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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

26th District Crime Report: 7.15 - 7.21

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA#3

 There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1200 Shackamaxon (7/16)

There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 1900 Front (7/17), 2500 Boston (7/20)

There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 1600 7th (7/21), 2600 Jasper (7/21)

There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1400 6th (7/18), 400 W Jefferson (7/20), 100 Girard (7/21)

There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 1300 6th (7/20)

There were Twelve (12) theft from autos during this period: 900 5th (7/15), 2100 Susquehanna (7/16), 1800 Tulip (7/16), 2500 Dakota (7/17), 1500 Hewson (7/17), 2100 Sergeant (7/18) x 2, 2400 Gordon (7/18), 2500 Frankford (7/19), 1100 Marlborough (7/20), 1100 Berks (7/20), 2600 Cedar (7/21)

There were Five (5) Thefts during this time : 2400 Kensington (7/15), 1700 Front (7/15), 1200 Hope (7/16), 1200 Shackamaxon (7/19), 900 Delaware 97/21)

There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period : 2600 Edgemont (7/18), 2500 Aramingo (7/19), 900 Bodine (7/20), 100 W Master (7/20)

26th District Crime Report: 7.8 - 7.14

South Kensington Community Partners

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:

There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:

There were Zero (0) robbery-point of gun during this time :

There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 300 Berks (7/8)

There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 2400 Tulip (7/10), 2600 Frankford (7/14)

There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period:

There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Kensington (7/11), 2200 Sepviva (7/12)

There were Eight (8) theft from autos during this period: 1300 Earl (7/9), 1000 Delaware (7/9), 1300 American (7/12), 900 Hancock (7/12), 1100 Front (7/12), 1900 Hazzard (7/14), 1000 Bodine (7/14), 2200 E Lehigh (7/14)

There were Eight (8) Thefts during this time : 2600 Kensington (7/8), 2600 Frankford (7/9), 100 E Lehigh (7/10), 500 W Girard (7/10), 500 E Wildey (7/10), 1000 Delaware (7/12), 1700 6th (7/13), 2400 Cedar (7/13)

There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period : 2200 Harold (7/8), 1700 Blair (7/11), 100 W Hewson (7/12), 1000 Delaware (7/13)

What's Next For American Street?



 For those who live and work in the neighborhoods along American Street, the street is a part of—in fact a central corridor and opportunity within—the neighborhood. It is not a boundary between neighborhoods. Our communities cross American Street daily to go to school, to go to work, to visit family and friends, and to worship.

 The land use policies that have been in place for over 50 years have failed to deliver the City’s vision of a thriving industrial corridor, and have failed to acknowledge or respect the community’s needs. Long-time residents have been waiting for decades for our neighborhood’s fallow industrial lots to be rezoned to allow for other uses and many newer residents have come to the neighborhood with the same anticipation. Many felt that the Philadelphia City Planning Commission’s [PCPC] Lower North District Plan, adopted last year, would be the opportunity to bring an end to one-sided land use policies that compromise neighborhood health, safety, and vitality.

 The Lower North Plan made particularly specific recommendations for the area bounded by 2nd and 6th Streets from Girard Avenue to Berks Street, comprising the majority of South Kensington. While the broad goal of this “American Street Focus Area” was defined as “balancing industrial legacy and neighborhood growth,” many in the neighborhood feel that the direction that land use decisions have taken will not accomplish this, nor do they reflect what the community would like to see.

 In Spring 2014, SKCP presented PCPC with a vision statement for American Street suggesting a new model that unites and revitalizes our neighborhood while also accomplishing job growth and economic impact—an achievable vision for American Street that embraces a more modern form of light industrial productivity that can coexist with a wider range of uses and harmonize with adjacent neighborhood streets. The vision is embraced by South Kensington community members, including some of American Street’s business owners themselves. It is not the intent to suggest any relocation of existing industrial businesses—many South Kensington residents would simply like to see things evolve in new directions. While many have anticipated that the new land use regulations would allow American Street and former industrial properties in the neighborhood to transition into a mixed use corridor that knits this barren landscape back into the neighborhood, land use policies drafted by the City would largely prevent this from happening.

 One of the outcomes of the District Plan was PCPC’s decision to create a zoning overlay for the American Street corridor as well as a large area of the northwest portion of South Kensington, encompassing most parts of the neighborhood where there are concentrations of industrial zoning, as shown in the map on this page.

