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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: Moratorium

Philadelphia extends eviction moratorium

South Kensington Community Partners

PHL extends eviction moratorium through June 30
Laura McCrystal, Phildelphia Inquirer

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The ban on evictions and lockouts has been extended several times during the coronavirus pandemic. In an order issued Thursday, Philadelphia Municipal Court President Judge Patrick F. Dugan extended the ban on evictions and lockouts through June 30. Dugan’s order said the court would resume considering cases on June 30 but noted that it “will depend on conditions at the time … in terms of the global pandemic.” Philadelphia is set to lift all of its coronavirus restrictions on businesses and events, with the exception of the mask mandate, on June 11 — which officials and business leaders hope will jump-start the city’s economic recovery.

Read here.

Moratorium on Evictions & Renters Assistance

South Kensington Community Partners

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The CDC has extended their moratorium on evictions for non-payment through March 31, 2021.
To be protected you need to follow important steps. Click here for more information, and for other local, state and federal tenant protections.
The Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project is here to assist you. Call 267-443-2500 for free legal advice and possible representation!
More details here.


The City of Philadelphia is helping renters stay in their homes. One way is by offering emergency rental assistance to help tenants who have lost income due to COVID-19. Rental assistance helps landlords too.
To date there have been three rounds of rental assistance for Philadelphia tenants:

  • Phase 1 accepted applications in mid-May

  • Phase 2 accepted applications between July and November 4th.

  • Phase 3 Tenants eligible for Phase 3 received an email notification. The deadline for submitting Phase 3 information is February 12, 2021.

  • Phase 4 opening up in March.

Read more here.