neighborhood Advisory Sub-Committee (NAS)

South Kensington Community Partners

South Kensington Community Partners would like to formally announce an elections cycle to become a member of our Neighborhood Advisory Sub-Committee (NAS).

The NAS is a group of dedicated volunteers who help facilitate public outreach and connect neighborhood residents with city services.

If you are interested in having a positive impact on the neighborhood, we encourage you to apply. Please complete both pages of the application by right clicking on the image for each page, saving it, printing it, then returning it to the SKCP office no later than February 8th, 2016.

And of course, call us (or stop by in person) to ask any questions and discuss in more detail.

SAVE THE DATE: Winter '15 Service Area Briefing

South Kensington Community Partners

Mark your calendars, because our next service area briefing is right around the corner. Once a quarter the SKCP Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) invites different city departments and partners to come present about the services they provide. These meetings are known as "service area briefings."

This quarter's meeting will take place the evening of Thursday, December 17th from 6:30-8pm, location TBD.

Not only do we have a stellar lineup of presenters, including the Energy Conservation Agency who will be leading a weatherization workshop as well as the Streets Department discussing a number of program updates, but they will be bringing items you get to take home with you for free, such as a home weatherization kit or recycling bin.

Definitely a meeting you don't want to miss. Hope to see you there!



26th District Crime Report: 10.21 - 10.27

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Two (2) rapes reported during this time: 2500 Water (10/21), 1900 10th (10/25)

There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time:

There were Seven (7) robberies other weapon during this time: 2500 Lehigh (10/21), 1800 Frankford (10/22), 1900 Front (10/25), 200 C B Moore (10/25), 2500 Kensington (10/26), 2400 Emerald (10/27), 100 Hewson (10/27)

There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time:

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 500 Master (10/26)

There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period: 1700 Waterloo (10/22), 2600 Aramingo (10/26)

There were Ninteen (19) theft from autos during this period: 1000 2nd (10/21), 1600 3rd (10/21), 1900 10th (10/21), 1100 Germantown (10/21), 2300 Norris (10/21), 900 American (10/21), 1000 Hancock (10/22), 1000 4th (10/22), 2500 Collins (10/22), 1000 3rd (10/23), 1000 Hancock (10/24), 100 E Allen (10/24), 1000 2nd (10/25), 900 3rd (10/25), 100 Allen (10/26), 2300 Firth (10/26), 500 E Girard (10/26), 1700 Tulip (10/27), 2300 Frankford (10/27)

There were Seven (7) Thefts during this time: 2100 Lehigh (10/22), 1100 2nd (10/22), 2000 Boston (10/22), 900 5th (10/23), 300 E Girard (10/23), 1300 Frankford (10/24), 1200 Front (10/27)

There were Six (6) Stolen Autos during this period: 1200 Front (10/21), 300 Cambridge (10/22), 2600 Kensington (10/23), 900 Delaware (10/24), 2300 Sepviva (10/27), 2200 Albert (10/27)

26th District Crime Report: 10.14 - 10.20

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 100 C B Moore (10/20)

There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time: 2500 Aramingo (10/18), 100 Allen (10/19)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time: 2100 Hagert (10/20)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 800 W Girard (10/17)

There were Five (5) residential burglaries during this period: 2100 Letterly (10/14), 2500 Tulip (10/14), 1900 7th (10/16), 2200 Susquehanna (10/19), 200 W Thompson (10/20)

There were Ten (10) theft from autos during this period: 200 Norris (10/15), 200 W Wildey (10/16), 1000 Delaware (10/16), 1500 Montgomery (10/17), 1100 Galloway (10/18), 2600 York (10/19), 1000 New Market (10/19), 2400 Firth (10/19), 1700 Memphis (10/19), 100 E Huntingdon (10/19)