 An overlay could be one way to bring life to the corridor through a diversification of uses, while also addressing some of our neighborhood’s biggest issues. It is a tool that could be used to prevent incompatibilities between higher impact industrial uses and residential uses, while encouraging a range of positive development on the neighborhood’s expansive supply of vacant formerly industrial properties. Instead, it promises more of the same policies that have failed our neighborhood for decades.

 At PCPC’s request, SKCP’s Planning and Zoning Committee hosted a meeting to review the draft overlay regulations in April of this year, attended by at least 38 stakeholders, including residents who live within or nearby the proposed American Street overlay boundary, owners of properties and/or businesses within or nearby the boundary, and individuals employed within or nearby the boundary.

 Stakeholders showed solidarity in voicing their opposition to the overlay following the presentation by PCPC. Stakeholders felt very strongly that the overlay area should not only include opportunities for job growth and productivity that harmonize with the surrounding neighborhood context, but should also embrace a wider range of uses to better integrate these areas within our community. Apart from the zoning overlay, streetscape improvements and a new approach to corridor management would both strengthen our neighborhood as a whole and make the overlay area more attractive to modern types of light manufacturing, artisanal production, tech companies, and a range of commercial businesses that will bring far more jobs to the overlay area than would the uses currently proposed for the overlay. There is considerable concern that the proposed overlay is a threat to health, safety, and the continued strengthening of South Kensington, as it would promise to continue the status quo of abandonment and types of industry that are not suitable within a neighborhood.

 SKCP gathered 58 surveys from stakeholders in order to represent the land use views of the community. 98% of stakeholders feel that the overlay should allow residential uses, which it currently does not. The draft overlay also would prohibit sales of consumer goods [retail], pharmacies and similar sundry stores, and eating and drinking establishments [except for “prepared food shops”]. 100% of the surveyees agreed that these commercial uses should be allowed in the overlay. The overlay would continue to allow “General Industrial” uses, which are opposed by 84% of the survey participants. By PCPC’s definition, “General Industrial” includes businesses that “create odors, noise, vibration, and other disturbances that would affect adjacent properties.” This would be a problem especially in the many areas where this boundary is right across the street from or directly abutting existing residences.

 A detailed summary of the feedback and survey results was shared with the City, accompanied by letters of support for the community’s position from other local organizations. It is unknown as of yet whether the unified voices against the overlay will make an impact on policies, but SKCP is awaiting an opportunity to review the final language.

 SKCP continues to collect letters from community members concerned about these zoning policies to help bring more voices into this important advocacy issue. If you would like to provide a letter, please submit it to the SKCP office by Friday, July 31st.


26th District Crime Report:6.17 - 6.23

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
June 17, 2015- June 23, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period: 
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 700 W Girard (6/21)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 100 W Palmer (6/23), 200 E Lehigh (6/23)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2400 Kensington (6/17), 1600 5th (6/21), 1000 Delaware (6/22)
  • There were Six (6) residential burglaries during this period : 700 Master (6/17), 2200 Memphis (6/17), 1800 10th (6/20), 2600 Collins (6/21), 1000 Germantown (6/23) x 2
  • There were Thirteen (13) theft from autos during this period: 900 6th (6/17), 2300 Firth (6/17), 2600 York (6/19), 2500 Lehigh (6/19), 2600 Sepviva (6/19), 2300 Tulip (6/19), 1800 6th (6/19), 1000 Delaware (6/19), 1300 Beach (6/20), 2300 Firth (6/21), 2600 York (6/21), 1300 Montgomery (6/22), 1000 Delaware (6/23)
  • There were Seven (7) Thefts during this time : 2000 Frankford (6/17), 100 Girard (6/18), 2600 Richmond (6/19), 1000 Delaware (6/19), 1100 Orianna (6/20), 2300 Dauphin (6/22), 1200 3rd (6/23)
  • There were Eight (8) Stolen Autos during this period : 2500 Norris (6/16), 2300 Huntingdon (6/18), 700 W Thompson (6/19), 2300 Cumberland (6/20), 2400 Aramingo (6/21), 2100 Tucker (6/21), 1100 4th (6/22), 900 Randolph (6/23)

26th District Crime Report:6.3 – 6.16

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

June 3, 2015- June 16, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period: 
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There was Four (4) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1000 5th (6/3), 1900 Firth (6/10), 1700 Philip (6/10), 100 W Girard (6/12)
  • There were Six (6) robberies other weapon during this time : 400 E Girard (6/4), 2500 Kensington (6/10), 2400 Kensington (6/12), 900 American (6/12), 2600 Cumberland (6/16), 2500 Kensington (6/16)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Six (6) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2300 Belgrade (6/3), 2300 Harold (6/4), 2500 Cumberland (6/5), 2300 Cumberland (6/5), 2500 Tulip (6/11), 2200 Emerald (6/12)
  • There were Nine (9) residential burglaries during this period : 1500 Orkney (6/5), 2600 Harold (6/7), 300 W Oxford (6/8), 2500 Sepviva (6/8), 1900 Cumberland (6/13), 2100 Susquehanna (6/14), 1900 2nd (6/15), 400 Master (6/15), 2200 Memphis (6/16)
  • There were Twenty-eight (28) theft from autos during this period: 300 Master (6/3), 2400 Trenton (6/4), 700 W Thompson (6/4), 1000 5th (6/4), 2100 Firth (6/4), 1000 6th (6/4) x 2, 1200 Lawrence (6/6), 1000 Canal (6/6), 1000 Delaware 96/6), 900 Front (6/7), 900 Canal (6/7), 1100 Hancock (6/8), 100 E Wildey (6/8), 2600 Belgrade (6/8), 100 E Columbia (6/9), 1100 Front (6/10), 1500 Howard (6/10), 100 E Huntingdon (6/11), 2100 York (6/12), 1000 Delaware (6/12) x 2, 2000 Firth (6/13), 900 Canal (6/14),100 W Montgomery (6/14), 900 Marshall (6/14), 2500 Lee (6/14), 2400 Memphis (6/14)
  • There were Thirteen (13) Thefts during this time : 1300 Hope (6/3), 2400 Cedar (6/4), 2400 Front (6/4), 2300 Huntingdon (6/6), 2100 Susquehanna (6/7), 1200 Mascher (6/9), 1900 7th (6/10), 2600 Martha (6/10), 2300 Emerald (6/11), 2500 Coral (6/11), 1600 Delaware (6/13), 2100 Hagert (6/13), 1000 Marlborough (6/13)
  • There were Seventeen (17) Stolen Autos during this period : 700 C B Moore (6/4), 2500 Emerald (6/4),  2100 Hagert (6/5), 1000 Canal (6/6), 1100 Day (6/6), 1800 Blair (6/7), 100 Wildey (6/9), 1000 Bodine (6/10), 900 5th (6/10), 400 E Wildey (6/10), 800 W Girard (6/10), 1100 Bodine (6/10), 2000 boston (6/15), 1100 Hancock (6/15), 2400 Hagert (6/15), 2300 Lehigh (6/15), 1300 6th (6/16)

26th District Crime Report:5.27 - 6.2

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

May 27, 2015- June 2, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2500 A St. (5/29)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 1800 Boston (5/27), 2600 Kensington (5/29)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period
  • There were Four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 2500 Memphis (5/27), 2400 Memphis (6/1), 1200 5th (6/2), 2200 Cumberland (6/2)
  • There were Nine (9) theft from autos during this period: 2400 Harold (5/27), 100 Master (5/27), 1800 Hope (5/27), 900 Delaware (5/31), 1100 Howard (5/31), 1400 Phillip (6/1), 1000 Marlborough (6/2) x 2, 1300 Oxford (6/2)
  • There were Thirteen (13) Thefts during this time : 1000 2nd (5/27), 900 Lawrence (5/27), 2600 Hagert (5/28), 2500 Frankford (5/28), 2600 Dauphin (5/28), 200 Girard (5/28), 1200 Front (5/29), 2600 Cumberland (5/29), 700 Thompson (5/30), 1800 Blair (6/1), 1200 Colona (6/1), 2100 Susquehanna (6/2), 1100 Galloway (6/2)
  • There were Five (5) Stolen Autos during this period : 1200 Palmer (5/28), 1100 Marlborough (5/29), 2500 Aramingo (6/1), 900 American (6/1), 1300 2nd (6/2) 

