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Filtering by Tag: PA Unemployment compensation


South Kensington Community Partners

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Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (DLI) is notifying certain individuals through their PUA dashboards that they must go through identity verification with to continue their PUA claim.
Click here for ID.ME information for PUA.

Click here on "How to I verify my identity when filing a new Unemployment Compensation (UC) claim at Pennsylvania DLI?"

Pennsylvania to resume work-search rule for jobless benefits

South Kensington Community Partners


Marc Levy, AP News

Pennsylvania will resume work search requirements in July for hundreds of thousands of people receiving unemployment compensation, a top Wolf administration official said Monday. The requirement will affect all unemployment programs, including unemployment compensation and its extension, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program and the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, the department said. The work-search requirement means people receiving unemployment benefits must apply for two jobs and complete one work-search activity from an approved list of seven options each week, such as attending a job fair, take a pre-employment test or post a resume or search for jobs in the state’s PA CareerLink system.

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Pennsylvania's new unemployment compensation system

South Kensington Community Partners


Transition to Pennsylvania's new unemployment compensation system begins May 30
Tom Lehman WGAL News 8

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry is getting ready to launch a new unemployment compensation system that officials hope will shorten the time it takes to resolve claims.
The new system will go live June 8, but the current system will be taken offline before that so data can be transferred.

Read here.