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Upcoming Elections && Students Vote 2021: A Leadership Handbook

South Kensington Community Partners

November 2, 2021 is the Municipal Election

Click here for Voting & Election Information

Students Vote 2021: A Leadership Handbook
ALL IN To Vote

The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge encourages active and informed participation in American democracy. Through Students Vote 2021, the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge provides institutions of higher education and their students with guidance and resources to promote nonpartisan voter registration and voting in 2021 elections. In addition to the college president, administrators, faculty, students, and community partners can be leaders in the effort to get all eligible students registered and voting this fall.
This handbook is written as an aid to college leaders who not only think that educating students about voting is an essential and worthwhile undertaking for an institution of higher learning, but who are also willing to be part of that effort. In this handbook, leaders will find important voting information to provide to students and ideas on how to communicate and to encourage their participation in 2021 elections. Together, college leaders across the country can remind, inform, and motivate a very large number of eligible students to vote in November 2021.

Download handbook here.