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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

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Philadelphia COVID-19 Recovery Office

South Kensington Community Partners

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Working toward a successful, fiscally responsible pandemic recovery that strengthens the economy while protecting vulnerable populations.

The COVID-19 Recovery Office works to ensure that Philadelphia recovers from the pandemic in a way that:

  • Protects public health and safety.

  • Is fiscally responsible for the City and its taxpayers.

  • Addresses the most pressing community hardships caused by the pandemic.

  • Puts Philadelphians back to work.

  • Helps businesses in hard-hit communities reopen and thrive.

Subscribe to our mailing list here and receive updates from the COVID-19 Recovery Office.

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Business owners in Philadelphia and the surrounding region are encouraged to fill out a new survey about the resources they may need to reopen safely.
The survey is available in:
English, Mandarin, and Spanish