26th District Crime Report:5.20 - 5.26

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

May 20, 2015- May 26, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period: 
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There were Three (3) robbery-point of gun during this time : 200 E Girard (5/22), 1200 6th (5/24), 900 Poplar (5/25)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 1300 Frankford (5/23), 1700 Front (5/24)
  • There were Two (2) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 100 E Lehigh (5/20), 1400 Marshall (5/20)
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1900 Front (5/20), 1900 Front (5/23) x 2
  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 1100 Berks (5/25)
  • There were Twelve (12) theft from autos during this period: 700 W Thompson, 1000 Delaware (5/21), 900 6th (5/22), 900 Canal (5/23), 2000 Cumberland (5/23), 900 Canal (5/24), 1100 4th (5/25), 1200 Orkney (5/25), 1100 Lawrence (5/25), 1200 Columbia (5/26), 1800 Frankford (5/26), 1100 Germantown (5/26)
  • There were Fourteen (14) Thefts during this time : 2300 Huntingdon (5/20), 1000 Hancock (5/20), 1000 Lawrence (5/21), 1000 Hancock (5/21), 1800 5th (5/21), 900 2nd (5/21), 2500 Amber (5/22), 2600 Kensington (5/23), 2100 York (5/23), 1000 5th (5/23), 1000 Delaware (5/23), 900 Cambridge (5/25), 2500 Firth (5/26), 2600 Hagert (5/26)
  • There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period : 100 Columbia (5/19), 1000 Delaware (5/21), 1100 Oxford (5/23), 1200 Frankford (5/23)

Community Zoning Meeting:Wednesday, May 27th

South Kensington Community Partners

Wednesday, May 27th is the community zoning meeting for the following projects:



All residents, property owners, and business owners in the 1/4 mile catchment area are eligible to vote.

26th District Crime Report:5.13 - 5.19

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

May 13, 2015- May 19, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period: 
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time:
  • There were Five (5) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2000 Front (5/13), 1000 Delaware (5/15), 100 W Girard (5/15), 1000 Delaware (5/17), 1300 Lawrence (5/18) 
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 500 Belgrade (5/18), 1800 Blair (5/18)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period:
  • There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period : 2600 Webb (5/13), 2400 Lehigh (5/15)
  • There were Eleven (11) theft from autos during this period: 1800 Albert (5/13), 1000 Leithgow (5/15), 900 Canal (5/16), 1900 Hancock (5/16), 1300 Howard (5/16), 100 W Wildey (5/17), 900 Front (5/17), 1000 Front (5/17), 900 Front (5/18), 900 4th (5/18), 2400 Amber (9/18)
  • There were Eight (8) Thefts during this time : 1400 Emerick (5/13), 2300 Amber (5/13), 300 W Thompson (5/13), 900 Marshall (5/13), 1800 Tulip (5/14), 900 7th (5/14), 1900 5th (5/15), 100 E Lehigh (5/16)
  • There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period : 200 W George (5/13), 900 5th (5/14), 1000 Germantown (5/16), 400 Jefferson (5/18), 2400 Memphis (5/19)

26th District Crime Report:5.6 – 5.12

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

May 6, 2015- May 12, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time: 1000 Delaware (5/10) 
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time: 1100 Front (5/10), 2600 Aramingo (5/11)
  • There was Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time
  • There was Five (5) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1500 Montgomery (5/8), 2500 Tulip (5/10) x 2, 1 Poplar (5/11), 1400 Phillip (5/11)
  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period: 800 Mercer (5/10)
  • There were Eleven (11) theft from autos during this period: 2100 Arizona (5/6), 1200 Front (5/6), 400 Flora (5/6), 2300 Trenton (5/7), 100 Laurel (5/8), 900 Canal (5/9), 2300 Aramingo (5/10), 2500 Emerald (5/11), 2000 Hazzard (5/11), 900 2nd (5/12), 1100 3rd (5/12)
  • There were Twelve (12) Thefts during this time: 1000 Hancock (5/6), 2600 Edgemont (5/6), 2300 Frankford (5/6), 1100 Berks (5/7), 2600 Livingston (5/7), 2000 Firth (5/8), 900 New Market (5/9), 500 E Girard (5/9), 1700 10th (5/10), 2000 Martha (5/12), 2400 Memphis (5/12), 2100 Cumberland (5/12)
  • There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period: 1900 8th (5/8), 1000 Montgomery (5/10), 1000 Marshall (5/12), 1000 Germantown (5/12)