There were Nine (9) Thefts during this time: 2600 Kensington (10/15), 2600 Huntingdon (10/15), 700 W Girard (10/16), 2200 Frankford (10/16), 2600 Kensington (10/16), 100 Master (10/18), 1400 Germantown (10/18), 1100 Lee (10/19), 100 Master (10/20)

There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period: 1000 Delaware (10/17), 900 Canal (10/17), 500 E Girard (10/18), 1000 Shackamaxon (10/20)

26th District Crime Report: 10.7 - 10.13

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There was One (1) homicides reported during this time period: 1200 10th (10/12)

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time:

There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 2400 Aramingo (10/12)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time: 1800 Albert (10/10)

There were Six (6) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1200 Montgomery (10/8) x 3, 2300 Aramingo (10/8), 700 W Montgomery (10/8), 1300 Susquehanna (10/8)

There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period: 1300 Hope (10/8), 800 W Oxford (10/12)

There were Sixteen (16) theft from autos during this period: 1300 Montgomery (10/7), 2100 Lehigh (10/8), 2400 Emerald (10/9), 100 Wildey (10/10), 1700 5th (10/10), 2000 Front (10/11), 1100 Delaware (10/12), 2000 Frankford (10/12), 100 W Thompson (10/12), 2000 Blair (10/12), 1000 Delaware (10/12), 2400 Coral (10/12), 900 2nd (10/13), 1500 Palethorpe (10/13), 100 Jefferson (10/13), 200 W George (10/13)

There were Nine (9) Thefts during this time: 500 W Berks (10/8), 2200 Frankford (10/8), 900 New Market (10/9), 2000 Letterly (10/11), 2500 Norris (10/11), 2600 Kensington (10/11), 500 Girard (10/12), 2600 Martha (10/12), 1200 Front (10/13)

There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period: 2600 Memphis (10/7), 1300 Orianna (10/13)

26th District Crime Report: 9.23 - 9.29

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There was One (1) homicides reported during this time period: 2600 Kensington (9/27)

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 2000 Amber (9/29)

There were Four (4) robberies other weapon during this time: 2000 Huntingdon (9/26), 1900 6th (9/26), 900 Randolph (9/27), 800 E Girard (9/29)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time: 1300 Percy (9/23)

There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2400 Jasper (9/23), 100 Master (9/24), 1800 Oakdale (9/25)

There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period: 2600 Emerald (9/25), 1500 Hewson (9/29)

There were Six (6) theft from autos during this period: 100 E Girard (9/23), 1300 Palmer (9/24), 900 6th (9/25), 100 E Lehigh (9/26), 2300 Amber (9/26), 2500 Frankford (9/28)

There were Seven (7) Thefts during this time: 1700 Blair (9/23), 1000 American (9/25), 2400 Boston (9/27), 2000 Trenton (9/28), 2000 Dauphin (9/28), 2600 Cedar (9/28), 2500 Kensington (9/29)

There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period: 2500 Norris (9/25), 1200 3rd (9/26), 2400 Frankford (9/26), 2500 Almond (9/27)

26th District Crime Report: 9.2 - 9.8

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1300 Beach (9/2)

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 2000 Hagert (9/2)

There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time: 2600 Kensington (9/4), 2600 B (9/4)

There were Four (4) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time: 600 C B Moore (9/4), 1500 6th (9/7) x 2, 1600 8th (9/8)

There was Six (6) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2500 Salmon (9/3), 1800 Mutter (9/5), 600 W Girard (9/5), 1900 Lawrence (9/6), 2500 A (9/7), 2000 Firth (9/7)

There were Five (5) residential burglaries during this period : 2200 Gordon (9/2), 100 W Montgomery (9/2), 100 Wildey (9/3), 300 St John Newman Way (9/4), 2000 Martha (9/5)

