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1301 N 2nd St
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Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

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Housing Repair & Rental Improvement Programs

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia’s affordable housing strategy depends on repairing existing homes
Michaelle Bond, Philadelphia Inquirer

Philadelphia’s housing stock is old and can be expensive to maintain — challenges in a city with a 23% poverty rate, incomes that aren’t keeping pace with rising home prices, and now a pandemic-induced recession.
Every home that becomes uninhabitable and abandoned or crumbles due to disrepair is one fewer home available to mitigate the affordable housing crisis.
City officials and housing advocates repeat a common sentiment: The most affordable house for residents is usually the one in which they already live because they don’t have to take on new debt or spend money relocating. So repairing existing homes is a key part of Philadelphia’s affordable housing strategy. Read here.

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Grant programs
Through the Philadelphia Housing Development Corp.’s Basic System Repair Program, income-eligible homeowners can get repairs such as plumbing, electrical, structural, and roof work for free. Details here.


Restore, Repair, Renew loan program.
Homeowners with credit scores above 580 and who meet other criteria can get loans up to $24,999 and pay 3% interest. The program includes financial counseling, home assessments, and guidance throughout the renovations. It assists people who earn a little too much money to qualify for grant programs but may not have savings or can’t afford the higher interest rates of typical loans. Many wouldn’t qualify for loans at all. More details here.


The Rental Improvement Fund, a pilot program the city and the Impact Loan Fund started in May, provides loans to small landlords to make repairs to improve the quality and affordability of rental housing.
Read more here.

Small Business Survey & Funding

South Kensington Community Partners


We want to hear from business owners in the Philadelphia region about the resources needed to reopen safely. The purpose of this survey is to assess the needs of businesses in the Greater Philadelphia region in order to help the City develop guidance and resources to help you safely and speedily reopen after the COVID-19 business closures.


Recently, Governor Tom Wolf announced a $225M statewide grant program to support small businesses that were impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis and subsequent business closure order.
At this time, program details are still in development. The PA CDFI Network is currently working with the PA Department of Community and Economic Development in support of program implementation. Visit our central informational website to learn more about the program and the CDFIs deploying the grants and sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the application phase is opening. Applications are not being accepted at this time.


This loan program provides flexible low-cost capital to small businesses with less than $5M in revenue for costs associated with improved business resilience or growth, including working capital, fit-up, inventory, technology, mobilization, re-hiring, and employee training.
The fund is targeted to historically disadvantaged communities with a specific focus on minority, women, and immigrant-owned businesses located on commercial corridors in low-income areas. The loan application and additional program details will be released soon.


The City of Philadelphia Department of Commerce recently announced $1.4 million in initial funding for businesses in historically disadvantaged communities that experienced damage or inventory loss from the recent civil unrest to cover expenses needed to recover and reopen. This program is being administered by The Merchants Fund. Program details and guidelines are still being developed. Application, guidelines, and eligibility will be posted on the Merchants Fund website once available.


The Pennsylvania 30 Day Fund recently announced that it will deploy at least $100,000 for diverse small businesses who have suffered loss due to property damage and looting. The nonprofit organization provides $3,000 forgivable loans to small businesses owners who complete a simple application and submit a video. The Fund launched on May 7, 2020, and has already funded over 70 companies, including 36 minority-owned small businesses, impacted by COVID-19. APPLY FOR PA 30 DAY FUND

Repair, Restore, Renew Program

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia Neighborhood Home Preservation Loan Program, launched in March 2019 to provide access to low-interest home repair loans for our city’s low- and moderate-income homeowners.

How is RRR responding during COVID-19?
Our community partners are working tirelessly, even in the midst of COVID-19, and are still taking applications and closing loans. At PHDC we are looking for ways to safely and responsibly conduct business, while adhering to local, state, and federal guidelines.
All homeowners want to keep their properties healthy, safe, and accessible. Please visit to see if you are eligible, and then contact PCCA or Clarifi to apply for a RRR home repair loan. They are working with clients remotely, and ready to assist you.

PCCA: 215-567-7803 or
Clarifi: 215-866-5200 or