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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Financial Assistance for Renters, Businesses & Property Tax

South Kensington Community Partners

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Philadelphia’s COVID rental assistance program to roll out differently in 2021
Taylor Allen, WHYY

After a year of hard lessons, Philadelphia officials say a new and improved COVID-19 rental assistance program will come online in March. Among the changes in the works for the program funded by Congress as part of a $900 billion COVID relief package passed in December, are new income requirements and up to 12 months of aid, though only three months of that can be for forward rent, according to the federal rules.
Read here the new rules.

Everything Restaurants Need to Know About the $284 Billion PPP Program
Ryan Sutton, EATER New York
Here’s how bars, cafes, and restaurants can qualify for the PPP loans, which fully convert to grants if used properly. Read here.

Owe business taxes because of COVID-19? We have a plan for you
Lana Adams, Department of Revenue Philadelphia
The Department of Revenue understands the COVID-19 health crisis impacted businesses in Philadelphia tremendously. In response, we’re releasing a new payment plan to support businesses that were in tax compliance before the pandemic struck. If you needed a plan to get back on track with taxes, we’ve got one for you. More information here.

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Your 2020 property tax bill is now delinquent, but we can help
Lana Adams Department of Revenue Philadelphia
You may have already been racking up monthly interest and penalties on your unpaid 2020 Real Estate Taxes. But if you don’t pay soon, your account could look worse. Bills for 2020 Real Estate Tax were due on June 15, 2020. As of January 1, any unpaid property taxes mean: Additional costs, A delinquent status on your balance, A lien filed against your property, and Possibly losing your home at a sheriff sale.
You can say goodbye to these additional burdens, whether your debt is big or small. The Department of Revenue:

  • Makes it easy for you to make full or partial payments,

  • Offers affordable payment plans, and

  • Has programs that could help reduce future tax bills.

More information here.


South Kensington Community Partners

Get Help with your Mortgage During COVID-19
Philadelphia Legal Assistance

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Philadelphia homeowners with individual questions should call the Save Your Home Philly Hotline from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday- Friday at 215-334-4663.
The Consumer Housing Unit and the Save Your Home Philly Hotline at Philadelphia Legal Assistance have spoken to hundreds of Philadelphians who are worried about their homes. Common areas of concern include loss of income due to unemployment, the death of a family member, or falling behind on mortgage payments. Luckily, there are different forms of assistance available to support these homeowners.
More details here.

DPD Housing Benefits
Department of Planning and Development

Use our housing helper to find what programs you might be eligible for: The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) supports many programs and services that help residents buy, repair, and keep their home. By answering a few questions here, you will get a list of programs for which you may be eligible. For most of the programs you will have the option for someone to contact you. There are a few programs that you will have to contact them directly.
Read here.

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The Philadelphia Eviction Prevention Project is here to assist you!

Call 267-443-2500 for free legal advice and possible representation!

More details here.

UPDATE: Saturday Free Food Distribution

South Kensington Community Partners

Beginning in June, through a partnership with Share Food Program and the City of Philadelphia, SKCP and the Arab American CDC distributed free boxes of healthy food every Saturday in the parking lot of Al Aqsa Islamic Society. Unfortunately, with the coming of the new year, the Farm to Families program that supplied that food was suspended.

We are working to identify new partners and suppliers and now expect that Saturday distribution will begin again within the next two weeks.

At that time, we will continue to offer some delivery to nearby (19122/23) seniors and other immune compromised households unable to make it to the distribution site. If you would like to request delivery or assist someone on your block, or help with delivery please call and leave a message at 215-427-3463.

Together with the AACDC, we offer our Gratitude and Appreciation to the Share Food Program & to Penn Treaty Special Services District (PTSSD) for the additional support that enabled us to extend our offerings and support more households. Much appreciation also to neighborhood businesses Al Amana Grocery, and Lost Bread Co for their generous donations of time, space, and product. And of course, to all our neighbors including everyone who received food and all those who volunteered to help distribute.

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Find free food and meals during COVID-19 clicking here.


South Kensington Community Partners

Phase 1a, 1b or 1c? Understanding Coronavirus Vaccine Priority Groups. Dena Bunis, AARP

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CDC panel recommends Americans 75 and older, frontline workers be second in line for shots.

People age 75 and older and frontline essential workers, including police officers, firefighters, teachers, grocery store staff and U.S. Postal Service employees, should be next in line to get a COVID-19 vaccine, a federal advisory panel recommended on Dec. 20.

By a 13-1 vote, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also recommended to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that people ages 65 to 74, people ages 16 to 64 with high-risk conditions and other essential workers follow in what's being called Phase 1c, behind Americans 75-plus and frontline essential employees in Phase 1b. Whether or not to include all people 65 and older in Phase 1b consumed much of the debate during ACIP's five-hour meeting.

Read more here.


South Kensington Community Partners

Spread cheer, recycle right this year.

From presents and party supplies to wrapping paper and plastics, there’s a lot to recycle during the holidays. But don’t forget one of the most important items—your tree. The 2021 Christmas Tree Recycling program runs Monday, January 4th to Saturday, January 16th (8a-6p Monday-Saturday, NO Sundays) at the City’s six Sanitation Convenience Centers.
You may also drop off your trees on Saturday, January 9th and Saturday, January 16th (from 9a-3p) at these 13 designated locations:

54th St. & Woodbine Ave. 43rd St. & Powelton Ave.
Broad St. & Christian St. Castor Ave. & Foulkrod St.
1400 Cottman Ave. (Jardel Rec.) 15th St. & Bigler St.
Corinthian Ave. & Poplar St. 7901 Ridgeway St. (Fox Chase Rec.)
American St. & Thompson St. Graver Ln. & Seminole St.
Cathedral Rd. & Ridge Ave. Washington Ln. & Ardleigh St.
4800 Wayne Ave. (Happy Hollow Rec. Ctr.)

Help the City cut down on costly contamination. For more on what you can and can’t recycle this holiday season, visit

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How to let goats eat your Christmas tree, or recycle it another way in Philly
Danya Henninger, BillyPenn

You don’t have to trash that fir you so carefully decorated after it was chopped down. The folks behind the Philly Goat Project partnered with the Philadelphia Streets Department and Parks and Rec to get the trees to their animals this year. Douglas firs are apparently a favorite, but the goats will eat any kind of evergreen, according to WHYY’s PlanPhilly, devouring the whole thing in about 20 minutes.
Philly Goat Project tree drop-offs are happening at the following times and places:
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 9, at 6336 Ardleigh St.
10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 23, at 6336 Ardleigh St.
10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 30, at 3850 W. Ford Rd.

Read more here.


Utility Shutoff Starting Soon!!!

South Kensington Community Partners

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Neighborhood Energy Centers serve as “one-stop-shops” for all energy services and provide a comprehensive approach to energy problems for low to moderate-income consumers. Click the image to download the NEC list with addresses.

Contact a Neighborhood Energy Center (NEC) if you need help with:

(Download the list clicking on the image)

(Download the list clicking on the image)

  • Energy Assistance Grants

  • Utility Payments Arrangements

  • Energy Conservation

  • UESF

  • Home Repair Programs

  • Budged Counseling


Heater Hotline
The Heater Hotline provides free repairs for income eligible homeowners with broken gas, oil, coal, or electric heating systems. This year round program can perform preventative maintenance and heater clean outs during the spring and summer months.
More details here.

Download the Energy Information Packet [pdf] for answers to What, Who, How and links + tips.

For more information on applying to assistance programs, visit

UPDATE: Saturday Free Food Distribution

South Kensington Community Partners

Since June, SKCP and the Arab American CDC have been able to distribute free boxes of healthy food every Saturday with the partnership of the Share Food Program and the City of Philadelphia. Unfortunately, with the coming of the new year, the Farm to Families program that supplied that food has ended. We are working now to identify new partners and suppliers and hope to resume distribution within a couple of weeks. Further updates coming soon.

Together with the AACDC, we offer our Gratitude and Appreciation to the Share Food Program & to Penn Treaty Special Services District (PTSSD) for the additional support that enabled us to extend our offerings and support more households. Much appreciation also to neighborhood businesses Al Amana Grocery, and Lost Bread Co for their generous donations of time, space, and product. And of course, to all our neighbors including everyone who received food and all those who volunteered to help distribute.