There were Thirteen (13) theft from autos during this period: 700 Berks (9/2), 1300 Randolph (9/4), 1600 6th (9/5), 2600 Tulip (9/5), 600 Oxford (9/5), 1000 Germantown (9/8), 2400 Coral (9/8) x 2, 1000 Hancock (9/8), 2200 Coral (9/8), 2000 Fletcher (9/8), 2200 Amber (9/8), 1800 Blair (9/8)

There were Ten (10) Thefts during this time: 2500 Memphis (9/2), 1100 Frankford (9/3), 1000 Delaware (9/4), 2100 York (9/4), 1100 Frankford (9/4), 100 E Columbia (9/5), 1700 3rd (9/5), 1700 2nd (9/6), 400 E Girard (9/8), 1800 Cedar (9/8)

There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period: 1900 8th (9/2), 2400 Kensington (9/7)

26th District Crime Report: 8.26 - 9.1

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 800 E Girard (9/1)

There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 2100 Norris (8/29)

There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time:

There was Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1500 Germantown (8/27), 100 W Norris (8/28)

There were Zero (0) residential burglaries during this period:

There were Twenty two (22) theft from autos during this period: 2300 Norris (8/26), 100 W Jefferson (8/26), 2200 Huntingdon (8/27), 2200 Sepviva (8/27), 1000 New Market (8/27), 2400 Gordon (8/28), 1300 American (8/28), 800 Jefferson (8/28), 1000 Delaware (8/29), 1000 Palmer (8/29), 2500 Gaul (8/30), 1000 5th (8/30) x 2, 1500 2nd (8/30), 1700 5th (8/30), 2500 Aramingo (8/30), 1500 Earl (8/31), 600 Thompson (9/1), 100 Thompson (9/1), 2200 Trenton (9/1), 100 Jefferson (9/1), 1000 Front (9/1)

There were Fourteen (14) Thefts during this time : 1200 Columbia (8/26), 1700 Tilghman(8/26), 900 American (8/26), 2600 Richmond (8/27), 2600 Belgrade (8/27), 2500 Emerald (8/28), 1300 3rd (8/28), 900 American (8/29), 2200 Tulip (8/29), 1300 6th (8/30), 1800 Waterloo (8/30), 2500 Aramingo (8/31), 1000 5th (8/31), 1800 Hope (9/1)

There were Seven (7) Stolen Autos during this period: 2600 Lehigh (8/26), 1000 5th (8/27), 900 3rd (8/27), 2500 Memphis (8/28), 200 E Girard (8/29), 1200 Orianna (9/1), 2500 Aramingo (9/1)

26th District Crime Report: 8.19 - 8.25

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3:

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Four (4) rapes reported during this time: 900 8th (8/23), 2400 Beach (8/24) x 3

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 900 Canal (8/22)

There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 2200 Belgrade (8/20)

There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time:

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 800 Girard (8/19)

There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 1900 5th (8/20), 1800 Sheridan (8/20), 2400 Huntingdon (8/24)

There were Sixteen (16) theft from autos during this period: 1100 Marlborough (8/19), 1400 Oxford (8/19), 1700 Bodine (8/19), 900 Front (8/20), 2600 Cumberland (8/20), 2100 Letterly (8/21), 2200 Frankford (8/21), 1000 Marlborough (8/22), 100 Laurel (8/23), 2500 Lehigh (8/24), 200 Cambridge (8/24), 1100 Hancock (8/24), 1900 Lehigh (8/25), 2200 Cumberland (8/25), 900 Front (8/25), 100 W Oxford (8/25)

There were Three (3) Thefts during this time : 1300 Delaware (8/24), 2500 Cumberland (8/24), 900 Front (8/25)

There were Sixteen (16) Stolen Autos during this period: 2600 Martha (8/20), 1200 3rd (8/20), 1300 6th (8/20), 1100 3rd (8/20), 1100 4th (8/21), 1700 Front (8/21) x 3, 2300 Hagert (8/21), 1100 Frankford (8/22), 1300 Beach (8/23), 1900 York (8/23), 2600 Miller (8/23), 2600 Emerald (8/24), 900 Franklin (8/24), 2500 Cedar (8/25)