26th District Crime Report:4.29 - 5.5

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

April 29, 2015- May 5, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 2000 York (5/1)
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time: 1200 Howard (5/3), 1200 Mascher (5/4)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time: 1800 Frankford (4/30)
  • There was Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time 
  • There were Four (4) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 1900 2nd (5/2), 2600 Kensington (5/3), 1700 Waterloo (5/5), 1000 Germantown (5/5)
  • There were Six (6) residential burglaries during this period: 2500 Gaul (4/29), 2500 Thompson (4/29), 900 4th (5/1), 2600 Frankford (5/1), 2600 Huntingdon (5/2). 2600 Livingston (5/3)
  • There were Five (5) theft from autos during this period: 100 E Lehigh (4/29), 1000 Leopard (5/2), 1300 Delaware (5/2), 2500 Cumberland (5/4), 1100 Orianna (5/4)
  • There were Ten (10) Thefts during this time: 2500 Aramingo (4/29), 2600 Kensington (4/29), 1000 Hancock (4/29), 300 E Lehigh (5/1), 2300 Norris (5/3), 2100 York (5/4), 1800 Hazzard (5/4), 1700 Frankford (5/5), 400 George (5/5), 1400 Lawrence (5/5)
  • There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period: 1000 Columbia (4/29), 800 Moyer (5/2), 2600 Dauphin (5/4), 600 W Norris (5/4)

26th District Crime Report:4.22 - 4.28

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
April 22, 2015- April 28, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period

  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time

  • There were Three (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 2300 Norris (4/23), 1900 Dauphin (4/28)

  • There was One (3) robberies other weapon during this time : 200 Richmond (4/26), 400 Wildey (4/26), 2600 Frankford (4/27)

  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 1400 7th (4/24)

  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2000 Letterly (4/27)

  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 1700 5th (4/23)

  • There were Six (6) theft from autos during this period: 1200 Hancock (4/24), 100 W Allen (4/25), 1000 Front (4/25), 500 W Master (4/26), 2300 Frankford (4/27), 1700 Randolph (4/27)

  • There were Five (5) Thefts during this time : 200 W Girard (4/22) x 2, 300 W Master (4/22), 700 Gaul (4/22), 200 Poplar (4/28)

  • There were Six (6) Stolen Autos during this period : 100 Berks (4/22), 2500 Aramingo (4/26), 1000 Hancock (4/26), 1000 Delaware (4/27), 200 Richmond (4/27), 1000 Leopard (4/27), 1900 Franklin (4/28)

26th District Crime Report:4.15 - 4.21

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
April 15, 2015- April 21, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 100 W Thompson (4/18)
  • There were Three (3) robbery-point of gun during this time : 300 Belgrade (4/17), 1500 6th (4/18), 800 Jefferson (4/19)
  • There was One (1) robberies other weapon during this time : 2000 Sergeant (4/21)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2400 Coral (4/18)
  • There were four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 100 E Oxford (4/15), 900 W Thompson (4/15), 2000 Susquehanna (4/16), 1700 Franklin (4/19)
  • There were Seven (7) theft from autos during this period: 1900 4th (4/16), 900 W Oxford (4/16), 2000 Martha (4/16), 2000 Trenton (4/17), 1800 Marshall (4/20), 2400 Letterly (4/20), 1500 Montgomery (4/21)
  • There were Five (5) Thefts during this time : 1900 Front (4/16), 900 Penn (4/17), 2500 Amber (4/20), 1400 Delaware (4/21), 2100 Lehigh (4/21)
  • There were Four (4) Stolen Autos during this period : 2600 B St (4/17), 1800 2nd (4/17), 1000 Delaware (4/19), 2300 Norris (4/20)

26th District Crime Report:4.8 - 4.14

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report

April 8, 2015- April 14, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 1900 Firth (4/14)
  • There were Two (2) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1500 4th (4/10), 1000 Frankford (4/14)
  • There were Two (2) robberies other weapon during this time : 900 Norris (4/11), 100 W Girard (4/13)
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time
  • There were Three (3) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2000 Cumberland (4/9), 800 W Girard (4/13), 1200 Montgomery (4/14)
  • There were Two (2) residential burglaries during this period : 800 Almond (4/8), 1600 2nd (4/11)
  • There were Three (3) theft from autos during this period: 1800 Huntingdon (4/9), 2400 kensington (4/10), 400 George (4/14)
  • There were Four (4) Thefts during this time : 2500 Aramingo (4/8), 1000 Delaware (4/11), 2600 Arcadia (4/13), 900 2nd (4/13)
  • There were Zero (0) Stolen Autos during this period

8th Annual Spring Clean

South Kensington Community Partners

Spring has sprung in South Kensington... and with it the eighth Annual Spring Neighborhood Cleanup!

