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Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

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South Kensington Community Partners

Phase 1a, 1b or 1c? Understanding Coronavirus Vaccine Priority Groups. Dena Bunis, AARP

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CDC panel recommends Americans 75 and older, frontline workers be second in line for shots.

People age 75 and older and frontline essential workers, including police officers, firefighters, teachers, grocery store staff and U.S. Postal Service employees, should be next in line to get a COVID-19 vaccine, a federal advisory panel recommended on Dec. 20.

By a 13-1 vote, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also recommended to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that people ages 65 to 74, people ages 16 to 64 with high-risk conditions and other essential workers follow in what's being called Phase 1c, behind Americans 75-plus and frontline essential employees in Phase 1b. Whether or not to include all people 65 and older in Phase 1b consumed much of the debate during ACIP's five-hour meeting.

Read more here.