26th District Crime Report: 8.12 - 8.18

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rape reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2200 Fletcher (8/13)

There were Three (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 2600 B St. (8/12), 1000 4th (8/13), 1400 Marlborough (8/17)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 200 W Girard (8/12)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1900 Front (8/13)

There were Three (3) residential burglaries during this period : 900 8th (8/13), 1500 Susquehanna (8/15), 900 6th (8/18)

There were Fifteen (15) theft from autos during this period: 2300 Tulip (8/13), 1400 2nd (8/14), 500 Wildey (8/14), 900 Front (8/15), 1800 Frankford (8/15), 2300 Frankford (8/15), 1000 3rd (8/15), 2400 Harold (8/17), 2300 Firth (8/17), 1300 Frankford (8/18), 2700 Albert (8/18), 1700 Frankford (8/18), 1800 Frankford (8/18), 2000 Huntingdon (8/18), 900 Poplar (8/18)

26th District Crime Report: 7.29 - 8.4

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There was One (1) rape reported during this time: 1600 7th (8/4)

There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time:

There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 2400 Front St. (8/3)

There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time:

There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 900 Delaware (8/2), 1700 Frankford (8/3)

There were Four (4) residential burglaries during this period: 1300 Orianna (7/29), 2500 Sepviva (8/1), 1700 Franklin (8/3), 1700 Marshall (8/4)

There were Nineteen (19) theft from autos during this period: 2600 York (7/29), 2100 Huntingdon (7/29), 1000 Delaware (7/29), 2400 Dauphin (7/30), 2300 York (7/30), 2300 Huntingdon (7/30), 2000 Trenton (7/31), 2400 Trenton (7/31), 2100 Susquehanna (7/31), 1100 4th (8/1), 2100 Sergeant (8/1), 2000 Arizona (8/1), 1000 Delaware (8/20, 100 Richmond (8/3), 2400 Hagert (8/3), 2400 Cedar (8/3), 2600 York (8/4), 2500 Aramingo (8/4)

There were Six (6) Thefts during this time: 900 Lawrence (7/29), 2200 Ritter (7/30), 200 Allen (8/2), 2400 Jasper (8/2), 2300 Frankford (8/4), 1800 Blair (8/4)

There were Five (5) Stolen Autos during this period: 2400 Kensington (7/31), 1700 Tulip (8/2), 1000 Frankford (8/2), 1700 Franklin (8/3), 2100 Albert (8/3)

26th District Crime Report: 7.22 - 7.28

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2500 Frankford (7/22)

There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 2000 Lehigh (7/24), 1000 8th (7/27)

There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 2600 Jasper (7/22)

There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1100 Front (7/22), 200 Stiles (7/26), 1300 Palmer (7/26)

There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Frankford (7/22)

There were Sixteen (16) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Sergeant (7/22), 2400 Gaul (7/22), 2600 Tilton (7/22), 900 Leithgow (7/23), 100 Thompson (7/23), 1300 Mascher (7/25), 1200 Hancock (7/25), 1800 Mutter (7/26), 1300 4th (7/26), 1100 Front (7/26), 900 5th (7/27), 2300 Jasper (7/27), 1200 Columbia (7/27), 2200 Cumberland (7/27), 200 W Girard (7/27)

There were Seven (7) Thefts during this time : 900 Cambridge (7/23), 1600 8th (7/24), 800 W Girard (7/25), 300 W Girard (7/26), 1200 7th (7/27), 2100 Susquehanna (7/28), 2000 Arizona (7/28)

There were Seven (7) Stolen Autos during this period : 1000 Front (7/22), 2300 Thompson (7/23), 2300 Frankford (7/25), 2300 Hazzard (7/25), 1900 Palethorpe (7/27), 2400 Gaul (7/27), 1600 7th (7/27)