The SKCP Blog
A CDC ban on some evictions through the end of the year goes into effect Sep. 3; eligibility requirements are listed here (English/Spanish). [BillyPenn]
What tenants need to know
Here are six ways to avoid eviction in Philadelphia
Philadelphia has stepped in with a stopgap. A new policy announced requires landlords in the city to first apply for mediation before they start new actions to kick out tenants.
Assistance for Children & Families Updates
South Kensington Community Partners
Access Centers
If you work outside of your home and can’t afford or access childcare for your child (grades K-6), you may be eligible to register with an Access Center. The City and community partners will open Access Centers to provide supervised, connected spaces where children entering K-6th grade can participate in digital learning provided by their school.
Access centers are not drop-in centers. Families must begin registration by filling out the registration interest form or calling the registration line (215-709-5366) and must receive confirmation of their eligibility and registration in order to bring their child to an Access Center.
Access Centers will begin serving students on Tuesday, September 8.
For more information, including a map of sites, visit
Childcare for school-age children
Childcare is available for school-age children through programs across the city. Philadelphia’s Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) can help you find a childcare program and apply for a subsidy.
or call 1-888-461-KIDS (1-889-461-5437)
More support for families.
Visit to find free, healthy food for you and your family.
The School District of Philadelphia, starting September 3, the number of sites offering meals to go will be EXPANDED. See the revised list here. Note: All summer school meal locations will remain active EXCEPT Lincoln & Furness, where last day of service will be August 27th. Additional sites have been added
How to Apply Online for SNAP in PA.
While you can always call our SNAP hotline, you may not want to wait to connect with a SNAP counselor or prefer to apply on your own. We know COMPASS can be extremely confusing, so we’ve created a guide to assist you through the process. Our guide includes step-by-step instructions, frequently asked questions, tips to navigate the application successfully, and a glossary of important terms and programs. And once you navigate the application process through COMPASS, we hope you feel comfortable using the online myCOMPASS feature to manage your benefits, or the myCOMPASS mobile app from your smartphone. We hope this guide makes the process of applying for benefits easier! Click here for more information and to download the guide.
SNAP Hotline team continues to answer questions and help households navigate the SNAP application process through our SNAP Hotline at 215-430-0556, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. With the end of Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC) and continued economic hardship, we are seeing a steady increase in calls to our SNAP Hotline.
Family Academy: Virtual Courses and Training (FACT)
Welcome to Family Academy!
FACT is offering virtual opportunities for parents to learn the skills and tools needed to support their child through any academic endeavor. Do you need tips for supporting your child’s remote learning? Or just a few tips to help deal with stress? Our courses can help you accomplish your goals.
More information click here.
South Kensington Community Partners
No legit COVID-19 contact tracer will ask you these questions
Julie Appleby, Kaiser Health News, [Philadelphia Inquirer}
State officials and federal agencies warn there’s a new phone scam circulating: Some callers posing as COVID-19 contact tracers try to pry credit card or bank account information from unsuspecting victims. The grifters apparently are taking advantage of a genuine public health intervention that’s crucial to stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus: contact tracing.
In one such scheme, detailed in a warning from the Montana attorney general, scammers tell their victims, “I’m calling from your local health department to let you know that you have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19.” Then they move in for the kill, asking for payment information “before we continue.”
Don’t fall for that, say public health advocates and officials. Legitimate contact tracers don’t ask for payment or seek other financial information. More details here.
LISTEN: Contact tracers are detectives, social workers and telemarketers.
Detective, social worker, telemarketer: Contact tracers wear many hats.
The Why: Philly Explained
Ranem Atia works as a contact tracer and case investigator for the Philadelphia Department of Health, playing a critical role for understanding where and how fast COVID-19 is spreading and, ultimately, for saving lives. It’s not an easy job. To do this work effectively, Ranem and her fellow contact tracers need to be be good detectives, social workers and telemarketers.
Listen to this episode of The Why.
SKCP Virtual Community Meeting
South Kensington Community Partners
NAC Community Meeting (Virtual)
Monday, August 31st
1pm - 2pm
There will be a virtual community meeting this coming Monday at 1 pm to 2 pm. Just like other meetings, we will be discussing COVID-19 updates, Census and Voter information, programs, and services to help families, and we’ll hear from community partners with updates for the neighborhood.
If you are a neighbor or community partner who would like to be on the agenda, please email me. To RSVP, please visit our Facebook event page by using this link —> This link obtains both the link to the Zoom meeting and the access code & password.
