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The SKCP Blog

You’re invited! A free virtual panel on the Nov. 2 election and why it matters

South Kensington Community Partners


Spotlight PA Staff
Thursday, October 21

Spotlight PA and election experts take a close look at the appellate judicial system and how its decisions shape life in Pennsylvania. Judges who serve on the state’s Commonwealth, Superior, and Supreme Courts regularly weigh in on disputes about the day’s most consequential issues. In 2020 alone, justices on the high court issued several rulings regarding the presidential election and pandemic — in essence settling fierce policy battles between Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and the Republican-controlled legislature.
Some GOP lawmakers are pushing to change the way these judges are elected as the courts take on an increasingly important role in Pennsylvania politics.
On Thursday, Oct. 21 at noon EST, join Spotlight PA’s Sarah Anne Hughes and Danielle Ohl, and Kadida Kenner, executive director of New Pennsylvania Project and co-chair of Why Courts Matter - PA, as they break down who is on the ballot this November, what’s at stake, and why it matters. Other panelists to be announced.

RSVP for free here. Submit your questions in advance to