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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

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Filtering by Tag: census

Juneteenth: Join Philly Counts team & Local Leaders

South Kensington Community Partners

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Join the Philly Counts team and local leaders in recognition of Juneteenth to talk about the significance of 2020 Census to the Black community.

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Friday, June 19, 2020
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET

In partnership with The Urban League of Philadelphia, African American Chamber of Commerce, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church and The Mayor’s Office of Black Male Engagement join us on Friday June 19th 2020 from 7pm – 8:30pm for an in-depth conversation with some of Philadelphia’s most thought provoking and connected influencers to discuss “Why the 2020 Census is so Important for the African American Community” & celebrate the history and resilience of African Americans across the world.

Now, more than ever, we need to mobilize to ensure that we’re doing everything we can to #MakeBlackCount, so our communities get the funding we need to recover from COVID-19 and to support our most vulnerable neighbors for the next decade. Ensuring that every Philadelphian is counted in the 2020 Census is an effort we can all contribute to that will create lasting change in our communities.

Register here.