Come to the Food Distribution!! A Census Numerator will be present during the food distribution to help filling the questionnaire and answer any questions
South Kensington Community Partners
You’ve got 5 weeks left to be counted in the 2020 Census and shape America’s next decade
Michaelle Bond, Philadelphia Inquirer
The deadline to fill out the 2020 Census is approaching. Every 10 years, the United States counts how many people are in the country. That count is then used to determine things like how many seats in the House each state gets. The data are also used by federal agencies to determine funding for specific states and communities. An undercount can mean that your community loses vital services. Over the next five weeks, community groups and local officials will keep holding small outreach events where residents can complete the census on tablets. City employees, community volunteers, and college students will keep hanging census information on doorknobs and calling residents to prod them to complete the questionnaire. Volunteers will keep passing out information with free masks and meals.
Read more here.
South Kensington Community Partners
Volunteers will be appreciated!!
Call 215-427.3463
Please leave message
Free Food Distribution in Philadelphia
South Kensington Community Partners
Free food distribution for Philadelphia residents has been extended through fall, the city announced.
The program, which has distributed nearly half a million grocery boxes this year, will switch to a once-a-week schedule on Thursdays. Volunteers are still needed to help pack. Find pickup sites at [@phillymayor/Volunteer Match/]
Student meal sites
To find a children and youth lunch site near you,
text “FOOD” or “COMIDA” to 877-877.
Additional summer meals for children and youth can also be found at the Coalition Against Hunger. []
We Are Philadelphia's Covid-19 Contact Tracing Team. Please, Answer The Call
South Kensington Community Partners
Click here for How does contact tracing work for COVID-19?
Contact Tracing: Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley introduced the Department of Public Health’s contact tracing program. The Department has posted a webpage on this new contact tracing program.
Pennsylvanians reminded of Importance of contact tracing, advised of possible scams.
The Pennsylvania departments of Health and Aging today warned Pennsylvanians about contact tracing scams and emphasized the need to stay alert as COVID-19 remains a threat in our communities. Scams might include a caller asking for someone’s Social Security number or payment for tracing services – neither of which are ever a component of a contact tracing inquiry.
“Contact-tracing is vital in the state’s efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 and we want Pennsylvanians to be confident that if they receive a call from a contact-tracer that the call is legitimate,” Sec. of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said. “If someone is unsure and would like to verify if the caller does in fact work in contact tracing, they can call the PA Department of Health at 1-877-PA HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) to verify.”
More about what a contact tracer will ask and will not ask clicking here.
Purchase a #MaskUpPHL Mask and Support the Black Doctor’s COVID-19 Consortium.
South Kensington Community Partners
When the City’s #MaskUpPHL campaign started running, many residents asked how they could participate. Today, the City announced that Philadelphians can proudly declare that they never back down, and just how much they love their neighbors, by wearing masks printed to look just like those seen on SEPTA buses, in newspaper ads, and online.
The printer, Minuteman Press, will donate a portion of the proceeds from every mask sale to support the work of the Black Doctor’s COVID-19 Consortium, which is providing free testing in Philadelphia. To purchase a mask, support a worthy cause, and do your part to prevent the spread of COVID, residents should visit the link #MaskUpPHL
JOIN the Philadelphia Millennial Advisory Committee for a virtual town hall on police reform.
South Kensington Community Partners
Wednesday, September 2, 2020 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Millennial Advisory Committee (MAC) invites you to join our next virtual Millennial Town Hall addressing the multitude of issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement, including police violence and institutional racism in our society. Since its inception, MAC has hosted an annual town hall to engage millennials on important issues to our generation. During this watershed moment in history, our goal is to provide a virtual venue to engage, educate and listen to millennials around the city about these critical issues.
Mark your calendar, come with your questions, and register at the link below to make sure your voice is heard.
MAC Town Hall Registration
Everything you need to know about voting by mail, or in person, in Pennsylvania
South Kensington Community Partners
Jonathan Lai, Philadelphia Inquirer.
A lot has changed since the last time Pennsylvania voted in a presidential election, and we know there’s a lot of information out there (some less reliable than others).
We’re here to help.
Every Pennsylvania voter is now allowed to vote by mail, and we’ll help you navigate that. Want to vote in person? There are some changes you should know about, and we’ll help you figure those out, too.
One thing to keep in mind: Things are changing fast, and there are several lawsuits about how we’ll vote and how those votes will be counted. So make sure to check back for updates
Click here for some straightforward answers to common questions.
Ceiba Organizes Roundtable Discussion with Election Officials on Voting Rights of Spanish Speakers in PA.
South Kensington Community Partners
On Tuesday, August 25, 2020, at noon, Ceiba, All Voting Is Local, and the Lawyer’s Committee on Civil Rights Under Law, are convening a roundtable discussion, with election officials to talk about Section 203 of The Voting Rights Act. This federal law requires the counties of Berks, Lehigh, and Philadelphia to provide access to all their electoral processes and materials to Spanish speaking voters.
The roundtable discussion will be streamed via Facebook Live:
Ceiba organiza mesa redonda con funcionarios electorales sobre los derechos de los votantes de habla hispana en Pennsylvania.
El martes 25 de agosto de 2020, al mediodía, las organizaciones sin fines de lucro Ceiba, All Voting Is Local (Todo Voto es Local), y el Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law (Comité de Abogados de Derechos Civiles Bajo la Ley), convocaron una mesa redonda con funcionarios electorales para hablar sobre la Sección 203 de la Ley de Derechos Electorales. Dicha ley federal requiere que los condados de Berks, Lehigh y Filadelfia brinden acceso a todos sus procesos y materiales electorales para los votantes de habla hispana.
La mesa redonda se transmitirá a través de Facebook Live:
Housing Expo: COVID-19 Awareness, Prevention and Programs Series
South Kensington Community Partners
Zoom and Online Town Hall hosted by State Senator Sharif Street
Thursday, August 27th
6:00 PM
Join State Senator Sharif Street, Congressman Dwight Evans and State Representatives Malcolm Kenyatta on Thursday, August 27 at 6:00 PM for a webinar to hear about resources to help with rent and mortgage payments.
In addition, there will be a discussion from industry professionals about first time home buying assistance and mortgage foreclosure prevention led by the Affordable Housing Center of Pennsylvania.
Finally, Community Legal Services will provide information about how renters can appeal evictions and how homeowners can apply for tax relief programs offered by the city including the process to enter into payment agreements for arrears.
To register, please click here.
This event will be live-streamed on facebook and at
UPDATE!! Trash Pickup News.
South Kensington Community Partners
Trash: One to two days behind
Put out trash one day after your regular collection day.
Residents should expect delays. We will provide updates if this changes.
Recycling: Multiple days behind
Put out recycling one day after your regular collection day.
Residents should expect delays. We will provide updates if this changes.
If cardboard or other materials get wet, they become contaminated and cannot be recycled. Learn more about what to recycle.
When and how to report missed collections: We know it’s frustrating to leave trash and recycling in front of your house after your collection day. Thank you for your patience. We’re working hard to get to your block!
Report trash that’s three or more days late.
Report recycling that’s five or more days late.
To report, call 3-1-1 or submit a request online.
South Kensington Community Partners
More details click here.
PHLpreK offers free, quality pre-K. Sign up today!
South Kensington Community Partners
The City of Philadelphia’s free, quality pre-k program is now enrolling for the 2020-2021 school year, at over 130 locations throughout the city.
Enrolling is as easy as 1-2-3:
1- Visit or call 844-PHL-PREK to find a program near you
2- Contact the program of your preference
3- Provide proof of age and residency, and complete the PHLpreK application
Find a program and sign up today!
FACE is here to assist families in navigating the School District, and we are proud to offer opportunities for families to actively take part in their children’s academic lives.
More here.
Need to register your student for school, this fall?
We will be opening registration for all grades K-12, on August 17.
More information coming soon! Learn more about the District’s updated reopening plan.
View the 2020-2021 Academic Calendar.
Why can't I recycle that?
South Kensington Community Partners
Let's talk about Philly's recycling system.
Online Live Stream
Friday, August 21th
12:00 PM — 1:30 PM
Philadelphia has a waste problem. Recycling is CONFUSING, between what can go in recycling bins - and can't, if the contents are ACTUALLY being recycled and why this happens. Join Green Philly with experts in Philadelphia's recycling system to understand why this system is broken, how we got here, and what innovations we need for a clean city.
More details and to register click here.
Citywide NAC COVID-19 Newsletter
South Kensington Community Partners
Thanks to Stasia Monteiro (HACE) and Rasheed Davis (South Kensington Community Partners).
View here the newsletter
South Kensington Community Partners
Wednesday, August 26th at 6.30 pm.
To register for the meeting click here.
You may also sign up by calling South Kensington Community Partners’ office at 215-427-3463 and leaving a message with your name and number. SKCP will provide reasonable accommodation to any neighbor that requests additional assistance with joining the meeting or otherwise submitting feedback on the project.
The sites to be discussed at the meeting are the following:
1327 N 4th Street, view here the plans.
1705 N American Street, view here the plans.
1700-30 N. Howard Street, view here the plans.
1819 Waterloo Street, view here the plans.
Click here to view the details for each site.