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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: riots


South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia Community Corps emphatically supports the peaceful #BlackLivesMatter protests. It goes without saying that we wouldn't do what we do if we didn't believe Black Lives Matter. Most of the job trainees in our deconstruction workforce development program are black citizens returning from incarceration, or otherwise at-risk. We listen to their stories. We believe them. We know how bad the need for reform is, and we've made it our organization's mission to help our trainees find rewarding employment, so that they'll be able to live safe and happy lives.

Unfortunately, some opportunists with ulterior motives took advantage of the recent protests to riot and loot local businesses. Philadelphia Community Corps wants to also make sure we support the small businesses affected by any rioting, so we're giving any business that need building materials to repair their stores a $200 eCoupon to our building material reuse center, Philly Reclaim.

At Philly Reclaim, these businesses can find doors, windows, tile, paint, lumber, bricks, furniture, art, hardware, tools, plumbing fixtures, lights, etc. Whatever they need to rebuild.

And anyone who has been to Philly Reclaim knows that with our prices $200 can get you quite a lot here!


This is effectively an honor system. If you tell us your business was affected by the rioting we'll believe you and be happy to help you find what you need!

Philly Reclaim always provides affordable materials, and recently gave away over $22,000 in building materials through an eCoupon to help people get the materials they needed to work on home improvements projects while stuck at home on Coronavirus lockdown, but this eCoupon is strictly for victims of any rioting.

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The reward expires on July 05, 2020. No cash value. Not transferable. In-store only.
May be canceled at any time.

5200 Unruh Avenue, Section J, Philadelphia, PA, 19135