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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: resources

City Of Philadelphia: What You Need To Know About The City's Plastic Bag Ban

South Kensington Community Partners

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Bria Spivey,

The Single-use Plastic Bag Ban was originally passed by City Council in December 2019 and will be implemented beginning July 1, 2021. To assist businesses through this transition, the City is providing a variety of resources, all of which are available on a new webpage at
Resources available include signage—in multiple languages—that businesses can download, print, and hang at points of sale as well as a flyer that answers frequently asked questions about the ban.
Though the ban will be implemented beginning July 1, there will be a nine-month awareness, education, and warning period before full enforcement begins in order to provide businesses time to prepare and comply with the law.

Read here.


South Kensington Community Partners

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


  • I am an Individual
    Looking for a personalized approach to career and training services

  • I am an Employer
    Looking for resources and support for my business or organization

  • I am a Training Provider
    Looking to provide training for job seeker

More details here.



  • Employment & Training

  • Apprenticeships

  • Disability Services

  • File an Unemployment Claim

  • Unemployment Self-Service



South Kensington Community Partners

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How Are Philadelphia Area Residents Coping With COVID-19? Take the Survey
In these difficult times, when everyone's lives are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you can do something important for your family, friends, neighbors and community. Please take time to participate in our survey of the impacts of COVID-19. We need reliable information on the impact on work and health (physical and mental health) to effectively assess the needs of communities and support them better. Your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
Please clink on the link the complete the survey in English or Spanish .

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Complete list of resources with links to the websites of the mentioned resources is available on this pdf.
On the downloaded pdf, you can click on each icon and get the corresponding website, like:

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CHOP has set up a 24/7 hotline for questions and concerns about COVID-19,
call 800-722-7112.

The hotline is for anyone's use (not just cases involving children).
Get the latest information about how CHOP is responding to COVID-19.

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PA Unemployment Application Now Available for Self-employed/gig workers.

Click here for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) FAQs

A message from South Kensington Community Partners

South Kensington Community Partners

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South Kensington Community Partners is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation in our region. The safety and wellbeing of our neighbors and staff is of the upmost importance to our organization.

Operational Updates:

  • Until further notice, the SKCP office will remain open to the public. We ask that any visitors refrain from shaking hands, hugging, or any other physical contact with SKCP staff. Additionally, we request that visitors practice good hygiene by regularly and thoroughly washing their hands and coughing or sneezing into their elbows.

  • We ask that any community members in need of assistance who are experiencing cold or flu symptoms remain at home and call (215-427-3463) or email ( the office instead. If necessary, video conferencing arrangements can be made.

  • As of today, the Census Action Day scheduled for March 21th, the Census Informational Meeting for March 23 and the Community Zoning Meeting Scheduled for March 25 will proceed as planned. Attendance at both events is anticipated to be below the 250 person threshold at which the City of Philadelphia has recommended cancellation. If you will require remote attendance accommodations due to illness or health vulnerability, please call or email the SKCP office as soon as possible.

  • Any members of the public seeking to use SKCP's on-site computer will be asked to thoroughly wash their hand before and after use.

Seeking Medical Assistance:

  • If you have cold or flu symptoms and are in need of medical assistance, call ahead to your medical care provider. They will provide guidance on how best to avoid potentially spreading the virus in crowded waiting rooms.

  • If you are severely ill and need medical attention right away, call 911.

  • A list of urgent care and health centers is available here. Again, please call ahead if you are experiencing symptoms.

  • If you work in the City of Philadelphia, you are entitled to take sick leave. Many residents are entitled to paid sick leave. For more information, see this article.


Additional Information: