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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Apply to Become a Candidate for our Neighborhood Advisory Sub-Committee

South Kensington Community Partners


South Kensington Community Partners (SKCP) invites YOU, our passionate and engaged residents, to take on a leadership role in our incredibly diverse community by joining the South Kensington Neighborhood Advisory Sub-Committee (NAS).

The primary roles of the NAS are that of community ambassador and neighborhood liaison, connecting residents with city services and serving as a representative voice for the neighborhood.

The NAS hosts quarterly public service briefings, organizes community meetings, coordinates community clean ups and takes a leadership role in many other neighborhood initiatives.

- All NAS members must live within the NAS service area: Front Street to 6th Street, between Girard Avenue and Dauphin, or 6th Street to Broad Street, from Green Street to Girard.
- NAS members serve two-year terms beginning February 2017
- NAS members participate in 10 monthly meetings each calendar year.
- Applications are due Monday, January 9th

If you are ready to take on an active role in our community, please fill out the application at link included below and send it to us at

To download an editable Word Document version of the application, click here.