Participating in a city-wide community improvement program, over 60 South Kensington residents spent this past Saturday properly disposing of litter and illegal dumping in 22 square blocks of South Kensington. Volunteers led by SKCP’s Neighborhood Advisory Subcommittee collected more than 3400 pounds of trash in our largest cleanup event to date. “The difference is just stunning,” said Jeannine Marshall, Facilities Manager at Oxford Mills. “I wish I took pictures before and after!”

After this broad coalition of residents, including Captain George Kappe and 5 of his officers from Philadelphia’s 26th Police District, scoured the neighborhood, volunteers enjoyed a barbecue, live music, and a demonstration of the new Indego bikeshare program.




Special thanks to our community partners: Oxford Mills, Indego, Saint Benjamin Brewing Company, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia, Cousins Supermarket, Postgreen, Gryphon Cafe, and the Philadelphia Police 26th District. And not to be missed, the perfect accompaniment to a tremendous barbecue: The Dirty Soap Blues Band. 

Bike photo credit: Kayden Cole

26th District Crime Report:4.1 - 4.7

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
April 1, 2015- April 7, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There was One (1) homicides reported during this time period: 900 Delaware (4/3)
  • There were Zero (0) rapes reported during this time: 
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 1100 Susquehanna (4/3)
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There was One (1) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 2600 Frankford (4/2)
  • There was One (1) residential burglaries during this period : 1900 Albert (4/1)
  • There were Four (4) theft from autos during this period: 1500 Hancock (4/1), 1500 2nd (4/1), 1000 Front (4/6), 2300 Frankford (4/7)
  • There were Eight (8) Thefts during this time : 1200 4th (4/1), 2600 Cumberland (4/1). 1800 Memphis (4/1), 2600 Frankford (4/3), 100 W Girard (4/5), 1000 2nd (4/7) x 2, 
  • There were Three (3) Stolen Autos during this period : 2100 Hagert (4/3), 1300 Howard (4/6), 800 Aramingo (4/7)

26th District Crime Report:3.18 - 3.24

South Kensington Community Partners

26th District Crime Report
March 18, 2015- March 24, 2015

Below is a breakdown of crimes committed in the 26th District in the neighborhoods that make up PSA #2 and PSA #3

  • There were Zero (0) homicides reported during this time period:
  • There was One (1) rapes reported during this time: 100 E Lehigh (3/19) 
  • There was One (1) robbery-point of gun during this time : 900 Master (3/19)
  • There were Zero (0) robberies other weapon during this time : 
  • There were Zero (0) Aggravated Assault with a gun during this time : 
  • There were Four (4) Aggravated Assault other weapon during this period: 100 E Lehigh (3/19), 800 W Girard (3/21), 2300 Norris (3/21), 1300 Palmer (3/22)
  • There was Four (4) residential burglaries during this period : 1900 Darien (3/18), 1100 Montgomery (3/19), 2100 Abigail (3/19), 1500 Montgomery (3/24)
  • There were Twelve (12) theft from autos during this period: 2100 Norris (3/18), 2100 Berges (3/18), 2200 Sergeant (3/18), 900 Front (3/18), 1800 Blair (3/18), 2200 Susquehanna (3/18), 2600 B St (3/19), 2200 Fletcher (3/20), 2400 Hagert (3/21), 1000 Delaware (3/21), 2500 Cedar (3/23), 1100 Crease (3/23)
  • There were Ten (10) Thefts during this time : 2500 Coral (3/18), 1700 4th (3/18), 100 W Oxford (3/18), 1900 American (3/20), 600 Miller (3/20), 2600 Memphis (3/20), 2600 York (3/21), 2500 Richmond (3/22), 1700 5th (3/24), 1500 Palmer (3/24)
  • There were Two (2) Stolen Autos during this period : 2500 Tulip (3/20), 800 W Montgomery (3/23)