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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: need a hand

NEED A HAND, NEIGHBOR? & Ways to Help!

South Kensington Community Partners

Need a Hand.jpg

Ways to Help
At SKCP, we have been humbled by the number of neighbors who have reached in recent weeks to support fellow community members during this trying time. Here’s a list of concrete ways you can help with current and ongoing COVID-19 relief efforts:

  • Spread the Word: SKCP staff are specially trained to connect folks with resources related to housing, health insurance, utilities, food assistance, and other increasingly critical supports. You can help us reach more neighbors in need by printing out the attached signs and posting them in street-facing windows or public posting areas: [English] | [Español]

  • Sign up for the SKCP Neighbor Support Team: For requests that require local coordination, like a helping a vulnerable neighbor pick up groceries or medications, we are creating a network of local volunteers who are willing and able to help out. Sign up by filling out this form. If you are in need of this type of assistance, reach out to us at

  • Donate to Citywide Relief Efforts: The Philadelphia Foundation has a new COVID-19 Fund dedicated to supporting local organizations that are already working on the most pressing issues brought to light by the pandemic.

  • Tip a Restaurant Worker: Here’s a virtual tip jar for servers at your favorite Philadelphia restaurants, many of whom are facing reduced hours or layoffs.

  • Stand Up Against Xenophobia: The pandemic has coincided with a disturbing increase in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans. To support all members of the South Kensington community, if you see or hear someone perpetuating bigoted stereotypes or rhetoric, use this guide from Teaching Tolerance to interrupt them.

  • Fill Out the 2020 Census: State and local officials use the Census to allocate public healthcare resources and plan for emergencies. Getting an accurate count in our neighborhood is critical for making sure we’re prepared for future crises. Respond here.

  • Donate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Healthcare providers are already facing shortages of needed equipment to protect themselves and others. If you have more than you need at home, consider donating to the Office of Emergency Management or a local healthcare institution.

  • Stay Home! (If you can.): Minimizing contact with others is the best way to prevent additional infections, make sure our healthcare system does not become (further) overwhelmed, and save lives. Seriously.

For more opportunities, see: Mayor’s Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service – Philadelphia’s response to COVID-19: How you can help