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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog


South Kensington Community Partners

vote ready.jpg

Philly slashes polling places, 4 in 5 will not open for the June primary. Mail-in voting is the best way to go, election officials say. [ Max Marin, BillyPenn]

Your pooling place has changed but now you can vote by mail. Click here to locate your new pooling place.

To learn how to register and vote, go to:

Eligible voters must know:

  • The voter registration deadline is Monday, May 18. Apply online.

  • Consolidated polling place lists must be final and public by May 18. Locations should be posted to and to county election websites.

  • The deadline to request a mail-in ballot is Tuesday, May 26. Any registered Pennsylvanian voter can vote by mail, but applications must be returned to the county election office by 5 pm on May 26. Learn more.

  • Absentee and mail-in ballots are due to county election officials by 8 pm on Election Day. Postmarks are not honored. **This deadline is currently being litigated and could change.**

PA vote by mail guidance video at this link in English but subtitled in Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Vietnamese.

YouTube All Voting Is Local videos. Final draft of VBM app and ballot guidance in Arabic here.