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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Filtering by Tag: Benson Park

Philly public pools return for the first time in 2 years — but fewer than 70% will open

South Kensington Community Partners

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Robby Brod, BillyPenn

For the first time since summer 2019, Philadelphia is opening its public pools. The rolling schedule of openings begins this week, but will only extend to just 69% or so of the available swim spots because of major challenges recruiting lifeguards. Only some of the 70+ Philly pools will welcome residents this year, with the first few launching on Wednesday, and 16 expected by the end of this weekend. A total of 41 will be open by July 10. How did Parks & Rec choose which ones get to open? A combination of neighborhood need, geography, and past pool usage data, officials said.
Here’s the opening schedule, which isn’t as robust as the past because of a major lifeguard shortage. In the neighborhood, Hancock's pool open on Tuesday July 6th and Cruz Rec's pool is closed for the public (read here).

Click here to find Sprinklers and Spraygrounds. Benson Park and Hart Park are open in the neighborhood.


South Kensington Community Partners

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The Friends of Hart Park
1315 North 4th St
Saturday, May 8th (Rain date is Saturday May 15th)
12pm to 3pm

Join us for Love Your Park activities like raking, sweeping, and bagging leaves.
All ages Welcome. Gloves and tools provided. Some refreshments to take home. Details.

Please register here. All protocols will be observed. 25 person limit.

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May 15th LOVE Your Park with the Friends of Benson Park
1442 N 4th St.

Volunteer with the Friends of Benson Park
for Spring LOVE Your Park
Saturday, May 15th
10 am to 1 pm
(LYP prep meeting in the park: 05/13 @ 6pm)
General Clean Up -- Perennial Gardening -- Tree Care

All ages welcome!
Gloves and Tools provided
Safety protocols will be observed

Message from the Friends of Benson Park

South Kensington Community Partners

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Today Benson Park along other parks in the city were unlocked with the city's move into the yellow phase of re-opening. That being said, The FOBP want to waste no time in getting our neighbors, park go-ers, community members, etc together for a meeting next Thursday, June 11th in the park at 7PM.

First thing on the agenda that we are looking to discuss are the officer roles for this year's park season. We are looking to fill the following roles:

  • President/Park Chair - point of contact with Philadelphia Parks and Recreation/Fairmount Park Conservancy, events etc and the FOBP/community

  • Secretary - take meeting notes and send to community members, council woman's office and PPR

  • Treasurer - manage funds of the park acquired through grants, donations and fees made from concession etc. Communicate funds totals monthly with SKCP

Please come to the meeting planning to vote, volunteer or give input on this process next week! Would love to give some of our current members a break or opportunity to try a new role so please consider taking a bigger role in this group if you can!

**Looking forward to seeing everyone and as a reminder and requirement from PPR social distance practices will be followed.