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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Still Need to Respond the 2020 Census? Help is available.

South Kensington Community Partners

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Your Last Chance for the Next 10 Years

There will a Census Numerator available to help fill the 2020 Census questionnaire at the Arab American CDC & South Kensington Community Partners Food Distribution event.

Saturdays starting at 4pm
1500 Germantown Avenue

Philly Is Seriously Lagging in Its Census Response:
Which Could Be a Very Costly Problem
David Murrell,

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Just 55 percent of city residents have returned their census responses — far below the state average of 69 percent. For each Philly resident who fails to fill out the form, Philly loses an estimated $20,000 in annual federal funding. Fortunately, it's not too late.

Remember the census? You could be forgiven for not keeping it top of mind. But the once-in-a-decade national population survey casts a very long shadow — determining everything from Pennsylvania’s number of seats in the House of Representatives to the amount of funding Philly receives from the federal government for transportation, housing, Medicare and more. Which means that ignoring the census now will be unequivocally bad for the future of Philadelphia.
The good news is that time isn’t up yet. But we are rapidly approaching the deadline of September 3oth. So in the spirit of public service — and in hopes of inspiring you to do the right thing — here’s a rundown of where things stand and what you need to know. If you haven’t yet filled out the census, you can do so right here.

Read more here.