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1301 N 2nd St
Philadelphia, PA, 19122
United States


Neighborhood help desk and catalyst for community engagement & action in the South Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia

The SKCP Blog

Property Tax Appeal 101

South Kensington Community Partners

In April 2018, Notices of Proposed Valuation were sent out for Tax Year 2019. The Notice is not a bill - it is informing of the new proposed value for your property and contains important information that will impact your tax bill. If you did not receive a Notice, it means there has been no change in your property’s value from the previous year.

If you do not agree with the new proposed value of your property, you can request a First Level Review (FLR). Forms to request an FLR were included in the April mailing.

If you did not receive or have misplaced your FLR form, you can get one up from the SKCP office (visit 1301 N 2nd Street 9-5:30, call 215-427-3463, or email Ellie at ematthews@southkensingtoncommunity). You can also call the city at 215-686-9200 to request a form.

The deadline to request a First Level Review is Friday, May 25.

FLR forms must be submitted by mail and postmarked on Friday, May 25. You should submit one FLR form per parcel and include any information relevant to your appeal including photos or recent appraisals, if applicable.

Why request an FLR? If you disagree with the assessment value of your property, you should request an FLR. The new value will impact your property tax payment, which you can calculate here.

Not sure if you should request a FLR? Check out these maps to see how your assessment compares to your neighbors. If your property assessment is not consistent with others on your block, you might consider an appeal.

What happens after you request an FLR? Based on the information you submit with your request, the Evaluator may decrease, increase, or keep the assessed value the same.

What if you don’t like the outcome of the FLR? You can file a Formal Appeal with the Board of Revision Taxes. This is a more involved process that will include attending a hearing. The deadline to submit your Formal Appeal is October 1, 2018.

What if you miss the FLR deadline? You can file a Formal Appeal with the Board of Revenue Taxes. This is a more involved process that will include attending a hearing. The deadline to submit your Formal Appeal is October 1, 2018.

What if you can’t afford your taxes? If increased property taxes are putting a strain on your budget, consider enrolling in one of the city’s many property tax assistance programs. The Longtime Owner Occupant Program is for longtime homeowners. The Homestead Exemption is for ANY homeowner! Visit the Department of Revenue’s website for more information on assistance for active duty military, senior citizens, and payment plans if you have unpaid back taxes. Or stop by the SKCP office for help!


Candidate Forum - State Representative for the 181st District

South Kensington Community Partners

Join South Kensington Community Partners, Arab-American Development Corp, and Northern Liberties Neighbors Association to meet and learn more about candidates running for Representatives in the 181st District. 

Candidates will be give time for opening remarks, and then take questions from the audience. Attendees are listed below but subject to change. 

Alex Deering

Gilberto Gonzalez

Malcolm Kenyatta

Lewis Nash

Lewis Thomas

Remember to vote in the Primary on May 15! Polls are open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.