Find free food and meals during COVID-19 clicking here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Thanks to you,
we've met our Annual Fundraiser goal!

We are so inspired by and thankful for your generosity, especially during these times that have made SKCP's work in the community even more critical. Your contributions will have great impact in our efforts to continue to serve our neighbors and expand our programs, and we will continue to highlight the "patches" of work we do as an organization through December 31st. That said, it's not too late to donate if you'd like to support these efforts as a part of the 2020 Annual Fundraiser!

Click here to DONATE


South Kensington Community Partners

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Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.
During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.
We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount here.


South Kensington Community Partners

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No ID or proof of income is needed. *Distribution is "first come first serve" so it is best to arrive before or as close to 4pm as possible. There will be a line, but it will move quickly. One allotment per family but you can pick up for an elder or neighbor. Offerings vary by week but include fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, bread, chicken, and eggs. Masks are required and we ask that you maintain social distancing to protect yourself, our neighbors and volunteers.

We are able to do some local deliveries (19122/23): Please leave a message at 215-427-3463 to request delivery or to volunteer to help with distribution.

SKCP would like to thank our valued partner, the Arab American CDC. Together we say THANK YOU to the City of Philadelphia and the Share Food Program & THANK YOU to Penn Treaty Special Services District for additional support that enables us to extend our offering and support more households. Much appreciation to neighborhood businesses Al Amana Grocery, and Lost Bread Co for their generous donations of time, space, and product.

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SKCP Annual Fundraising

South Kensington Community Partners

Connecting our community to resources, opportunities, the land, and each other.

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During these challenging and unprecedented times, South Kensington Community Partners has redoubled its efforts to connect our community with critical resources, whether it's distributing hundreds of food boxes to neighbors in need each week or connecting residents with programs to help prevent eviction/foreclosure or make needed home repairs.
Your support helps South Kensington Community Partners keep the lights on in our neighborhood office, reach more neighbors in need of support, and provide more cleaning and greening services throughout our service area.

We recognize that times are tough and greatly appreciate donations of any amount.


South Kensington Community Partners

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Stay Informed on COVID-19 in Philadelphia

Here are some quick ways to stay informed:

  • Get COVID-19 updates sent to your phone. Text COVIDPHL to 888-777 to receive free text alerts with info and updates from @PHLPublicHealth.

  • Residents with questions about the COVID-19 coronavirus can use the 24/7 helpline to talk to a medical professional. Call 800-722-7112

For the latest updates and information on COVID-19 in Philadelphia
please visit the webpage

Pennie - Pennsylvania's NEW health insurance marketplace

South Kensington Community Partners


Pennie - Pennsylvania's NEW health insurance marketplace - has extended its Open Enrollment deadline.
If you still need to enroll in health insurance for 2021, you have the opportunity to do so now. There are two enrollment deadlines:

  • For health coverage starting January 1, you must enroll in an insurance option by 11:59 PM ET on December 22.

  • For health coverage starting February 1, you must enroll in an insurance option by January 15.


Pennie replaces the federal health insurance marketplace for Pennsylvanians. If you previously received coverage through Healthcare.Gov, you will now receive coverage through Pennie. If you need assistance with any part of the enrollment process, Pennie offers resources and care representatives who can help

To learn more about Pennie and to shop for coverage, visit

Utility Shutoff Information

South Kensington Community Partners

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  • Need Help Paying Your Electric Bill?
    PECO's Customer Assistance Program can help!

  • Need Help Paying Your Gas Bill?
    PGW's Customer Responsibility Program can help!

  • What is a Neighborhood Energy Center?
    Neighborhood Energy Centers serve as “one-stop-shops” for all energy services and provide a comprehensive approach to energy problems for low to moderate-income consumers

  • Need Help Paying Your Water Bill?
    Apply for the Water Department's Tiered Assistance Program!

    THE LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP) CAN HELP: online or Call the LIHEAP Hotline at 1-866-857-7095 to request an application.

  • Are You Struggling to Afford Internet Access?
    Comcast Internet Essentials
    Other Internet Options - Pre-Paid Internet Service
    PHL ConnectEd
    Find free public WIFI at:

Download the Energy Information Packet [pdf] for answers to What, Who, How and links + tips.

For more information on applying to assistance programs, visit