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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

PHASE 4 Rental Assistance & Online Unemployment Benefits (Copy)

South Kensington Community Partners

Philadelphia Rental Assistance Phase 4

Through the
PHLRentAssist program, the City of Philadelphia offers emergency rental assistance to help tenants and landlords who have been impacted by COVID-19. To apply click here.

For more information on the Phase 4 program, click here:
About Phase 4

A new online resource for Unemployment Benefits:
If you need more information or have questions about the new UC system, check out

Does Pa.’s new unemployment system work? It depends who you ask. Laura Benshoff, WHYY
Read here.


South Kensington Community Partners


What you need to know about Juneteenth and why we should all celebrate.
Elizabeth Wellington, Philadelphia Inquirer
Newly emancipated black Texans first celebrated Juneteenth 156 years ago. We should all celebrate today.
Read here.


The 2021 Juneteenth Parade & Festival
Juneteenth Philly, producer of the Philadelphia Juneteenth Parade and Festival, is excited to announce that we will host a series of events for the Juneteenth holiday. Due to continued Covid restrictions we will not be able to produce our annual parade. However we will host a series of events!
Click here for details.

25th Anniversary of In the Land of Jim Crow Documentary Series
Philadelphia Juneteenth Festival
In the Land of Jim Crow is a multiple award winning five-part documentary series that explores first-person narratives of discrimination.
More details here.

PlayItSafePHL summer camp resources

South Kensington Community Partners

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Connecting children, teens, and families with summer activities and information.

PlayItSafePHL is your guide to this summer’s activities and events. Check back often for updates on:

  • Summer programs.

  • Pools and spraygrounds.

  • Community events.

  • Summer meals.

  • And more!

Look for summer programs for children and teens on this interactive map, and learn how to sign up for the program that's right for your family.

Programs in the neighborhood:
Cruz Recreation Center, 1431 N 6thST

  • Contact information:
    Alfredo Betancourt, (215) 685-2759

  • Register: April 30 – June 30, 2021
    Use the contact information for this site to register.

Towey Recreation Center 1832 N Howard St

  • Contact information
    Andrew Sim, (215) 685-9892

  • Register, April 30 – June 30, 2021
    Use the contact information for this site to register.

Free WiFi from Philly Community Wireless @ Norris Square

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philly Community Wireless ( is building community-owned and -operated internet infrastructures to democratize access, promote digital literacy, and fight digital inequity with free, net-neutral broadband service in North Philadelphia.

If you'd like to hear more about the project and how you can get involved, please join us at our:
Open Community Meeting
Monday, June 21, 2021
You can register for the Zoom meeting

Philly Vax Sweepstakes!!

South Kensington Community Partners


Website Entry Method
NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Philly Vax Sweepstakes is open only to legal residents of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who are eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of entry and have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine prior to the draw date for the applicable sweepstakes period. Void where prohibited. Sweepstakes begins June 7, 2021 on or about 12:01 AM EST and ends July 18, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. Official Rules. Sweepstakes is sponsored by The University of Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation with its principal place of business at 3401 Walnut Street, Suite 440A, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
Frequently Asked Questions


Get a Vax

Método De Entrada Al Sitio Web
NO ES NECESARIA LA COMPRA. El Sorteo Philly Vax está abierto solo a personas que residen en la Ciudad de Filadelfia que tienen 18 años de edad o más en el momento de la inscripción y que han recibido su primera dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 antes de la fecha de extracción para el Período de Inscripción aplicable. Nulo donde esté prohibido por la ley. El sorteo comienza el 7 de junio de 2021 alrededor de las 12:01 AM EST y termina el 18 de julio de 2021 a las 11:59 PM EST. Reglas Oficiales. El sorteo está patrocinado por la Universidad de Pensilvania, una corporación sin fines de lucro de Pensilvania con su principal lugar de negocios en 3401 Walnut Street, Suite 440A, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Preguntas Frecuentes



PHASE 4 Rental Assistance & Online Unemployment Benefits

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia Rental Assistance Phase 4

Through the
PHLRentAssist program, the City of Philadelphia offers emergency rental assistance to help tenants and landlords who have been impacted by COVID-19. To apply click here.

For more information on the Phase 4 program, click here:
About Phase 4

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A new online resource for Unemployment Benefits:
If you need more information or have questions about the new UC system, check out

Does Pa.’s new unemployment system work? It depends who you ask. Laura Benshoff, WHYY
Read here.

COVID-19 Vaccine

South Kensington Community Partners


COVID-19 vaccine
The vaccine is available to everyone 12 and older!
Find a City-run vaccine clinic or partner vaccine clinic to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you have questions about vaccination, call (215) 685-5488.
Click here for more details on vaccine distribution.

Getting Your Child Ready for the COVID-19 Vaccine
Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is available to kids 12-years old and up, getting the vaccine is the best thing to do for your child's health.
Here's a checklist as you prepare for your child's COVID-19 vaccination

Unemployment Benefits Resources

South Kensington Community Partners

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A new online resource for Unemployment Benefits:
If you need more information or have questions about the new UC system, check out


What to know if you are to be eligible for unemployment benefits in Pennsylvania
Jensen Toussaint, Al Dia

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry recently announced unemployment benefits will only continue for those who provide proof that they have searched for work. Starting in July, Pennsylvania will resume its work search requirement for eligible unemployment benefit recipients, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) announced on May 24. This announcement will affect all unemployment programs, including Unemployment Compensation (UC), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).

More here.

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What is the child tax credit schedule, how to opt out of the monthly checks in 2021 and more.
Katie Conner, C|Net

You could get $250 or up to $300 per kid starting next month if you opt for monthly payments with the advance child tax credit. Depending on the age of your children, that would work out to as much as $3,000 or $3,600 over 2021 and 2022 per eligible dependent between July 15 (when the first check is set to arrive from the IRS) and tax time next year. July is also when the IRS will open two web portals that will let you select whether to receive your checks each month through the end of the year or get one payment in 2022.

Click here for Everything to know about the schedule, When will the child tax credit payments start? and also important details if you normally don't file a tax return or if you share child custody.


South Kensington Community Partners

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South Kensington Community Partners and the Arab American CDC offer our respect, gratitude, and appreciation to the Share Food Program and everyone who contributed over the last year to assisting our community through a difficult and unpredictable time
Share Food Program
Penn Treaty Special Services District
Al Aqsa Islamic Society
Al Amana Supermarket
Lost Bread Company
Cousins Supermarket
Cesar Andreú Iglesias Community Garden
La Esquina Community Garden
Northern Liberties Neighbors Association
Philly Counts
Punch Buggy

And of course to ALL of our neighbors including everyone who was able to receive and share food and to all those who volunteered to help with distribution and deliveries

Pennsylvania to resume work-search rule for jobless benefits

South Kensington Community Partners


Marc Levy, AP News

Pennsylvania will resume work search requirements in July for hundreds of thousands of people receiving unemployment compensation, a top Wolf administration official said Monday. The requirement will affect all unemployment programs, including unemployment compensation and its extension, the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program and the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, the department said. The work-search requirement means people receiving unemployment benefits must apply for two jobs and complete one work-search activity from an approved list of seven options each week, such as attending a job fair, take a pre-employment test or post a resume or search for jobs in the state’s PA CareerLink system.

Read here

Senior Food Box & SNAP Hotline

South Kensington Community Partners

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Senior Food Box Program

The Senior Food Box Program works to improve the health of low-income seniors by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. In Pennsylvania, eligible participants include low-income individuals who are at least 60 years old and whose household income is at or below 130 percent of the U.S. poverty level.

Senior Interested in Participating?
Seniors should fill out the self-certification form and submit it to PDA via email at using the subject line "SENIOR FOOD BOX APPLICATION." PDA will then route the application to the appropriate food bank providing service in the applicant's county of residence.

Applicants can also call 800-468-2433 to be directed to the regional food bank distributing the Senior Food Box in their county of residence. Refer to the Income Eligibility Guidelines.

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SNAP Hotline

Our SNAP Hotline continues to operate Monday – Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and on Friday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at 215-430-0556.

  • Click the link for the City of Philadelphia’s list of COVID-19 food distribution site locations across Philadelphia for student, senior and outdoor food pick up sites.

  • Click the link for listings (phone numbers and addresses) of all Philadelphia County Assistance offices. While offices remain closed to the public at this time, you can drop off paperwork in "drop boxes" outside. Note, however, when calling it is often quicker to contact the Customer Service Center at 215-560-7226 (Philadelphia) or 877-395-8930 (statewide).

Saturday Food Distribution ends this Saturday

South Kensington Community Partners

South Kensington Community Partners and the Arab American CDC offer our respect, gratitude, and appreciation to the Share Food Program and everyone who contributed over the last year to assisting our community through a difficult and unpredictable time.

Share Food Program
Penn Treaty Special Services District
Al Aqsa Islamic Society
Al Amana Supermarket
Lost Bread Company
Cousins Supermarket
Cesar Andreú Iglesias Community Garden
La Esquina Community Garden
Northern Liberties Neighbors Association
Philly Counts
Punch Buggy

And of course to ALL of our neighbors including everyone who was able to receive and share food and to all those who volunteered to help with distribution and deliveries

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South Kensington Community Partners

Wednesday, May 26th at 6.30 pm.

To register for the meeting click here

You may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners’ office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the project.

The sites to be discussed at the meeting are the following:

We will have limited time for questions during the virtual meeting. To ensure your question is answered, please review project materials in advance of the meeting and submit any questions to and include the project name in the email subject line.

SKCP about the Hancock Playground Incident

South Kensington Community Partners

South Kensington Community Partners was saddened to learn of a shooting at Hancock Playground on Wednesday evening (May, 19th), which was witnessed by many community members who had gathered at the park for an evening of fresh air. This is the latest in a growing number of gun-related incidents in or near our neighborhood and across the city the last year. As the city of Philadelphia continues to struggle with an epidemic of gun violence, no neighborhood is immune.

Our hearts go out to all the victims of gunfire. We hope those harmed in Wednesday's shooting will have a quick and full recovery and will keep them and their families in our thoughts. We encourage neighbors to learn about and get engaged with conversations and initiatives around violence prevention, and we commit to continuing to share resources and information about these efforts moving forward. We stand for peace in all neighborhoods.

For counseling, victim support, and reporting resources:

Philly Gun Violence Resources

The 26th Police District will be holding a public zoom meeting
Monday (5/24) evening at 6pm to discuss recent gun violence.

You can join the meeting at that time using this link: